Cable Glute Kickbacks: A Must Do Glute Isolation Exercise

Are you struggling to get those firm and toned glutes you’ve always wanted? If you’re tired of doing squats and lunges but still haven’t seen any results, then cable glute kickbacks might just be the exercise that you’ve been missing. It’s not uncommon for gym-goers to get stuck in a fitness rut and feel frustrated with their lack of progress, but fear not, for we understand your struggle. The good news is that cable glute kickbacks can be the solution to your problem, and in this blog post, we’re going to show you how to do them properly to get the best results.

Cable Glute Kickbacks Summary

  • Primary Muscles: Gluteus Maximus
  • Secondary Muscles: Adductor Magnus
  • Equipment: Cable Machine with Ankle Strap
  • Mechanics Type: Compound
  • Force: Push
  • Utility: Auxiliary
Graphic image of a fit woman performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Cable Glute Kickbacks Instructions

  • Start out by setting up and ankle strap on a low point pulley machine.
  • Attach the ankle strap to one leg while facing the pulley.
  • Now, while standing erect, brace yourself on the machine and pull your leg straight back with your glutes.
  • After you have reached your maximum range of motion without bending forward, allow the cable to pull you leg back to parallel with your standing leg.
  • Finally, continue these kickbacks with one leg, then switch legs for a complete set on each side.

Video Tutorial

Build Bigger Glutes With Perfect Training Technique ft. Stephanie Buttermore (Glute Kickback)

Cable Glute Kickbacks Muscles

Target (Agonist)


  • Adductor Magnus

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


  • Levator Scapulae
  • Trapezius – Upper
  • Wrist Extensors

Antagonist Stabilizers

Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the cable glute kickbacks exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Cable Glute Kickbacks

Cable Glute Kickbacks are an excellent way to target and strengthen the Gluteus Maximus, the largest muscle in the body. This exercise helps to improve hip extension and stabilization, as well as strengthening and toning the glutes. Performing Cable Glute Kickbacks can help to reduce lower back pain, and improve posture, balance and stability. The exercise also helps to improve the body’s overall strength and power, while also increasing muscle tone and definition. Cable Glute Kickbacks are a great way to incorporate strength training into a fitness routine, and can help to improve overall fitness levels.

Tips for Performing Cable Glute Kickbacks

If you’re seeking to take the cable glute kickbacks to a new level, then you’re at the right place. These tips will enable you to benefit fully from this first-class exercise and make the best of its results. In addition to shaping your glutes muscles, increasing movability, and even a reduced possibility of injury can all be accomplished with this exercise. Let’s begin and take a look at how these suggestions will benefit you.

  • Maintain Proper Form: When performing cable glute kickbacks, it is important to keep your back straight, your core engaged, and your hips squared to the floor. This will ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles and minimizing the risk of injury.
  • Increase Weight Gradually: Start with a low weight and slowly increase as your strength improves. This will help you progress safely and get the most out of your workout.
  • Incorporate Variety: Try different variations of the exercise such as single-leg kickbacks, hip abduction, and hip extension. This will not only help you build strength and stability but also add some fun to your workout.

Benefits and Tips Video

How To Do Kickbacks For Glutes (Every Variation Explained!)

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When conducting cable glute kickbacks, keeping away from typical errors can be the difference to achieving optimal results and avoiding pain. From bad form to not engaging your core, these mistakes can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and may even put you at risk for injury. However, take it easy, it’s not as challenging as it might seem. By knowing the mistakes to avert and taking the appropriate actions, you can execute the exercise securely and effectively. So it is time for you to optimize the impact of this exercise and enjoy the benefits of a successful workout.

  • Not keeping the core engaged – When performing Cable Glute Kickbacks, it is important to keep the core engaged. Otherwise, the exercise can become ineffective, and also put strain on the lower back and cause injury.
  • Not using the right weight – Using too light of a weight can make the exercise ineffective, while using too heavy of a weight can be dangerous. It is important to use the right weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form and range of motion.
  • Not maintaining good posture – Maintaining proper posture is essential when performing Cable Glute Kickbacks. Poor posture can lead to poor results and can also cause injury. Make sure to keep your spine neutral, your chest up, and your shoulders back and down throughout the entire exercise.

Find More Cable Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

In addition to Cable Glute Kickbacks, there are other variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that can help target the same muscles. These exercises can be used to provide a challenge to your routine, or as an alternate exercise in case you don’t have access to a cable machine. Here are a few of the options:

Rear Lunge

Graphic image of Rear Lunge.

Rear Lunges are a great complementary or alternative exercise to Cable Glute Kickbacks. It helps to target the glutes, hamstrings, and quads and works on improving balance and coordination. It also helps to build strength in the hip flexors and core muscles. To do a Rear Lunge, stand with feet hip-width apart and step one foot back into a lunge position. Bend both knees to 90 degrees, keeping your chest lifted and your back straight. Push off of your front foot to return to the standing position. This exercise can be done with or without weights, making it a great exercise for all fitness levels.

Goblet Sumo Squat

Graphic image of Goblet Sumo Squat.

