Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Split Protocol: Longterm Continuous Gain Protocol (Westside Barbell Method)

Strength and Power 4 Day split, man bench pressing heavy

Are you tired of hitting a plateau in your strength training? If you are feeling frustrated and stuck, unable to break through to the next level. I have been there too. This is all too common for dedicated athletes and fitness enthusiasts to reach a point where progress seems to come to a screeching halt. Here is a solution: the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Spit Protocol

There is a proven method develop by one of the greatest powerlifting trainers of all time, Westside Barbell’s Louie Simmons. He calls his method the Conjugate Method. Here we are going to simplify this method for a powerful Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol. This is a revolutionary program that will push your limits, challenge your body, and unlock your true strength potential. Say goodbye to plateaus and hello to a new level of power and performance. Get ready to unleash your inner beast and take your training to new heights.

The Power of The Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol

This program combines the principles of the Westside Barbell Method for long-term continuous gains to maximize your strength and power gains. The key here that most strength training protocols don’t focus on is power or force, but instead other programs focus only on weight, where Westside Barbell and the conjugate methods focuses on both weight and speed.

Imagine the thrill of stepping up to the squat rack, loading up the barbell, and crushing your Personal Record (PR) months after months. That’s the kind of progress you can expect from this protocol. Don’t think this is going to be easy, and you are going to do workouts that are unconventional to many other lifters.

So, are you ready to take the leap and unleash your power? The Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol is here to guide you every step of the way. Get ready to sweat, to lift heavy, and to watch as your strength skyrockets. It’s time to harness your inner beast and become the powerhouse you were meant to be. Let’s go!

How to Make the Most of This Protocol: Tips for Optimal Results

These are not really tips, these are must do’s for the protocol, you need to do all of these.

Your Must Eat Enough Protein

If you want to build muscle, you’ve must enough protein. Protein is the building blocks for your muscles, it is essential for you to grow and repair your muscles. Think of it like a construction crew that needs bricks to build a house. Without enough bricks, they can’t build a strong, sturdy structure. In the same way, without enough protein, your muscles won’t be able to grow and get stronger. So make sure you’re including protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, eggs, and beans in your diet. And don’t forget to spread your protein intake throughout the day, so your muscles have a constant supply of fuel to work with. So, grab that chicken breast or whip up a protein shake.

Two Different Types of Training Day

This is a four day protocol and there are two distinct types of training days. The first is the Max Effort training days and the other is the Dynamic training days. The Max Effort Training days you focus on increasing your PR by focusing on training your central nervous system. The other training days are Dynamic Training, these days focus on power as defined as a physics term. Power is force times velocity, and dynamic days focus on maintaining bar speed while increasing the weight.

Max Effort Days

Max Effort Days from the conjugate method from Westside Barbell always begin with a variation of the core lift either squats or bench. Westside focuses less on deadlift and more on box squats, as your box squats improve so will your deadlift. On the Max Effort days you will develop your central nervous system through working up to near your one rep max (1RM) for those core lifts. Then you will focus on accessory exercises that help you develop your muscle strength.

Dynamic Effort Days

On the Dynamic Effort days you will focus on power, through bar speed. On dynamic days you will also use accommodating resistance. You will only focus on bar speed for the core compound lifts or variations of them. The goal for the dynamic days is to develop power by maintaining bar speed and increase the weight over time. The target bar speed is 0.8m/sec average. The rep range on dynamic days is 1-3 reps per set and 8-12 sets.

Periodic Progressive 3 Week Cycle For Dynamic Effort

This system was built around a 3 week periodic cycle where you deload every 3 weeks and start again. This is most obvious in the dynamic efforts days. The baseline bar load for your core lifts should be split between weight and band resistance at full extension as follows:

WeekWeightBand Resistance
150% of 1RM25% of 1RM
255% of 1RM25% of 1RM
360% of 1RM25% of 1RM

Repetition Method and Auxiliary Exercises

Following the main lift(s) on both Maximum Effort and Dynamic Effort days, additional exercises are done with regular weights (Repetition Method) using mostly 2-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions. You should use these accessory or auxiliary exercises to focus on muscles that are need for the weakest part of you core lift, i.e. if you struggle at the bottom of the bench focus on your Chest more, if you struggle at the top focus on Triceps more.

