Cable Pull Throughs: A Great Exercise For Your Entire Back Side

Do you often struggle with building effective glutes workouts? Are you tired of doing squats and lunges, but still not seeing any improvement in your lower body? It can be frustrating when you put in so much effort into your fitness routine but don’t see the results you want. The truth is that many people struggle with targeting and activating the glute muscles properly during their workouts. Fortunately, there is a solution – cable pull throughs. In this post, I will explain the benefits of this exercise and how to perform it correctly for maximum results in your glutes and overall lower body strength. Get ready to take your glutes game to the next level!

Cable Pull Throughs Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Cable Pull Throughs Instructions

  • Get started with by setting up the cable system so that the last pulley is close to the ground.
  • Stand over the pulley handle so that it is between you legs.
  • Grab the handle with both hands while bending over at your hips. Bending you knees slightly band keeping your back tight.
  • Pull the cable between you legs by sanding upright.
  • Lower your torso back down to the starting position and repeat.

Video Tutorial

Exercise Index - Pull Through

Cable Pull Throughs Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the cable pull throughs exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Cable Pull Throughs

Cable Pull Throughs are a great exercise for targeting the Erector Spinae muscles, which are essential for stabilizing the spine. The exercise not only strengthens and develops the Erector Spinae muscles, but also helps to improve posture and prevent injury. It is a great way to increase core strength and stability while also improving mobility in the hips and hamstrings. Cable Pull Throughs also help to increase muscular endurance, which is essential for any athlete or active individual. Additionally, the exercise can help to reduce lower back pain, as it strengthens the muscles that support the spine.

Tips for Performing Cable Pull Throughs

If you’re seeking to take the cable pull throughs to the next level, then you’re at the right place. Using these suggestions can allow you to maximize the advantages of this amazing workout. You will develop your core muscles, and even lower your risk of developing an injury. Let’s get started and take a look at how these suggestions will benefit you.

  • Maintain Proper Posture: Keeping your back flat and your core engaged will help you get the most out of this exercise. This helps to keep your spine in proper alignment and increases the effectiveness of the movement.
  • Move Slowly: Moving slowly while performing this exercise will help to target the muscles in your glutes, hamstrings and core more effectively. This will help you to get fit faster.
  • Keep Your Arms Straight: Keeping your arms straight throughout the movement will help to ensure that you are engaging the right muscles and not relying on momentum to complete the motion. This will help you maximize the benefits of this exercise.

Benefits and Tips Video

How to PROPERLY Perform a Glute Pull Through | Fix Your Cable Pull Through Form NOW!

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to conducting cable pull throughs, avoiding typical errors can be the difference between an effective workout and a painful injury. Additionally, in order to maximize the benefits of the exercise, proper form is required. By preventing these common mistakes, you will raise your performance and get the results you want. However, take it easy, it’s not as challenging as it might seem. By knowing the errors to avoid and taking the appropriate actions, you may complete the activity securely and effectively. Let’s begin by avoiding these typical errors and incorporating this exercise to your training regimen.

  • Not maintaining proper form: It is important to maintain proper form while performing the Cable Pull Throughs exercise in order to avoid injury and ensure maximum benefit.
  • Using too much weight: If the weight is too heavy, it can cause strain on the back and limit the effectiveness of the exercise. It is important to use a weight that is challenging but still manageable.
  • Not keeping the core engaged: Engaging the core muscles during this exercise helps to stabilize the body and target the correct muscles. Without engaging the core, the exercise will be less effective and can lead to injury.

Find More Cable Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

If you’re looking for some variation, complementary, or alternative exercises for Cable Pull Throughs, then look no further. Below are a list of exercises that will help you get the same great results as Cable Pull Throughs while mixing up your routine.

Band Pull Through

Graphic image of Band Pull Through.

Band Pull Throughs are a great exercise to use as a complementary or an alternative to Cable Pull Throughs. The band helps to increase resistance while allowing for a greater range of motion, which helps to target the glutes and hamstrings more effectively than Cable Pull Throughs. Additionally, the use of the band helps to increase stability and control in the movement pattern, allowing for a more precise and focused contraction of the target muscles. Band Pull Throughs also help to improve core strength, as the increased tension and instability require the core muscles to work harder to keep the body in a stable position.

Plate Hyperextension

Graphic image of Plate Hyperextension.

Plate Hyperextension is a great exercise that can be used to supplement or replace cable pull throughs. This exercise works the lower back, glutes and hamstrings, allowing for a more balanced workout. It is a great way to increase stability and strength in the lower body and core. The movement is simple – you lie face down on a flat surface, and hold a weight plate with your hands. Then, keeping your legs straight, you slowly lift your upper body off the floor until it is parallel with the ground. Plate Hyperextension helps to develop balance, coordination and strength in the lower back and core muscles, making it a great alternative or complementary exercise for Cable Pull Throughs.

