Dumbbell One Arm Row: Simple How To Guide For Good Form

Have you ever struggled with building your upper back muscles? Are you wondering what exercises to do to help improve your posture and overall back strength? Look no further than the dumbbell one arm row. As we spend more and more hours hunched over our computers and phones, our posture can suffer, leading to weak upper back muscles and pain. It’s a common issue, but rest assured, there’s a solution. By incorporating the dumbbell one arm row into your workout routine, you can take steps to improve your posture, build strength, and alleviate pain. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the benefits of this exercise, how to do it with proper form, and variations to keep your workouts fresh.

Dumbbell One Arm Row Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Dumbbell One Arm Row Instructions

  • You will start by picking up a single dumbbell and placing one hand and the same side knee on a flat bench.
  • Start with your body close to parallel with the floor, dumbbell in one hand hanging toward the floor and bracing with that side leg.
  • Pull the dumbbell up, keeping your elbow out away from your body.
  • Squeeze at the top and then slowly lower the dumbbell back down.
  • Then, repeat until you have executed a full set on one side then switch arms and do the same number of reps.

Video Tutorial

How to Perfect Your Dumbbell Row | Form Check | Men's Health

Dumbbell One Arm Row Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers


Antagonist Stabilizers

Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the dumbbell one arm row exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Dumbbell One Arm Row

The Dumbbell One Arm Row is an excellent exercise for strengthening the posterior deltoid, a muscle that is crucial for shoulder stability and strength. This exercise also helps to build core strength, as it requires the use of both your lower and upper body to balance while lifting the weight. Furthermore, the Dumbbell One Arm Row engages multiple muscle groups in the shoulder and upper back, which helps to create balanced muscle development. With regular use of this exercise in a strength training routine, athletes can increase overall shoulder stability and strength while toning and sculpting their arms.

Tips for Performing Dumbbell One Arm Row

Should you desire to experience the highest quality gains, you need to abide by these easily done tips. Likewise, when you need to protect yourself against an injury, you should adhere to these tips.

  • execute your major compound movements at the beginning of your routine, then complete isolation movements to concentrate on particular muscles in the end. You really want the maximum results of your individual muscle groups when you accomplish coumpound exercises such as, bench, deadlift, and squats. Next you want to focus on the muscle groups of which you determined were weak for those movements, or regions that didn’t get fatigued as a result of the style of compound lift you executed.
  • Reduce soreness by conducting a handful of minutes of cardio targeting your target muscles at the end of your workout. This cardio exercise is really removing much of the lactic acid. Thus you are going to be improving your healing.
  • Concentrate On Your Breathing. For this and most workouts breathing is very important. You have to be breathing out during your target muscle flexing and breathing in when your target muscles are extending.
  • Drink Water. You will have recover quicker and considerably more energy when you consume water during your exercise.

Benefits and Tips Video

Stop Doing Dumbbell Rows Like This!

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You need to stop these basic issues to sustain quality form and muscle growth. At the same time, when you eliminate these issues you will reduce the odds of developing injuries.

  • You Can’t Exercise By Yourself. Your partner are generally a good driving force. A companion may be beneficial spotter.
  • You’ll Do Better To Not Omit A Warm-Up. Warming your Muscle tissue is the Best way to prevent injuries.
  • You Can’t Dismiss Any Of Your Pains. Tender muscles and injury pain are certainly not always the same. When you feel painfulness after you are doing exercises you should certainly stop, or you could simply just mhelp make your injury more serious.

Find More Dumbbell Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

The Dumbbell One Arm Row is an excellent exercise for strengthening the back and shoulders. But, if you want to mix up your routine, or take a break from the Dumbbell One Arm Row, there are plenty of variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that you can do. Below are some of the best exercises to do if you want to switch up your routine.

Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Raise

Graphic image of Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Raise.

The Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Raise is an effective complementary exercise for the Dumbbell One Arm Row. This exercise targets the posterior deltoids, which helps to strengthen and stabilize the shoulder joint. To perform the exercise, stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands. With your elbows slightly bent, lift the weights up to shoulder level while keeping your back straight and engaging your core. This exercise can be used as a substitute for the Dumbbell One Arm Row or in addition to it in order to work both the front and back of the shoulder muscles.

Incline Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Row

Graphic image of Incline Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Row.

Incline Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Row is a great complementary or alternative exercise for Dumbbell One Arm Row. This exercise focuses on targeting the rear deltoids and upper back muscles, while providing a similar range of motion as the one arm row. It is performed in an inclined position, with your feet placed firmly on the floor and a bench inclined to an angle of about 45 degrees. To perform this exercise, you need to hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand, palms facing inwards, and pull them up towards your torso, keeping your elbows tucked close to your body. As you pull, squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for a few seconds before slowly returning to the starting position. This exercise will help strengthen and tone your rear deltoids and upper back muscles.

