5/3/1 Powerlifting 3 Day Protocol: Based on Jim Welder Training Method

Man deadlifting as part of the 5-3-1 Powerlifting Protocol

If you’re a fan of powerlifters, then you may have tried or at least heard of the “5/3/1” strength training protocol developed by Jim Wendler. This program is great for building strength and getting stronger, and incorporating some of its techniques into the “3 Day Protocol” can make it even better. That’s why this post is all about the “5/3/1 Powerlifting 3 Day Protocol” – get ready to enhance your fitness game!

The Sure Fire “5/3/1 Powerlifting 3 Day Protocol” Strength Building Routine

First, let’s take a closer look at the “3 Day Protocol.” This program combines total body workouts with a clever way of doing less and instead, getting more out of each session. You do three intense sessions a week and have four days off, so you’ll be on fire every time you exercise. Plus, you’ll have time to recover and get even stronger.

Now, the “3 Day Protocol” works great on its own, but it can become even more awesome when you add in some elements from Jim Wendler’s “5/3/1” program. This program is all about building maximum strength and making you feel like a superhero. By incorporating some techniques from “5/3/1,” you can take your strength gains to a whole new level.

So, if you’re ready to embrace the power of “5/3/1” and supercharge your gains with the “3 Day Protocol,” get ready for some serious transformation. Let’s dive into the incredible world of strength training, where you can unleash your inner ponder and achieve the results you never thought possible.

Warming up and Increasing your Ability to Fiend

Before diving into workouts, it’s crucial to activate your muscles and get into the right mindset. Bands are a great way to warm up your muscles and do exercises with low resistance that will prime your muscles. These can be the same exercises you are going to do in your workout or similar exercises.

  • Stick Mobility short warm up. This should take you 10 minutes max. If you are using bands, it can be even done faster.
  • Some Push / Pull Muscles. This should be done with bands, as this is your warm-up, to lower body fat, you need to do more push/pull per session. You need to work on these movements initially to warm up your muscles.

Break Down 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol Exercises

Get ready to dive into the heart of the 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol and discover the key exercises that will help you build strength like never before. We’ll break down each exercise so you know exactly what to expect and how to perform them correctly.

Squats: The King of Lower Body Exercises

Barbell Low Bar Squat Exercise - Your Quick Guide To Proper From

First up, we have the squat, the king of lower body exercises. This movement targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, giving you that strong and powerful foundation. Remember to focus on keeping your chest up, driving through your heels, and maintaining proper depth. With every rep, you’re building strength and resilience.

Bench Press: The Ultimate Upper-Body Strength Builder

Barbell Bench Press Exercise - Easy To Follow Guide To Lifting More With Form

Next, we have the bench press, the ultimate upper-body strength builder. It’s time to unleash your inner beast and press that weight with confidence. Make sure to keep your feet planted, maintain a tight grip, and engage your core throughout the movement. As you push that barbell away from your chest, visualize yourself getting stronger with every rep.

Deadlift: The For Building Full Body Strength

Barbell Deadlift Exercise - Quick Guide To Proper From And Lifting More

Finally, we have the deadlift, a true test of full-body strength. This exercise is all about picking up a heavy weight from the ground and standing tall. Focus on keeping your back straight, driving through your heels, and engaging your glutes and hamstrings. As you lift that weight off the floor, feel the power surging through your body.

Remember, these are just a few of the exercises included in the 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol. Each one is designed to target specific muscle groups and help you build overall strength and stability. So, let’s break it down, step by step, and conquer those exercises with confidence and determination. You’ve got this!

The 5/3/1 Powerlifting 3 Day Protocol Program

If you want to skip all this and download a PDF of this program you can here:

5/3/1 Strength


Day 1

Squat45/3/1/565%/75%85%/65% 1RM3-5 mins
Bench Press45/3/1/565%/75%85%/65% 1RM3-5 mins
Dips or Weighted Dips1-220
1-3 mins
Tricep Pushdowns1-28-12
1-3 mins
Inverted Row1-28-12
1-3 mins
Bulgarian 1-Leg Squats (Right)1-28-12
1-3 mins
Bulgarian 1-Leg Squats (Left)1-28-12
1-3 mins

Day 2 – Rest Day

Stay active and exercise on Rest Day, just rest from strength training. If you want to go easy take a walk. Or you can burn some fat, and do some low-intensity cardio. If you want to improve your VO2 Max then do a High Intensity Interval Training.