45 Degree Hyperextensions

Graphic image of 45 Degree Hyperextensions.

45 Degree Hyperextensions are an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to Cable Pull Throughs. These extensions involve lying face down on a 45-degree hyperextension bench, with your feet secured, and then raising your upper body up while keeping your hips and legs on the bench. By doing this exercise, you are working your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles, which is the same muscles worked during Cable Pull Throughs. The 45 Degree Hyperextension will help build strength and muscle in the same areas as Cable Pull Throughs while also allowing you to work in an isolated environment.

Check Out These Top Cable Exercises

Barbell Good Morning

Graphic image of Barbell Good Morning.

The barbell good morning is a great alternative or complementary exercise for cable pull throughs. This exercise works the entire posterior chain of muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. It also strengthens the core, as it requires you to maintain an upright posture throughout the movement. The barbell good morning is performed by hinging at the hips while keeping your back straight and your chest up. You then lower the barbell to just below your knees and drive through your heels to come back up to the starting position. This exercise can help to increase mobility and strength in the lower body, and can be a great addition to any lower body workout routine.

Good Mornings With Bands

Graphic image of Good Mornings With Bands.

Good Mornings With Bands are an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to Cable Pull Throughs. They target the same muscles in the posterior chain—glutes, hamstrings, and lower back—but with the added resistance of an elastic band. This allows for a more dynamic and explosive hip hinge, which can help build power and increase strength. Plus, because the band offers a greater range of motion than a cable pull through, Good Mornings With Bands can also be used to increase flexibility in the hips and hamstrings. So if you’re looking for a challenging and dynamic posterior chain exercise, Good Mornings With Bands may be just what you need.

Smith Machine Good Morning Off Pins

Graphic image of Smith Machine Good Morning Off Pins.

The Smith Machine Good Morning Off Pins is an ideal alternative or complementary exercise for Cable Pull Throughs. This exercise works the same muscles as Cable Pull Throughs but from a different angle. This allows you to work your glutes and hamstrings in a new way, helping to build strength and power. The Smith Machine Good Morning Off Pins also helps to improve overall posture and balance, making it a great choice for athletes looking to improve their performance.

Find More Lower-Back Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In addition to Cable Pull Throughs, you can incorporate exercises that target the opposing muscle groups to further enhance your workout. The following exercises are designed to strengthen opposing muscles, helping to create balance in your body.

Knee Hug Crunch

Graphic image of Knee Hug Crunch.

The Knee Hug Crunch is a great complementary exercise to Cable Pull Throughs. It targets the opposing muscle group, the abdominals, while Cable Pull Throughs target the posterior chain muscles. To do a Knee Hug Crunch, you start by lying on your back and bringing both knees into your chest. Then, you crunch your upper body off the ground while keeping your legs close to your chest. This exercise engages the core muscles and helps build abdominal strength, balance, and stability. It also helps to protect the lower back from injury.

Jack Knife Sit Up

Graphic image of Jack Knife Sit Up.

The Jack Knife Sit Up is a great complement to the Cable Pull Throughs exercise as it works the opposing muscle group. It is an abdominal exercise where the user lies on their back and extends their arms and legs away from the body, then brings them together to form a jack knife position. This engages the abdominal muscles and core, helping to strengthen and tone them. The Cable Pull Throughs exercise works the posterior chain muscles such as the glutes, hamstrings and erector spinae, which are the opposing muscle group to the abdominals. Combining these two exercises can help to strengthen and sculpt your body while also promoting overall balance in your physique.

Incline Leg Hip Raise

Graphic image of Incline Leg Hip Raise.

The Incline Leg Hip Raise is the perfect complementary exercise to Cable Pull Throughs. This exercise requires you to lift your legs up and back while keeping your feet off the ground, engaging your lower body muscles. This helps to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings, the opposing muscle group to the muscles used in Cable Pull Throughs, which primarily target the lower back and core. By working both sets of muscles, you can create an even stronger and more balanced physique.

Sculpt Your Glutes with Cable Pull Throughs

If you’re looking to strengthen and sculpt your glutes, cable pull throughs can be a great exercise to add to your routine. This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. Using a cable machine with a low pulley, you’ll start by standing facing away from the machine and holding onto a rope or handle that’s attached to the pulley. From there, you’ll hinge at your hips and lower the rope down between your legs before standing back up and squeezing your glutes at the top. By adding cable pull throughs to your workouts, you can help build a firmer, more toned backside.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Lower-Back Cable Exercises

Pin image for cable pull throughs post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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