Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl: Bigger Biceps and Grip

Are you struggling to build biceps that pop? Maybe you’ve tried every bicep exercise in the book but still aren’t seeing the results you want. One common mistake many people make is neglecting the brachialis muscle – a small muscle that runs underneath the biceps. Neglecting the brachialis can lead to arm imbalances and an overall lack of bicep development. But fear not, the solution is as simple as incorporating dumbbell one arm reverse preacher curls into your workout routine. In this post, we’ll break down the correct form for this exercise and explain why it’s a game-changer for your bicep gains.

Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl Instructions

  • Start out by selecting a dumbbell and having a seat on a preacher bench.
  • Position the dumbbell in one hand arm extended, palm facing down.
  • Curl the dumbbell up with out rotating your wrist.
  • Before your reach the point where the weight is directly over your elbow stop and begin to lower the dumbbell.
  • Continue to complete your desired reps on one side, then switch hands and execute the same number of reps.

Video Tutorial

Dumbbell Single Arm Reverse Preacher Curl

Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl Muscles

Target (Agonist)

  • Wrist Extensors


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


  • No Significant Stabilizers

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the dumbbell one arm reverse preacher curl exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl

The Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl is an excellent exercise for strengthening the wrist extensors. These muscles are responsible for extending the wrist, and by performing this exercise, you can improve their strength and size. This exercise also helps to improve grip strength, which is beneficial for activities like lifting weights, rock climbing, and playing sports. Additionally, it can help to improve joint mobility and stability in the wrists, which can reduce the risk of injury when performing physical activities.

Tips for Performing Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl

When you wish to develop the most effective muscle growth, you ought to focus on these straightforward tips. Similarly, if you want to prevent your self from getting an injury, you ought to try these tips.

  • Do your major compound movements at the beginning of your work out, next do isolation exercises to concentrate on individual muscle groups afterwards. You really want the maximum results of your individual muscle groups any time you carry out coumpound lifts for instance, squats, deadlift and bench. Next you need to exercise the muscle groups of which you identified were weak in those lifts, or areas that couldn’t get fatigued based on the style of compound lift you executed.
  • Perform At Least 3 Of 8-20 Repetitions For Muscle Bulk. Now there are several theories about how Muscle Growth is activated, but all come to an agreement that sets of 60-80% of your 1RM will resulted in hypertrophy.
  • Finding Your Recovery Duration To Be Quick, Yet You Are Able To Still Accomplish A Complete Set. Any time your break period is to short you could be unable to finish your complete set, if perhaps it is way too lengthy you can be merely waisting time.
  • Focus On Your Breathing. For this and most exercise movements respiration is essential. You ought to be exhaling out during your target muscle flexing and inhaling when your primary muscle group is relaxing.

Benefits and Tips Video

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You will also want to avoid these very common mistakes to build and maintain ideal technique and continue to develop gains. Likewise, when you steer clear of these issues you will prevent the probability of receiving an injury.

  • You’ll Do Better To Not Omit Rest Days. Over-training might in fact make you weakened in lieu stronger.
  • Avoid The Urge To Neglect Your Warmup. Warming your Muslces is the Best way to prevent injuries.
  • You’ll Do Better To Not Make It To Easy. The only way to build muscle is to challenge yourself.

Find More Dumbbell Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

If you are looking for variations, complementary, or alternative exercises to Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl, there are a few options you can choose from. Here is a list of exercises that work similar muscles as the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl.

Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Curl

Graphic image of Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Curl.

The Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Curl is an effective exercise that can be used as a complementary or an alternative exercise to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. This exercise targets the biceps and forearms, building strength and size in both muscles. It also works the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder, helping to improve overall shoulder stability and strength. This exercise can be performed seated or standing and requires one dumbbell to be held with a neutral grip. The movement involves curling the weight up towards the shoulder while keeping the elbow tucked in against the side of the body. The reverse curl is a great exercise for those looking for a more intense biceps workout, or for those who want to switch things up from their regular preacher curls.

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl.

The Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise for Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. This exercise is performed by holding a barbell with an overhand grip, and then curling the wrists upwards. This exercise will work the forearm muscles and help to strengthen the wrist joints. It is a great way to improve grip strength and increase overall arm strength. Additionally, this exercise can be performed with one arm at a time, making it a great addition to any arm workout.