Day 3

Deadlift35/3/1/565%/75%85%/65% 1RM3-5 mins
Overhead Press35/3/1/565%/75%85%/65% 1RM3-5 mins
Dumbbell Incline Press1-28-12
1-3 mins
1-3 mins
Abdominal/Core Exercise1-28-12
1-3 mins
1-3 mins

Day 4 – Res Day

Remember to stay active: walk, run, row, or ride a bike, just rest of strength training, and allow your muscles to rebuild and recover.

Day 5

Bench Press45/3/1/565%/75%85%/65% 1RM3-5 mins
Squat45/3/1/565%/75%85%/65% 1RM3-5 mins
1-3 mins
Dumbbell Rows1-28-12
1-3 mins
1-3 mins
Lunges (Right)1-28-12
1-3 mins
Lunges (Left)1-28-12
1-3 mins

Up the Ante: Progression and Building Strength

Ready to take your strength and performance to the next level? It’s time to up the ante and focus on progression. The 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol is not just about going through the motions, it’s about pushing yourself and constantly challenging your limits.

Increase Resistance Gradually and Focus On Form

To build strength effectively, gradually increase the weight and intensity of your workouts. This program uses a specific rep scheme, starting with a lower percentage of your one-rep max (1RM) and progressing to higher percentages. Embrace the challenge and add more plates—you’re capable of more than you realize!

Man loading a barbell with a plate

Progression goes beyond just adding weight. It’s about constantly pushing yourself to do better, not only to lift heavier but to do it with good form. Keep track of your workouts, monitor your progress, and celebrate every milestone along the way. Each step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your ultimate goal.

Be Patient and Track Your Progress

Building strength takes time, patience, and consistency. Trust the process, stay committed, and never give up. And remember, strength isn’t just about what you can lift in the gym, it’s about the mental fortitude and resilience you develop along the way. Embrace the challenge, embrace the grind, and watch yourself become stronger inside and out.

Rest and Recovery: Why it’s Important and How to Do it Right

Rest and recovery may not sound as exciting as hitting the gym and crushing those weights, but trust me, it is just as important for your progress and overall performance. When it comes to the 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol, taking care of your body is essential. So, let’s dive into why rest and recovery are crucial, and how you can do it right.

First and foremost, rest allows your muscles to repair and rebuild. When you train, you’re putting stress on your body. Resting gives your body the time it needs to recover and adapt to that stress. Think of it as giving your muscles a chance to recharge and come back even stronger. So, don’t be afraid to take those rest days and truly prioritize your recovery.

Stay Hungry, Stay Strong: Bringing It All Together and Achieving Your Goals

You’ve made it this far on your fitness journey, and the 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol has become your trusted companion. But remember, it’s not just about following a program, it’s about bringing it all together and staying hungry for greatness. The key to achieving your goals lies with-in your determination, perseverance, and unwavering commitment.

As you continue on your path, keep challenging yourself and pushing your limits. Embrace the journey, even when it gets tough. Know that every struggle, every setback, and every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and learning. Stay strong in your mindset, and believe in yourself and your abilities.

Surround yourself with a supportive community, whether it’s fellow lifters at the gym or an online group of like-minded individuals. Share your successes, seek advice, and uplift one another. We’re all in this together, and we’re stronger when we stand united.

Download a free PDF of the 5/3/1 Powerlifting Protocol and continue your journey toward strength and success. It’s time to unleash your full potential and achieve greatness. Let’s do this!

5/3/1 Strength


References: Motivation and recovery in sports: systematic review | Deloading Practices in Strength and Physique Sports: A Cross-sectional Survey | Advanced resistance training strategies for increasing muscle hypertrophy and maximal strength: part 1 accumulation methods

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