Push Pull Legs 3 Day Protocol (PPL): For Power and Strength

Man performing bench press as part of a push pull legs 3 day split

Are you looking for a proven strength training and muscle building routine. Fear not, for we have the solution you’ve been seeking. It is the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol – a comprehensive strength training program designed to help you smash through your fitness goals and unlock your true potential. Get ready to transform your body and elevate your fitness game to a whole new level.

Maximize Your Strength: The Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol

Are you ready to maximize your strength and sculpt a physique that turns heads? Look no further than the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol. This comprehensive strength training program is designed to help you crush your fitness goals and build a strong and powerful body.

The beauty of this program lies in its simplicity. With just three days dedicated to specific muscle groups, you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make. Day one focuses on pushing exercises like the bench press and shoulder press to target your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Day two is all about pulling exercises like rows and pull-ups to work on your back and biceps. And finally, day three hits your legs with squats, deadlifts, and more.

How The Push Pull Legs 3 Day Works

This program is meticulously crafted to ensure you achieve the ideal balance between strength, muscle growth, and overall fitness. Download a printable PDF to use and take notes on.

Download the PPL 3 Day Protocol


Strength Protocol

The magic lies in the division of three specific training days – push, pull, and legs. Each day is dedicated to a different set of muscle groups, allowing for optimal recovery and growth. It’s like giving each muscle group its own special day to shine.

Push Day

On push day, get ready to push your limits with exercises like the bench press and shoulder press. Feel the burn as you showcase your upper body strength and work those chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles.

Pull Day

Then, on pull day, you’ll focus on exercises that target your back and biceps. Feel the satisfaction as you conquer rows and pull-ups, building a strong and defined back that will have heads turning wherever you go.

Leg Day

Finally, on leg day, prepare to unleash the power of your lower body. Squats, deadlifts, and more will challenge your legs and glutes, building a foundation of strength that will carry you through any physical endeavor.

Alright, now you’re ready to achieve the perfect balance of strength and muscle growth in your fitness journey. Your are ready to do the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol is your guide. Don’t be afraid to change up some of these exercises for similar exercises, or use different variation, like close grip or wide grip.

Pumping Iron: An Overview of the Power Moves

Get ready to pump some serious iron with the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol! This program is all about getting stronger, building muscle, and unleashing your inner beast. Let’s dive into the power moves that will be the key to unlocking your full potential.

On push day, the bench press takes center stage. Picture yourself lying on that bench, gripping the barbell, and feeling the rush as you push that weight off your chest. It’s a true test of upper body strength and a staple exercise for building a powerful chest and shoulders.

Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press Exercise - Easy To Follow Guide To Lifting More With Form

The barbell bench press is a powerlifting move that hones in on strengthening and powering up the upper body. Unlike other exercises, like using dumbbells, the barbell lets you lift heavier weights. It focuses on the chest, shoulders, and triceps, making it an awesome compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups at once. On top of that, the bench press is one of the three main lifts in powerlifting competitions, along with the squat and deadlift. If you’re serious about getting strong and competing in powerlifting, you gotta do the barbell bench press.

Next up, we have the pull day, where you’ll conquer the bent-over row. Imagine standing tall, pulling that barbell towards your chest, and feeling your back muscles engage with each repetition. This move not only builds an impressive back, but it also strengthens your biceps and improves your posture.

Barbell Row

Barbell Bent Over Row Exercise - A Great Exercise For Building A Stronger Back

The barbell bent over row is like the bench press’s cousin, but for your back. It’s a powerlifting exercise that helps build upper body strength and power just like the bench press. With the barbell, you can lift heavier weights and really target your back muscles. This exercise works your lats, rhomboids, and traps, giving you a strong and defined back. Plus, it’s a compound movement that works multiple muscle groups at once. So, if you want to build a strong and powerful back, the barbell bent over row is a must-do exercise.

And DO NOT Skip leg day, where squats reign supreme. As you load up that barbell and squat down, you can almost feel the ground shake beneath you. Squats are the king of leg exercises, targeting your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and even your core. They are the secret weapon for building powerful legs and increasing overall strength.


Barbell Low Bar Squat Exercise - Your Quick Guide To Proper From

If you’re looking to strengthen your legs and glutes, the barbell box squat is the exercise for you. It’s not just about sitting down on a box, it’s about driving up explosively using your heels and having both power and control. By doing squats onto a box, you can really focus on your technique, build explosive strength, and target the key muscles used in squats. So, if you want to become a strong and powerful lifter, make sure to include barbell box squats in your fitness routine. It’s like having a secret weapon in your fitness arsenal.

These power moves are just a taste of what the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol has in store for you. Each exercise is carefully chosen to target specific muscle groups, ensuring balanced development and maximum gains.

Progression is the Name of the Game: Taking Your Gains to the Next Level

Congratulations! You’re ready to start the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol and you want to know how to progress and see some awesome gains. But don’t settle for mediocrity; it’s time to take your progress to the next level and become a true beast in the gym.


