Alternating Dumbbell Hammer: Curl To Build Your Outer Biceps

Are you tired of seeing little progress in your bicep gains? Have you hit a plateau in your alternating dumbbell hammer curl routine? Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this struggle. Many people experience a lack of progress in their bicep curls because they’re not implementing the proper technique and form. It’s common to get stuck in a rut and lose motivation when you’re not seeing results. However, fear not! In this post, we will discuss the common mistakes made during the alternating dumbbell hammer curl and provide solutions to help you crush through that plateau and achieve your bicep goals.

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl Instructions

  • You should begin by picking up the dumbbells with your arms hanging by your side.
  • Next lift one dumbbell up keeping your forearm straight like you were swinging a hammer.
  • Then lower the dumbbell back to your side, with your elbows still.
  • Switch arms and perform the rest of your first rep.
  • Do it all again until you have executed your ideal repetitions.

Video Tutorial

How To: Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the alternating dumbbell hammer curl exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl

The Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl is an effective exercise for targeting the biceps brachii muscles. This exercise helps to build strength and size in the biceps while simultaneously engaging the forearms and core. It also helps to stabilize the shoulder joint, increasing stability and balance. Furthermore, this exercise allows for varied angles of attack which can help to provide a more complete and well-rounded workout. When done correctly, the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl can be a great addition to any strength training or fitness routine.

Tips for Performing Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Should you want to attain the ideal benefits, you must focus on these basic tips. Similarly, when you prefer to thwart the probability of an injury, you would be wise to try these tips.

  • Complete the Appropriate Amount Of Sets Utilizing Rest. Your objective initially ought to be to do 3 sets to near failure. However, you can raise to 5 sets. If your muscle tissue aren’t exhausted at the conclusion of 3 – 5 some thing should change. Primarily you can increase the resistance to make each rep harder. Additionally, you can reduce the rest time in between your sets.
  • Make Certain That You Pencil In Recovery Days. In alternative to recovery you are able to incorporate into your program with biking. Only understand to enable your muscles to repair, healing is how your muscles grow.
  • Vary Your Training Sets Randomly With Different Weight And Repetition Mixtures. Like 3 set of 8-12 for a few weeks then 5 sets of 5 reps for a week or two.
  • Execute The Very Least 3 Of 8-20 Reps For Muscle Bulk. Generally there are various theories on how Hypertrophy is induced, most come to an agreement that sets using 60-80% within your 1RM can resulted in hypertrophy.
  • Push Yourself To Near Failing For You To Maximize The Teardown Of Your Muscular Tissues. Be sure to have established sufficient safety precautions when you’re pushing yourself to within failure.

Benefits and Tips Video

Alternating hammer curls (standing with dumbbells)

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You ought to refrain from these typical issues to have excellent form and develop definition. Also, when you prevent these issues you will prevent the possibility of getting injuries.

  • Don’t Relax Your Abs. Keeping your stomach tight to protect your spinal column by maintaining your internal pressure.
  • You’ll Do Better To Not Forget About Recovery Days. Overtraining can in fact help make you weakened in lieu bigger.
  • Avoid Cheating. In most the time, cheating is employing momentum as a substitute for the strength of your target muscle tissue. Occasionally, some cheating on your final rep can be beneficial to overload your muscle, although not for more than a handful of reps.

Find More Dumbbell Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

When it comes to working out your biceps, the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great exercise to include in your routine. However, if you are looking for a change of pace or want to work on different aspects of your biceps, there are several variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that you can use as well. Below is a list of some of these exercises and how they are done.

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl

Graphic image of Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl.

The Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl is a great alternative or complementary exercise for the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl. This exercise targets the same muscles as the Hammer Curl, but in a different way. It is performed on a preacher curl bench, with the arms and elbows resting on the pad. This isolates the biceps and allows for a deeper contraction while performing the curl. This exercise can be done with either a neutral grip or a supinated grip, depending on the desired outcome. The Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl is an effective exercise to increase bicep size and strength.

Alternating Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Graphic image of Alternating Dumbbell Preacher Curl.

The Alternating Dumbbell Preacher Curl is an ideal complementary exercise to the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl, as it works the same muscles, but with a different angle. This exercise targets the biceps, and is performed by sitting on a preacher curl bench, with a dumbbell in each hand. The arms are extended and the palms are facing up, while the elbows are slightly bent. The arms are then curled up towards the shoulders, and then slowly lowered back to the starting position. This exercise is an excellent alternative to the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl as it provides a different angle of resistance, which can help to target the biceps more effectively.