Repetition Method and Core Lifts

Additionally, you should use the repetition method every four weeks on the core lifts during Max Effort Days. This is to add some hypertrophy training to your powerlifting schedule. You can increase the frequency to every 3 weeks if you are looking to bulk a little more.

Altering Exercise Variations

You should alternate the exercise variation frequently, this is key for both the core lifts and auxiliary exercises. For the Benchpress on dynamic day you can alternate from narrow, neutral, and wide grip on every set for 9 sets of 3 reps. Or you can do only one grip that day and change it up during the next 3 week cycle. You can also alternate between flat, incline and decline bench, on max effort days each for a cycle. For dynamic day you are also training your form so even though you can change bench to incline or decline, nearly all dynamic days should only focus on the core lift for bench.

The guidance for squats is a little different. For squats this program focus largely on box squats to improve both squat and deadlift. You will deadlift much less that you squat and you will be impressed how much box squats improves your deadlift. These are heavy box squats where you will actually sit on the box, so gradually work your way up to prevent injury. To ensure you are strengthening your back with your legs, we will use good mornings frequently and still train bar speed for deadlift on dynamic days.

Log Every Workout

This program is complicated. There are many books on it and I am trying to give you a blue print and make it as simple as possible. The only way you can train this way is to have a good workout log. You need to log every workout and you need to keep track of you calculated 1RM to execute this program effectively. You can use an app or a notebook. It is challenging to find an app that will allow you to change program exercises so frequently. So you can use this printable pdf. Use the notes section to write in the variation that you did or other information.

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Westside Barbell

Strength Protocol

Rest and Recovery

Lastly, don’t forget about rest and recovery. Your muscles need time to repair and grow stronger, so make sure you’re getting enough sleep and taking rest days. Overtraining can lead to burnout and hinder your progress, so prioritize rest just as much as you prioritize your workouts. Don’t be afraid to skip a day of training. Training when you are tired or not fully recovered will lead to injury and strength loss. This is not a CrossFit program this is a strength and power program.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to making the most of the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol. Remember, progress takes time and effort, but with determination and consistency, you’ll be smashing your goals before you know it. Stay focused, stay positive, and watch as your strength and power reach new heights. Let’s do this!

The Core Exercises

Instead of focusing on squats, bench and deadlift. This program focuses on Box Squat, Good Mornings and Bench Press variation for Max Effort days and then squats, bench and deadlift on dynamic days.

Box Squat

Barbell Box Squat Exercise

This exercise is a game-changer for building leg and glute strength. It is not as simple as just sitting back onto a box. You will develop explosively drive through your heels for stand back up. It’s all about power and control. By squatting onto a box, you can work on your form, build explosive power, and target your important squat muscles. So, if you want to be a strong and powerful lifter, do barbell box squats. It’s one of the secret weapons in your fitness arsenal.

Good Mornings

Barbell Good Morning Exercise - How To Guide For Strong Back And Butt

Barbell good mornings are a popular exercise for building strength and power in powerlifting training. These bad boys target your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings, making them key players in building a strong foundation. When you do good mornings, you’re essentially bending forward at the hips while holding a barbell on your shoulders. This movement mimics the position you’d be in during a deadlift or squat, so it helps you get stronger in those lifts too. Plus, it’s a great way to improve your posture and prevent those pesky lower back injuries.

Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press Exercise - Easy To Follow Guide To Lifting More With Form

The barbell bench press is a powerlifting exercise because it focuses on building upper body strength and power. With the barbell, you can lift heavier weights compared to other exercises, like dumbbells. This exercise targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, making it a great compound movement that works multiple muscle groups at once. Plus, the bench press is one of the three main lifts in powerlifting competitions, along with the squat and deadlift. So, if you want to build serious strength and compete in powerlifting, the barbell bench press is a must-do exercise.