One of the key factors in making continuous gains is progression. Challenge yourself to increase the weight, reps, or intensity of your exercises over time. As you get stronger, your muscles need new challenges to keep growing. So, if you bench pressed 100 pounds last week, aim for 105 pounds this week. Push yourself just a little bit further each time, and watch your gains soar.


man performing barbell front squat in gym

Another way to progress is by incorporating variations of the exercises. For example, if you’ve mastered the classic bench press, try incline bench presses or dumbbell bench presses to target your muscles from different angles. This variety keeps your muscles guessing and ensures they continue to adapt and grow.

And remember, progression isn’t just about getting stronger physically – it’s also about challenging yourself mentally. Push past your limits, even when the going gets tough. Believe in yourself, visualize success, and adopt a positive mindset. Your mental strength will play a crucial role in taking your gains to new heights.

So, it’s time to step up your game and embrace progression. Push yourself, try new variations, and believe in your ability to achieve greatness. Your gains await, and with each step of progression, you’ll become a stronger, more formidable force in the gym.

Rest, Recover, Repeat: The Importance of Rest Days and Deloads

It’s time to talk about a crucial aspect of the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol – rest days and deloads. Yes, that’s right, you need rest, is just as important as the workouts themselves. So, grab a comfy pillow, kick up your feet, and let’s dive into the importance of taking a break.

Rest Days

Rest days allow your body to recover and repair the muscle fibers that you’ve worked so hard to stimulate during your intense training sessions. This recovery process is essential for muscle growth and strength development. So, don’t feel guilty about taking a day off from the grind. Embrace it like a warrior taking a well-deserved break on the battlefield.

Deload Weeks

Rest days aren’t the only aspect of recovery. Deload weeks, where you reduce the intensity or volume of your workouts, are equally crucial. Picture this: just like a car needs regular maintenance to perform optimally, your body needs a deload to prevent burnout and injury. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between pushing yourself and allowing your body to rest and rebuild.

You should deload every 4-5 weeks and use 60-70% of the weight you used on your previous week. This will ensure that your muscles stay active and allow them to fully recover so you can go hard for another 3-4 weeks.

So, let’s make rest and recovery a priority in our training journey. Embrace the power of a good night’s sleep, indulge in a relaxing rest day, and schedule regular deload weeks to keep your body and mind in optimal condition. After all, it’s during these periods of rest that your gains solidify, your muscles repair, and you come back stronger than ever. Now, go on and rest, recover, and repeat!

Man performing ez bar barbell curls

Making Gains and Having Fun: How to Get the Most Out of this Protocol

Who says making gains can’t be fun? With the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol, you can unleash your inner beast and have a blast while doing it. So, let’s dive into some tips on how to maximize your gains and make your fitness journey an enjoyable one.

First and foremost, find joy in the process. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the small victories, and enjoy the feeling of pushing your limits. Whether it’s that extra rep or hitting a new personal best, each step forward should be met with a big smile and a sense of accomplishment. Remember, it’s the journey that counts, not just the destination.

Next, don’t be afraid to mix things up and add some variety to your workouts. Try different exercises, use different equipment, or even work out in a new environment. Keep your workouts fresh and exciting to keep your motivation levels high. Maybe one day you switch out the dumbbells for kettlebells, or you take your workout to the great outdoors. The possibilities are endless, so have fun and explore different ways to challenge yourself.

Lastly, surround yourself with a supportive community. Join a fitness group, find a workout buddy, or seek inspiration from online communities. Having others who share your passion and goals can be incredibly motivating and uplifting. Plus, it’s always more fun to train with a friend who can push you and share in your victories.

So, my friend, let’s make gains and have a blast along the way. Enjoy every rep, embrace the challenges, and find joy in the process. Remember, it’s not just about the destination, but the exhilarating journey that leads you there. Now, go forth, conquer those weights, and make gains like never before. Let the fun begin!

Time to To Star: Let’s Begin the Push-Pull-Legs Journey

Are you ready to take charge of your fitness journey and smash your goals to pieces? Well, my friend, it’s time to embark on the incredible Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol. Get ready to unleash your inner beast and achieve greatness.

This protocol is not just another workout program. It’s a transformative experience that will push you to new heights and help you sculpt the body of your dreams. Whether you want to build strength, gain muscle, or improve your overall fitness, this protocol has got you covered.

So, lace up those workout shoes, grab your water bottle, and get ready to sweat. The Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol is designed to challenge you, inspire you, and bring out your best. With a perfect balance of strength exercises, compound movements, and targeted muscle group training, you’ll see results like never before.

Don’t wait any longer to start your journey. Download the free PDF of the Push-Pull-Legs 3 Day Protocol today and get started on your path to greatness. It’s time to unleash your strength, overcome your limits, and become the best version of yourself. Let’s do this!

Download the PPL 3 Day Protocol


Strength Protocol

References: – Different Resistance Exercise Loading Paradigms Similarly Affect Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Patterns of Myostatin-Related Targets and mTORC1 … | TManipulating the resistance training volume in middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review with metaanalysis of the effects on muscle strength and sizemuscle … | Effects of 6 weeks of traditional resistance training or high intensity interval resistance training on body composition, aerobic power and strength in healthy young …

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