Barbell Clean And Press: Your Full Body Workout In One Exercise

Are you struggling to master the barbell clean and press? You’re not alone. The barbell clean and press is a complex exercise that requires technique and strength, making it a challenging move for many. But don’t worry, mastering this move is definitely achievable with practice and guidance. In this blog post, we’ll break down the barbell clean and press step by step and provide tips and tricks to perfect your form, so you can reap the benefits of this full-body exercise.

Barbell Clean and Press Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Barbell Clean and Press Instructions

  • In preparation, stand over the barbell with your feet hip-width apart and centered under the bar pointing forward.
  • Next, squat down and grab the bar with your overhand grip a little wider than shoulder-width.
  • Position your chest over the bar with shoulders back and tight.
  • Maintain your arms are straight with your elbows pointed to the end of the barbell.
  • To clean, pull the bar up off the floor while extending your hips and knees.
  • When the bar reaches your knees, promptly raise your shoulders while keeping the bar near your thighs.
  • After the bar passes your mid-thigh, allow it to touch your thighs, then explode upward extending your body.
  • Shrugging your shoulders and pull the barbell up with arms, allow your elbows to flex out to the sides while maintaining the bar close to your body.
  • Vigorously pull your body under the bar, and rotate your elbows down around under the bar.
  • Catch the barbell on your shoulders before your knees bend lower than 90°.
  • Stand up quickly so that your thighs don’t get parallel to floor.
  • For the press, push the barbell straight up and fully extend your arms.
  • Then, lower the barbell back to the top of your chest.To return the barbell to the floor, bend your knees a little and lower the barbell to your mid-thigh.
  • Finally, slowly lower the bar keeping a tight lower back, abdomen.
  • You may want to drop the weight, which will reduce stress and fatigue involved in lowering the bar. However, you should have bumper plates, and make sure your gym allows dropping the weight, or you may quickly be finding yourself a new gym.
  • Once the bar is back on the ground, you are ready to repeat the clean and press for another rep.

Video Tutorial

How to Do a Power Clean & Press

Barbell Clean and Press Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers


Antagonist Stabilizers

Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the barbell clean and press exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Barbell Clean and Press

The barbell clean and press is an excellent exercise for strengthening the gluteus maximus, a large muscle located in the buttocks. When performed correctly, this exercise works the glutes while also engaging the core, back, shoulders, and arms. The barbell clean and press allows the user to lift heavier weights than other exercises, such as squats or lunges, and can help build strength and power quickly. Additionally, the barbell clean and press helps to improve coordination between the upper and lower body, making it a great exercise to incorporate into any strength training or fitness routine.

Tips for Performing Barbell Clean and Press

The Barbell Clean and Press is a great exercise to help you get fit. It requires coordination and strength, and can be used to target many different muscle groups. To get the most out of the exercise and maximize your results, keep these tips in mind.

  • Balance Your Barbell To Make Sure You Develop Symmetrically.
  • You Need A Plan When You Will Not Be Complete Your Final Repetition. This approach is especially significant for bench and squats, different from deadlifts were you can simply put the bar down, you are between the weight and the ground. The preferred plan is to use a partner and safety bars. When you may not have either you can lift without using safety collars in order that you can easily dump the plates if necessary. Although this might get you removed from your preferred gym.
  • Plan Your Workout Before You Get To The Gym. You must arrange your training before you go when you have an end goal. If perhaps your goal is just simply to maintain, you should continue to have a plan when you step foot in the gym.
  • To Develop Power And Speed, Bring Up The Acceleration Of Your Lift. Continue to keep good technique or you might be more suboptimal to personal injury. You will need to drop the weight to 50 to 60 percent of your 1RM when lifting for explosiveness. However, you ought to pause in between every repetition.

Benefits and Tips Video

Top 5 Fat Burning Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast Best Workout for Weight Loss Cutting Men & Women

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

The barbell clean and press is a challenging exercise that will help you build strength, stamina, and power. However, if done improperly, it can lead to injury. To get the most out of the barbell clean and press and to stay safe, it is important to avoid common mistakes. The following is a list of the most common mistakes to avoid when performing the barbell clean and press.

  • Stop Trying To Neglect Your Pains. Sore muscle tissue and an injury pain are certainly not always the same. Once you identify discomfort any time you are doing exercises you need to stop, or you will just make your injury more serious.
  • You Can’t Conduct The Same Exercises Each And Every Moment. Any time anyone perform the exact exercise every work out ones muscle tissue will be trained to accomplike that solitary physical exercise effectively, but you will peak quicker.
  • Don’t Allow Yourself To Cheat. In most the time, cheating is utilizing momentum instead of the strength of your main muscle tissue. Sometimes, some cheating on your final rep can be fine to overload your muscle, but not for more than 1 or 2 reps.

Find More Barbell Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

The Barbell Clean and Press is a great exercise for building strength and muscle mass. However, it is not the only exercise that can give you these results. There are several variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that can be used to supplement the Barbell Clean and Press or as an alternative exercise if the Barbell Clean and Press is not available. Below is a list of some of these exercises.

Barbell Clean

Graphic image of Barbell Clean.

