EZ Bar Standing French Press: A Great Way To Build Your Triceps

Are you struggling to build strong and defined triceps? Well, you’re not alone. Many fitness enthusiasts find it challenging to target and tone their triceps muscles. But fear not, because there is a common cause of this problem – improper technique. One exercise that is often performed incorrectly is the ez bar standing french press. But don’t worry, by mastering the proper technique, you can effectively engage your triceps and achieve those toned arms you’ve been working towards. In this blog post, we will provide you with tips and tricks to perfect the ez bar standing french press, so you can take your triceps to the next level.

EZ Bar Standing French Press Summary

  • Primary Muscles: Triceps Brachii
  • Secondary Muscles: None
  • Equipment: EZ Bar
  • Mechanics Type: Isolation
  • Force: Push
  • Utility: Auxiliary
Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

EZ Bar Standing French Press Instructions

  • Stand with the EZ Bar in your hands using an overhand grip.
  • Plant your feet on the ground and press the barbell over your head and straighten your arms.
  • Next, lower the EZ Bar behind your head by bending your elbows, but keeping the lower part of your arm next to your ears.
  • Then press the EZ Bar up over your head again with your triceps.
  • Repeat the french press for 8-12 reps.

Video Tutorial

How To: Standing EZ Bar French Press

EZ Bar Standing French Press Muscles

Target (Agonist)


  • None

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the ez bar standing french press exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of EZ Bar Standing French Press

The EZ Bar Standing French Press is a great exercise for targeting the triceps brachii muscle. This exercise requires you to hold an EZ bar in front of your body with both hands while standing. With your elbows slightly bent, you press the bar up and back over your head until your elbows are completely extended. This exercise works the triceps brachii by forcing them to extend the arms in an overhead motion. It is also beneficial because it involves multiple joints and more muscles than other tricep exercises, allowing for greater muscle recruitment and development. Additionally, the EZ Bar Standing French Press increases stability in the shoulder joint and helps to improve balance, posture, and coordination.

Tips for Performing EZ Bar Standing French Press

If you’re looking to add a great exercise to your workout routine, the EZ Bar Standing French Press is an excellent choice. Not only does it target the muscles in your arms and shoulders, but it also works your core as you balance yourself on one foot. To get the most out of this exercise, here are some tips to follow:

  • Push Your Lifting Close To Failure So That You Can Boost The Teardown Of Your Muscular Tissues. You should make sure you have set up adequate safety precautions if you’re pushing yourself to within failure.
  • Vary Your Training Sets Periodically With Various Weight And Repetition Mixtures. Just like sets of 5 of 5 for a week or two, then 3 sets of 8-20 reps for a few weeks.
  • Slow All Rep To Just Under 6 Seconds For Every Contraction And 4-6 Seconds For The Extension, To Accelerate Your Training Session. To develop bulk you want to increase the time under tension of your primary muscle tissue. Slowing your rep will boost the amount of time under tension. Numerous studies have demonstrated that about 5 seconds of contraction and extension is the ideal time to provide optimum benefit for creating muscle gains. You should use this process on occasion, but not anytime you workout.

Benefits and Tips Video

Standing EZ Bar French Press Exercise

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

It’s important to know the correct way to perform an EZ Bar Standing French Press, but it’s equally important to be aware of the common mistakes that can occur when performing this exercise. If you want to get the most out of your workout and avoid injury, then it’s important to recognize and avoid the following mistakes.

  • You Can’t Execute The Exact Same Lifts Each And Every Occasion. Any time anyone perform the exact exercise every exercise routine ones muscles will certainly be conditioned to perform that single lift well, but you will plateau faster.
  • Don’t Cheat. In most the time, cheating is utilizing momentum rather than the force of your main muscle tissue. Once in a while, a bit cheating on your final rep can be beneficial to overload your muscle, however not for more than a handful of reps.
  • It Is Best If You Don’t employ improper form. Incorrect form is the fast means to experience a trauma.

Find More Barbell Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

If you are looking for other ways to target the same muscles as the EZ Bar Standing French Press, there are several variations, complementary, or alternative exercises that you can do. These exercises will help you target the same muscles in different ways, allowing you to build strength and muscle in a way that is most comfortable and effective for you. Below is a list of different variations, complementary, or alternative exercises for the EZ Bar Standing French Press.

EZ Bar Decline Close Grip Face Press

Graphic image of EZ Bar Decline Close Grip Face Press.

The EZ Bar Decline Close Grip Face Press is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press. This exercise focuses on the triceps, but instead of using a standing position, you are in a decline position. This variation puts more emphasis on the outer head of the triceps and the chest, while still working the triceps at the same time. The decline position also helps to reduce stress on the lower back and increases the range of motion. As a result, you can increase your strength and muscle mass in your triceps without compromising your lower back.