Alternating Resistance Band Curl

Graphic image of Alternating Resistance Band Curl.

Alternating Resistance Band Curl is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise to Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl. This exercise utilizes a resistance band to strengthen the bicep muscles. To perform the exercise, stand with both feet placed firmly on the ground and hold one end of the band in each hand. Curl each arm up towards the shoulder, keeping the elbows close to the body. Then slowly release the arms back down and repeat. The resistance band provides a continuous tension that works the muscles of the arms throughout the exercise, making it more effective than Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

Check Out These Top Dumbbell Exercises

Band One Arm High Curl

Graphic image of Band One Arm High Curl.

Band One Arm High Curl is a great alternative or complementary exercise for Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl. This exercise focuses on the same muscles as Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl, but the band resistance allows for a greater range of motion, making it ideal for those looking to add intensity to their workout. Additionally, it puts less stress on the joints, allowing for more comfortable execution of the exercise. The band can also be used to add more resistance as needed, making it ideal for people of all fitness levels.

Barbell Drag Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Drag Curl.

Barbell Drag Curls are a great alternative or complementary exercise to Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls. The Barbell Drag Curl works the same muscles as the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl, but in a slightly different way. Instead of lifting the barbell with both arms at the same time, the barbell is pulled up one arm at a time, with the other arm trailing behind. This allows for an increased range of motion and helps to target the bicep muscles more intensely. Furthermore, the Barbell Drag Curl can also be used to work on grip strength, as the dragging motion requires extra effort from the hands and forearms. Overall, this exercise is a great way to mix up your routine and add an extra challenge for your arms.

Barbell Preacher Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Preacher Curl.

The Barbell Preacher Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl. It is an isolation exercise that focuses solely on the biceps, and it is performed by sitting on a preacher bench while gripping the barbell with an underhand grip. This exercise works the biceps by flexing them through a full range of motion, increasing their size and strength. The preacher bench stabilizes the body, making it easier to isolate the biceps and maintain good form throughout the exercise. Additionally, by using a barbell instead of dumbbells, the user can work both arms at once, allowing for greater muscular stimulation.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to maximize the benefits of the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl, it is important to include exercises that work the opposing muscle groups. This will help to ensure that the entire arm is worked out, providing the best possible results. The following exercises are recommended for complementing the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl:

Barbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press

Graphic image of Barbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press.

The Barbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press is a great exercise to pair with the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl to achieve a balanced upper body workout. The Barbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press works the chest, triceps, and anterior deltoids, while the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl focuses on the biceps, forearms, and brachioradialis. By using opposing muscle groups, these two exercises can be used together to create a balanced workout that strengthens and tones the upper body. Additionally, the Barbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press can help strengthen the stabilizing muscles that are used during the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

Barbell Bench Press

Graphic image of Barbell Bench Press.

The barbell bench press is a great complementary exercise to the alternating dumbbell hammer curl as it works the opposite muscle group. The barbell bench press primarily works the chest, triceps, and shoulders, while the alternating dumbbell hammer curl primarily works the biceps. By performing both exercises together, you can ensure that your upper body is fully developed and balanced. The barbell bench press is a great way to build strength and power in the chest and triceps, while the alternating dumbbell hammer curl helps to build size and strength in the biceps. Both exercises are important for building upper body strength, and when combined can create a well-rounded physique.

Barbell Incline Bench Press

Graphic image of Barbell Incline Bench Press.

The Barbell Incline Bench Press is a great complementary exercise to the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl as it works the opposing muscle group of the upper arms. By targeting the chest and shoulders with the Barbell Incline Bench Press, you can build strength and stability in the upper body while also providing an excellent balance of opposing muscle groups that will help to improve overall athleticism. This exercise can help to increase overall power and strength in the chest and shoulders, while also aiding in the development of stabilizing muscles in the upper arms.

Revamp Your Arm Workout with the Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl

If you’re looking to switch up your arm workout routine, the alternating dumbbell hammer curl might just be the exercise you’ve been searching for. This move is performed with a neutral grip, targeting your biceps and forearms in a unique way. By alternating your arms, you’ll also engage your core for stability and balance. Adding this exercise to your routine can help increase your overall strength and definition in your arms, making them look and feel more toned. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself by increasing the weight as you progress.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Arms Dumbbell Exercises

Pin image for alternating dumbbell hammer curl post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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