Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch “Machine”: Your Practical How-To Guide

Are you tired of doing the same old ab exercises and not seeing any real results? Have you tried the lever seated leg raise crunch and found it to be too difficult or ineffective? You’re not alone! Many people struggle with this exercise because it requires a lot of core strength and stability. But don’t worry, there’s a common cause for this problem – your form might not be correct. In this blog post, I’ll be breaking down the proper technique for the lever seated leg raise crunch and providing tips to help you improve your form, so you can get the most out of this powerful ab exercise and finally achieve the results you’ve been dreaming of.

Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) Summary

  • Primary Muscles: Rectus Abdominis
  • Secondary Muscles: None
  • Equipment: Leg Raise Crunch Machine
  • Mechanics Type: Isolated
  • Force: Pull
  • Utility: Auxiliary
Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) Instructions

  • Sit on a bench with the back support and place your hands on the lever.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Pull the lever up towards your chest while extending your legs.
  • Pause for a few seconds at the top.
  • Slowly lower the lever to the starting position.
  • Repeat as desired.

Video Tutorial

Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch plate loaded

Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) Muscles

Target (Agonist)


  • None

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


  • None

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the lever seated leg raise crunch exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine)

The Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) is an excellent exercise for strengthening the Rectus Abdominis muscle, which is one of the major abdominal muscles. This exercise works the Rectus Abdominis by engaging it in an intense contraction, helping to build its strength and size. The Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch also helps to improve core stability and posture, as well as increase abdominal definition. Additionally, this exercise can be tailored to different fitness levels and goals, making it a great choice for those looking to develop their core strength and definition.

Tips for Performing Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine)

Using the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch exercise is an effective way to increase your core strength and abdominal muscles. It is a great workout for your lower body and can be done at home or in the gym. Following these tips will help you maximize your workout and get the most out of your Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch exercise. With regular use, you can expect to see results in your abdominal muscles, increased core strength, improved balance and posture, and improved overall fitness.

  • Ensure proper form: It is important to keep the back flat and the chin tucked in during the exercise to ensure that the abdominal muscles are being properly engaged, rather than relying on momentum or the hip flexors.
  • Keep the legs straight: It is important to keep the legs straight throughout the exercise to ensure that only the abdominal muscles are being worked and not the quads or hip flexors.
  • Engage the core: Make sure to keep the core tight throughout the exercise to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise and to help protect the spine from injury.

Benefits and Tips Video

How to do crunches and leg raises correctly

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

Now that you know how to do the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch correctly, it’s important to be aware of the common mistakes made when performing this exercise. In order to get the most out of your workout and ensure that you are exercising safely and correctly, avoiding these mistakes is essential.

  • Not engaging the core: It is important to engage your core muscles when performing this exercise in order to ensure that your body is properly stabilized and that your form is correct.
  • Rounding the spine: It is important to maintain a neutral spine position throughout the exercise, as rounding the spine can put strain on the lower back and cause injury.
  • Going too fast: Performing this exercise too quickly can lead to improper form, which can increase the risk of injury. It is important to focus on quality of movement and keep the speed slow and controlled.

Find More Machine Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

The Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) exercise is an effective way to target and build core muscles, but there are plenty of other exercises that can be used to strengthen the same muscle group. Below are a few variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that will help you work your core in different ways.

Lever Seated Crunch (Machine)

Graphic image of Lever Seated Crunch (Machine).

The Lever Seated Crunch (Machine) is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). It works the upper abs, lower abs, and obliques while targeting the deeper abdominal muscles. The user sits in a comfortable, upright position with their feet placed securely on the foot supports. The user then grips the handles and brings their upper body towards their knees in a crunching motion. This motion engages the core muscles to keep the body stable and reduce the risk of injury. The Lever Seated Crunch (Machine) is an effective way to increase abdominal strength and stability and is a great alternative or supplement to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine).

Lever Decline Sit Up (Machine)

Graphic image of Lever Decline Sit Up (Machine).