EZ Bar Lying Close Grip Triceps Extension Behind Head

Graphic image of EZ Bar Lying Close Grip Triceps Extension Behind Head.

The EZ Bar Lying Close Grip Triceps Extension Behind Head is a great exercise to further target the triceps and provide an alternative or complementary exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press. This exercise is performed by lying on a flat bench and gripping the EZ bar with an overhand grip. The bar should be held close to the head and the elbows should be tucked in close to the body. The bar is then pushed up towards the ceiling while keeping the upper arms stationary, then slowly lowered back down. This exercise is great for targeting the long head of the triceps, helping to develop greater strength and size in the triceps.

Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher

Graphic image of Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher.

The barbell reverse grip skullcrusher is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press. It focuses more on the triceps muscles, rather than the anterior deltoids that are targeted in the EZ Bar Standing French Press. To do this exercise, you will hold a barbell in an overhand grip and lower it behind your head, keeping your elbows close to your head. At the bottom of the movement, press the barbell back up to its starting position. This exercise helps to further strengthen and define the triceps muscles, while also providing a great alternative to the EZ Bar Standing French Press.

Check Out These Top Barbell Exercises

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Barbell Lying Triceps Extension.

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press. This exercise targets the triceps while still maintaining a focus on the shoulder muscles. It is performed by lying flat on a bench and grasping a barbell with both hands, palms facing up. Keeping your elbows tucked in and close to your body, slowly lower the barbell towards your chest and then press back up to the starting position. This exercise will help strengthen and tone the triceps, allowing for greater stability and strength in other upper body exercises.

Barbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Barbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension.

Barbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press. This exercise targets the same muscles as the French press but from a different angle. It involves standing upright with a barbell held above the head and slowly lowering it behind the head until the arms are fully extended. This is a great exercise for developing strength and size in the triceps muscles, as well as for improving shoulder stability. The barbell version is especially beneficial because it allows the lifter to add more weight than an EZ bar, making it a great choice for those looking to maximize their gains.

Cable Concentration Extensions

Graphic image of Cable Concentration Extensions.

Cable Concentration Extensions are a great complementary or alternative exercise for the EZ Bar Standing French Press. This exercise involves standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a cable in one hand, and extending the arm in front of you. The cable provides resistance and allows you to target specific muscles that may not be hit during the EZ Bar Standing French Press. Additionally, it is beneficial for isolating each arm and stabilizing the shoulder joint for improved shoulder strength and stability.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to achieve the best results, it is important to target the opposing muscle groups of the EZ Bar Standing French Press. To do this, you can include the following exercises in your routine:

EZ Bar Close Grip Preacher Curl

Graphic image of EZ Bar Close Grip Preacher Curl.

The EZ Bar Close Grip Preacher Curl is a great complementary exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press. This exercise works the opposing muscle group to the French Press, targeting the biceps and forearms. The close grip preacher curl puts your arms in a comfortable position and also allows for a greater range of motion, which helps to increase muscle size and strength. Additionally, it helps to prevent joint and tendon damage as it does not require any jerking or swinging motions. With this exercise, you can expect to build a strong, defined upper arm that will complement the strength and definition of your triceps from the French Press.

EZ Bar Curl

Graphic image of EZ Bar Curl.

The EZ Bar Curl is an excellent complementary exercise to the EZ Bar Standing French Press, as it works the opposing muscle group. It is a great way to build strength and size in the biceps and forearms, while also increasing coordination and balance. The EZ Bar Curl helps to isolate the biceps, while the Standing French Press targets the triceps. Performing both exercises in succession helps to ensure a balanced workout and helps to improve overall upper body strength.

EZ Bar Preacher Curl

Graphic image of EZ Bar Preacher Curl.

The EZ Bar Preacher Curl is the perfect complement to the EZ Bar Standing French Press exercise, as it works the opposing muscle group. The Preacher Curl primarily works the biceps, while the Standing French Press primarily works the triceps. This combination of exercises works both muscle groups to create a balanced upper body workout. Furthermore, the Preacher Curl can be done seated or standing, making it a versatile exercise that can be done in any setting.

Upgrade Your Arm Workout with the EZ Bar Standing French Press!

If you’re looking to take your arm workout to the next level, the EZ Bar Standing French Press is a great exercise to try out. Not only does it work your triceps and build upper body strength, but it also engages your core muscles for added stability. Plus, using the EZ bar can be easier on your wrists compared to traditional barbells. Consider adding this exercise to your routine, but remember to start with lighter weights and focus on proper form before increasing the resistance.

References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Arms Barbell Exercises

Pin image for ez bar standing french press post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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