Barbell Reverse Preacher Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Reverse Preacher Curl.

The Barbell Reverse Preacher Curl is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise for the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. It is performed by sitting on a preacher bench and grasping the barbell with an overhand grip. The lifter then curls the barbell towards the chest, squeezing the biceps at the top of the movement. This exercise targets the biceps brachii, as well as the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, while also engaging the core and shoulders. As an alternative or complementary exercise to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl, it offers increased resistance and an improved range of motion that can help to build greater strength and muscle mass in the arms.

Check Out These Top Dumbbell Exercises

Barbell Reverse Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Reverse Curl.

Barbell Reverse Curl is a complementary or alternative exercise to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. This exercise targets the same muscles in the arms, but instead of curling up towards your body, you curl the barbell away from your body. This can be done with an overhand or underhand grip, with your elbows close to your torso. The Barbell Reverse Curl is a great way to improve your grip strength and forearm development, while also providing a more challenging movement for your biceps and triceps.

Wrist Roller Forearms

Graphic image of Wrist Roller Forearms.

The wrist roller forearms exercise is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the dumbbell one arm reverse preacher curl. This exercise works the same muscles as the dumbbell reverse preacher curl, however it requires you to use your grip and forearm strength to roll the weight up and down in a continuous motion. This exercise also focuses on your wrist, which makes it an excellent way to add variety to your arm workout routine. It also helps to strengthen your grip and forearm muscles, which can help you lift heavier weights for other exercises.

Standing Dumbbell Zottman Preacher Curl

Graphic image of Standing Dumbbell Zottman Preacher Curl.

The Standing Dumbbell Zottman Preacher Curl is a great complement or alternative exercise to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. This exercise requires the lifter to stand with their feet shoulder width apart and hold two dumbbells in each hand. They will then curl the dumbbells in towards their shoulders and rotate their hands at the top of the curl so that the palms are facing forward. This is followed by lowering the dumbbells in a controlled manner, turning the palms outward at the bottom of the curl. The Standing Dumbbell Zottman Preacher Curl is an excellent way to work all of the muscles in the arms and can be used as a substitute or supplement to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

It is important to also work the opposing muscle groups in order to create balance and overall strength. To complement the exercise Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl, the following exercises can be included in a workout program:

Barbell Behind Finger Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Behind Finger Curl.

The Barbell Behind Finger Curl is an effective exercise that targets the biceps in an unconventional way. This exercise is complementary to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl as it works the opposing muscle group, the triceps. This exercise can be done by holding a barbell behind the back of your fingers and curling up with both arms at the same time. This exercise helps to build strength and size in the biceps while also helping to balance out the muscle development of the triceps.

Barbell Wrist Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Wrist Curl.

The Barbell Wrist Curl is an excellent complementary exercise to the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. This exercise works the flexor muscles of the forearm which are opposed to the extensor muscles of the forearm used in the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. By performing both exercises, you are able to build strength and coordination in both opposing muscle groups. The Barbell Wrist Curl is performed by holding a barbell in both hands with palms facing up. From this position, you will flex your wrists and curl the weight up towards your body. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your sides as you perform this exercise to ensure proper form.

Dumbbell Behind Back Finger Curl

Graphic image of Dumbbell Behind Back Finger Curl.

The Dumbbell Behind Back Finger Curl is a great exercise to complement the Dumbbell One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl. This exercise targets the forearm muscles, working them in an opposing motion to the biceps targeted in the Reverse Preacher Curl. The Behind Back Finger Curl requires the exerciser to hold a dumbbell behind their back and curl it up and down with their fingers, working the extensor muscles of the forearm. This movement provides resistance to the flexor muscles of the forearm that were targeted in the Reverse Preacher Curl, helping to create a balanced development of the forearms.

Sculpt Your Better Arms with One Arm Reverse Preacher Curl!

If you’re looking for a workout that can help you tone up your arms, the one arm reverse preacher curl is a great exercise to consider. With just a dumbbell and a bench, you can give your biceps and forearms a serious workout. This exercise is especially effective because it isolates the muscles in your arm, allowing you to see visible changes quickly. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, the one arm reverse preacher curl is a great addition to any fitness routine.

References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Arms Dumbbell Exercises

Pin image for dumbbell one arm reverse preacher curl post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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