Barbell Deadlift Exercise - Quick Guide To Proper From And Lifting More

The barbell deadlift is a powerlifting exercise because it targets multiple muscle groups all at once. When you perform a deadlift, you’re not just working your legs or your back, you’re working your entire body. It’s like the ultimate full-body workout. Plus, the deadlift is known for its ability to help you build raw strength and power. It’s like the king of all lifts. So, if you want to feel like a superhero and lift heavy things with ease, the barbell deadlift is the exercise for you.

These are just the core exercises you’ll be doing with the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol. Each movement has been carefully selected to target specific muscle groups and help you build overall strength and power. So get ready to step into the gym, fuel your determination, and unleash your full potential.

Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Split Protocol Exercise Sequence

Day 1 – Legs and Lower Back Max Effort

Box Squat (sets 1-6)8-121-3Progress to Max3-5 mins
Box Squat (set 7-12)
1-3Progress to Max3-5 mins
Bent-Knee Goodmorning2-46-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Reverse Hyperextension48-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Weighted Incline Sit-up56-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Sled Pull110 min2 Reps from Failure1-3 mins

Day 3 – Chest, Upper Back and Arms Max Effort

Bench Press (sets 1-6)8-121-3Progress to Max3-5 mins
Bench Press (sets 7-12)
1-3Progress to Max3-5 mins
Close Grip Incline Bench Press2-46-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Barbell Lying Triceps Extension2-46-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Cable Pulldown2-46-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Lever Reverse Fly2-48-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins
Barbell Upright Row2-48-102 Reps from Failure1-3 mins

Day 5 – Squat and Deadlift Dynamic Effort

Box Squat (with bands sets 1-6)10-122Compensating1 min
Box Squat (with bands sets 7-12)
2Resistance1 min
Deadlift (with bands)6-101-32 Reps from Failure1 min
Box Jumps442 Reps from Failure1 min
Machine Assisted Inverse Leg Curl2-46-102 Reps from Failure1 min
Cable Standing Crunch615-202 Reps from Failure1 min

Day 6 – Bench Dynamic Effort

Bench Press (with bands sets 1-6)93Compensating1 min
Bench Press (with bands sets 7-9)
3Resistance1 min
Dumbbell Bench Press2-46-102 Reps from Failure1 min
JM Press2-46-102 Reps from Failure1 min
Lever Seated Row2-46-102 Reps from Failure1 min
Dumbbell Shoulder Press2-46-102 Reps from Failure1 min
Hammer Curl2-46-102 Reps from Failure1 min

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Westside Barbell

Strength Protocol

Bring on the Gains: You are Ready to Start the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol

It is time to bring on the gains with the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Split Protocol.

This is for intermediate and advance lifters. You should not do this if you are just starting out. I would wait until you have been lifting for at least a year consistently. If you have under a year, may be start doing some box squats. Or cycle in some dynamic lifting days to try it out. This protocol is designed to be a long term protocol for advance lifters. So be careful.

With that warning out of the way, this protocol is designed to build muscle and increase power. With its combination of max effort and dynamic effort training days, you’ll be targeting different aspects of strength development, helping you become a force to be reckoned with. Say hello to increased muscle mass, explosive power, and a body that’s ready to take on any challenge.

Additionally, the structured nature of the protocol ensures that you stay focused and motivated. With a clear plan laid out for you, you can eliminate any guesswork and confusion. Each workout has a purpose, each exercise has a goal, and you’ll find yourself excited to see what you can achieve each time you step foot in the gym.

Long Term Progress

Lastly, the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol is all about long-term gains. It’s not a quick fix or a temporary solution. This program is designed to help you make continuous progress over time, allowing you to reach new heights of strength and power. So, strap in, stay consistent, and watch in awe as you transform your body and become the best version of yourself.

Ready to start your strength and power journey? Download our free PDF of the Strength and Powerlifting 4 Day Protocol to kickstart your progress today. It’s time to take action, embrace the challenge, and bring on those gains. Let’s do this!

Westside Barbell

Strength Protocol

References: Effects of resistance training frequency on measures of muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis | The minimum effective training dose required to increase 1RM strength in resistance-trained men: a systematic review and metaanalysis | The training—injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder? | Louie Simmons

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