The Barbell Clean is a full-body compound exercise that targets the entire posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles. It is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the Barbell Clean and Press as it works the same muscle groups but requires more coordination and power. The Barbell Clean requires explosive power to lift the bar off the ground and into a racked position across the shoulders and chest. As an alternative to the Barbell Clean and Press, the Barbell Clean can provide an intense workout without putting too much stress on the shoulders and elbows. Additionally, the Barbell Clean can help to build strength, power, and overall athleticism.

Dumbbell Clean

Graphic image of Dumbbell Clean.

The Dumbbell Clean is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the Barbell Clean and Press. It works the same muscles but also adds an extra dimension of balance and stability as you have to control the weight of two separate dumbbells. The Dumbbell Clean also allows for more range of motion than the Barbell Clean and Press, as you can move each arm independently. This will help strengthen the stabilizer muscles and improve coordination.

Band Stiff Leg Deadlift

Graphic image of Band Stiff Leg Deadlift.

The Band Stiff Leg Deadlift is an excellent complement or alternative to the Barbell Clean and Press exercise. This exercise targets the same muscle groups as the Barbell Clean and Press, but with a different emphasis on the posterior chain. The Band Stiff Leg Deadlift is an effective exercise for building strength in the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. Furthermore, the band provides additional resistance that helps to activate and engage the core muscles more deeply. This helps to strengthen the entire body, while also improving posture and balance.

Check Out These Top Barbell Exercises

Trap Bar Deadlift

Graphic image of Trap Bar Deadlift.

The Trap Bar Deadlift is an effective exercise to complement or replace the Barbell Clean and Press. It is a compound exercise that targets the same major muscle groups as the Barbell Clean and Press. The Trap Bar Deadlift allows for a more upright torso position, which can help reduce strain on the lower back, while still engaging the same muscles as the Barbell Clean and Press. Additionally, it can allow for heavier loads to be lifted and is often considered a safer alternative to the Barbell Clean and Press due to its reduced risk of injury.

Barbell Dimmel Deadlift

Graphic image of Barbell Dimmel Deadlift.

The Barbell Dimmel Deadlift is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Barbell Clean and Press. It is an explosive power lift that involves picking up a barbell from the ground and thrusting it upwards to shoulder level. Unlike the Barbell Clean and Press, which works mostly the upper body, the Barbell Dimmel Deadlift targets the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. It helps to strengthen those muscles and improve overall balance. Additionally, it is a great way to increase core strength, which can help you perform other exercises with better form and control.

Barbell Snatch Deadlift

Graphic image of Barbell Snatch Deadlift.

The Barbell Snatch Deadlift is a great complementary or alternative exercise for the Barbell Clean and Press. It works the same muscle groups, including the legs, hips, core, and shoulders, but in a different way. This exercise involves a single explosive movement that begins with the weight on the floor. The lifter bends down and grabs the bar, then powerfully extends the hips and knees while simultaneously pulling the bar up to shoulder level. The arms remain straight throughout the movement and the bar is allowed to fall back down to the floor. The Barbell Snatch Deadlift is a great exercise for developing explosive power and strength, and when combined with the Barbell Clean and Press, can help create a well-rounded workout.

Find More Glutes Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

The exercise Barbell Clean and Press is a great strength-building exercise, but it is important to supplement it with exercises that focus on opposing muscle groups. This will help create balance in your body and make your muscles stronger overall. Here are some exercises you can do to complement the Barbell Clean and Press:

Barbell Narrow Squat

Graphic image of Barbell Narrow Squat.

The Barbell Narrow Squat is a great complementary exercise to the Barbell Clean and Press. It works the opposing muscle group by targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. This exercise helps to develop strength and power in these muscle groups which are used in the Barbell Clean and Press. As a result, it helps to provide balance to the body, ensuring that the muscles are equally strong and capable of performing the full range of motion needed for this dynamic exercise.

Barbell Olympic Squat

Graphic image of Barbell Olympic Squat.

The Barbell Olympic Squat is a classic exercise that targets the lower body muscles, and is complementary to the Barbell Clean and Press. This exercise works the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles by having the user bend at the knees and lower their hips down into a squatting position. When combined with the Barbell Clean and Press, these two exercises work opposing muscle groups, allowing for a complete full-body workout. The Barbell Olympic Squat helps to strengthen the lower body muscles while the Barbell Clean and Press targets the upper body muscles, creating a balanced workout routine.

Barbell Quarter Squat

Graphic image of Barbell Quarter Squat.

The Barbell Quarter Squat is a great complementary exercise to the Barbell Clean and Press. It works the opposing muscle groups in the legs, which helps to build balance and stability in the lower body. The Barbell Quarter Squat is an excellent choice for strengthening the quads and glutes, while also engaging the core and upper body muscles. By pairing the Barbell Clean and Press with the Barbell Quarter Squat, athletes can achieve a complete and balanced full-body workout that will help improve overall performance.

Take Your Fitness to New Heights with the Barbell Clean and Press

If you’re ready to take your fitness routine to the next level, adding the barbell clean and press to your workouts is a great way to challenge yourself. This versatile exercise not only strengthens your muscles, but it also improves your stability, coordination, and overall athletic ability. With the proper technique and consistent practice, you’ll be able to lift heavier weights and reach your fitness goals faster. So don’t be afraid to incorporate this classic exercise into your workout routine and see the results for yourself.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Glutes Barbell Exercises

Pin image for barbell clean and press post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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