Goblet Sumo Squats are a great alternative or complementary exercise to Cable Glute Kickbacks. This exercise is performed by holding a kettlebell in front of the chest with both hands and feet placed wider than shoulder width apart. While keeping the back straight, the user will then lower their hips until the thighs are parallel to the floor and drive through the heels to return to the starting position. Goblet Sumo Squats are great for developing strength and power in the lower body, as well as helping to improve balance and stability in the hips, glutes, and core. They can also help to improve overall posture and can be used to target different muscles than those targeted during Cable Glute Kickbacks.

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Graphic image of Dumbbell Sumo Squat.

Dumbbell Sumo Squats are an excellent complement to Cable Glute Kickbacks. This exercise works the quads and glutes, targeting the same muscles as Cable Glute Kickbacks but with a different movement pattern. With Dumbbell Sumo Squats, you stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell between your legs. You then squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then return to the starting position. This exercise helps to build strength, balance, and stability in your lower body while also working your core muscles. It is a great alternative to Cable Glute Kickbacks if you’re looking for a different way to target the same muscles.

Check Out These Top Cable Exercises

Curtsey Lunge

Graphic image of Curtsey Lunge.

Curtsey Lunge is a great alternative or complementary exercise to Cable Glute Kickbacks. It targets the same muscle groups of the glutes and hamstrings, while also engaging the core muscles. The movement requires you to step one leg diagonally behind you and then lunge down towards the ground while keeping your chest up and back straight. This exercise is great for developing balance, coordination, and stability in the lower body. It also helps to build strength and tone in the glutes and hamstrings, making it an excellent compliment to Cable Glute Kickbacks.

Stationary Lunges

Graphic image of Stationary Lunges.

Stationary Lunges are an excellent alternative or complementary exercise to Cable Glute Kickbacks. This exercise strengthens the same muscles in the glutes and hips that Cable Glute Kickbacks target, but it also works the quads, core, and hamstrings. To perform a Stationary Lunge, stand with your feet together, step forward with one leg, and lower your body until your back knee is just above the floor. Keep your torso upright and your front knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side. This exercise can help improve balance, coordination, and stability as well as build strength in the glutes and legs.

Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift

Graphic image of Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift.

The Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift is a great alternative or complementary exercise for Cable Glute Kickbacks. This exercise strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and core while also helping to increase balance and stability. Unlike Cable Glute Kickbacks, the Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift also works the hip flexors. To perform the exercise, stand on one leg and hold a barbell in front of you with both hands. Keeping your back straight, bend at the hip and lower the barbell towards the ground. Hold for a few seconds then return to the starting position. This exercise can be a great way to add variety to your glute workout routine.

Find More Glutes Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to maximize the benefits of Cable Glute Kickbacks, it is important to include exercises that focus on working the opposing muscle groups. This will help to create a balanced workout routine that strengthens and tones the glutes, hamstrings, and other related muscles. The following exercises are designed to do just that!

Dumbbell Side Lunge

Graphic image of Dumbbell Side Lunge.

The Dumbbell Side Lunge is an excellent complement to the Cable Glute Kickbacks because it works the opposing muscle group. By performing the Dumbbell Side Lunge, you are targeting your quadriceps, glutes, and hip abductors. This helps to balance out the work done by the Cable Glute Kickbacks, which focuses on your glutes and hamstrings. The Dumbbell Side Lunge also promotes muscular stability and helps to improve your balance. Ultimately, this exercise helps you to build strong and powerful legs, which is essential for a well-rounded fitness routine.

Dumbbell Elevated Split Squat

Graphic image of Dumbbell Elevated Split Squat.

The Dumbbell Elevated Split Squat is an excellent complimentary exercise to Cable Glute Kickbacks as it engages the opposite muscle group. This exercise focuses on the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. To perform the exercise, stand with one foot on an elevated surface and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lower your body by bending your knee and hip until your rear knee almost touches the ground. Then press back up to the starting position, squeezing your glutes at the top. This exercise is great for targeting the quads and glutes, which are the opposing muscle groups of the Cable Glute Kickbacks.

Dumbbell Clasp Grip Sumo Squat

Graphic image of Dumbbell Clasp Grip Sumo Squat.

The Dumbbell Clasp Grip Sumo Squat is a great exercise to complement the Cable Glute Kickbacks. This exercise activates the glutes, hamstrings, and quads while working the opposing muscle group of the glutes. The Sumo Squat emphasizes the quadriceps and inner thighs, which are key in supporting proper hip movement. By working opposing muscle groups, this exercise helps to ensure that your body is balanced and working efficiently.

Get Your Glutes in Gear: Try Cable Kickbacks Today!

If you’re looking to target your glutes and get that coveted peach-shaped booty, then cable kickbacks are the way to go. Not only do they effectively target your glute muscles, but they also engage your core and improve your overall balance and coordination. With the use of a cable machine, you can adjust the resistance to challenge your muscles and gradually increase your strength and definition. Incorporate cable kickbacks into your workout routine to see noticeable results in your glutes.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Glutes Cable Exercises

Pin image for cable glute kickbacks post. With an image of a woman performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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