Lever High Row (Machine)

Graphic image of Lever High Row (Machine).

The Lever High Row is a machine-based exercise that is a great complement or alternative to the Dumbbell One Arm Row. It provides an effective way to target your back, biceps, and other muscles in the upper body. The Lever High Row focuses on the lower lats and the rhomboids, which are often neglected in standard rowing exercises. This exercise allows you to use heavier weights than with a dumbbell one arm row and can help to increase muscular strength and size. Additionally, the Lever High Row is a great way to work on your posture by helping to build strength and stability in your upper back.

Check Out These Top Dumbbell Exercises

Reverse Fly With Bands

Graphic image of Reverse Fly With Bands.

Reverse Fly With Bands is a great alternative or complementary exercise for the Dumbbell One Arm Row. This exercise focuses on the rear deltoid, rhomboids and middle back muscles. The exercise is performed with bands, which provide a variable resistance that increases as you pull your arms away from your body. This helps to increase the intensity of the exercise without having to increase weight. Reverse Fly With Bands helps to target the same muscles as the Dumbbell One Arm Row but with less load. Additionally, the bands can help to increase range of motion and promote more effective muscle activation.

Barbell Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

Graphic image of Barbell Reverse Grip Bent Over Row.

The Barbell Reverse Grip Bent Over Row is a great complementary or alternative exercise for the Dumbbell One Arm Row. It works the same muscles as the Dumbbell One Arm Row, but with a different grip. The barbell reverse grip bent over row also helps to increase back and arm strength while also working on posture and balance. It’s a great way to switch up your workout routine and build strength in your back, arms, and core.

Cable Rope Face Pull

Graphic image of Cable Rope Face Pull.

Cable Rope Face Pulls are a great complementary or alternative exercise for the Dumbbell One Arm Row. This exercise works the same muscles as the one arm row, but it also engages the shoulders, upper back, and core muscles to a greater degree. To perform the Cable Rope Face Pull, stand facing the cable pulley with a rope attachment, grasp the rope with both hands and pull it towards your face with your elbows out to the sides. This exercise can be done with one arm at a time or both arms at once, depending on your fitness level and goals. Cable Rope Face Pulls are an effective way to strengthen your back and shoulders while also improving posture and balance.

Find More Back Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to optimize the effectiveness of the Dumbbell One Arm Row, it is important to balance out the muscles used in this exercise by utilizing exercises that work the opposing muscle groups. For example, exercises that target the chest and back muscles can be used to create a balanced workout. Below is a list of exercises that complement the Dumbbell One Arm Row by targeting opposing muscle groups.

Barbell Wide Bench Press

Graphic image of Barbell Wide Bench Press.

The Barbell Wide Bench Press is an effective exercise for strengthening the chest muscles and is complementary to the Dumbbell One Arm Row. The Barbell Wide Bench Press focuses on the chest muscles, while the Dumbbell One Arm Row focuses on the back muscles. The two exercises work together to provide a balanced workout for the upper body, as they use opposing muscle groups. When performing these exercises together, it will help to improve posture, increase strength, and enhance overall performance.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Graphic image of Dumbbell Bench Press.

The Dumbbell Bench Press is an excellent complementary exercise to the Dumbbell One Arm Row. It works the opposing muscle group, the chest, and helps to balance the body’s strength. The chest muscles are used to push the weight away from the body, whereas the back muscles are used to pull the weight towards the body during the One Arm Row. Doing both exercises will help to strengthen both sets of muscles, which will help to improve overall strength, posture, and stability.

Cable Chest Press

Graphic image of Cable Chest Press.

The cable chest press and the dumbbell one arm row are two exercises that work well together to develop strength in opposing muscle groups. The cable chest press targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, while the dumbbell one arm row targets the back, biceps, and rear deltoids. Both exercises help to build a balanced and stable upper body. By alternating between these two exercises, you can achieve a full upper body workout that will increase your strength and improve your posture.

Row Your Way to a Stronger and Healthier You!

Rowing exercises are an excellent addition to any fitness routine. They help to build and tone the muscles of the upper and lower back, shoulders, and arms. One arm rows in particular are great for targeting these areas, as well as your core, which is necessary for good posture and stability. In addition to building strength, rowing exercises also improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Incorporating these exercises into your workouts can help you achieve a stronger and healthier body overall.

References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Back Dumbbell Exercises

Pin image for dumbbell one arm row post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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