The Lever Decline Sit Up (Machine) is a great complement or alternative to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). It is an abdominal exercise machine that works the core muscles and works the lower abs, obliques, and lower back in an upright position. This exercise is a great way to add variety to your abdominal workout and to target the muscles from different angles. It also helps to improve posture and stability, as well as strengthen the core. The Lever Decline Sit Up (Machine) is a great way to get an effective core workout without having to do crunches or sit-ups on the floor.

Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch

Graphic image of Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch.

The Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch is a great complementary exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). This exercise is done while lying on your back and lifting your legs in a crunch position. It is similar to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch but it requires more balance and stability to keep your body in place while you lift your legs. It is a great way to work your core muscles and to work the same muscles you would use in the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch. It can be an alternative exercise for those who are unable to do the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch due to physical limitations.

Check Out These Top Machine Exercises

Leg Raise Crunch

Graphic image of Leg Raise Crunch.

The Leg Raise Crunch is a great alternative or complementary exercise for the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). This exercise works the abdominal muscles by raising the legs off the floor and crunching the torso forward to meet the legs. It is a more challenging exercise than the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine), as it requires more strength and stability from the core. Additionally, it can be performed anywhere, which makes it an ideal choice for those looking to increase their core strength without access to specialized equipment.

Leg Raise

Graphic image of Leg Raise.

The Leg Raise is a complementary or alternative exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). This exercise targets the abdominal muscles by lifting your legs and lower body up while keeping your arms and shoulders on the floor. This exercise can be done with or without a machine and can be modified to focus more on the lower abdominal muscles. It is an effective way to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles while also increasing flexibility in the lower body.

Leg Lift Knee Raise

Graphic image of Leg Lift Knee Raise.

The Leg Lift Knee Raise is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). It works the same muscles, but with a different movement. In this exercise, you lie flat on your back and raise both legs straight up towards the ceiling, keeping your lower back pressed against the ground. Then, bend your knees and bring them towards your chest, while keeping your abs engaged. This variation of the Leg Raise will help strengthen and tone your abdominals, as well as the surrounding muscles in your hips, glutes, and lower back.

Find More Abs Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To balance out your workout and ensure that you’re working all of your muscles, it’s important to use exercises that work the opposite muscle groups as the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). This will help you get a full body workout and prevent any muscle imbalances. Here are some exercises that can be used to complement the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine):


Graphic image of Hyperextension.

Hyperextension is a great complementary exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) as it works the opposing muscle group. This exercise targets the lower back muscles, glutes and hamstrings, working to keep the spine in a neutral position. This helps balance the muscles on either side of the spine, and provides strength and stability to the entire core. By working the opposing muscle group, Hyperextension prevents muscle imbalances that can lead to injury. It also helps to improve posture and prevents lower back pain.

Reverse Hyperextension

Graphic image of Reverse Hyperextension.

Reverse Hyperextension is a complementary exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine) because it works the opposing muscle group. Reverse Hyperextension targets the lower back, hamstrings and glutes, which are the muscles that work in opposition to the abdominals when performing the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). By combining both exercises, you can create a balanced workout that works both your upper and lower body. Reverse Hyperextension also increases your range of motion while strengthening your core muscles. This exercise requires no equipment and can be done from the comfort of your home.

Plate Hyperextension

Graphic image of Plate Hyperextension.

Plate Hyperextension is a complementary exercise to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine). This exercise strengthens the lower back muscles, which act in opposition to the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch (Machine), which targets the abdominal muscles. Plate Hyperextension involves lying down on the floor, holding a weight plate against your chest, and then slowly raising your legs up in the air and back down again. This exercise helps to develop core strength, as well as stability and balance. By using both exercises together, you can target opposing muscle groups and create a balanced workout routine.

Take Your Core to the Next Level with Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch!

If you’re looking for a way to take your core workouts to the next level, the Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch is a must-try exercise. This move not only targets your abs and obliques, but also engages your hip flexors and lower back muscles, making it a great multi-functional exercise. Plus, by adding a lever to the traditional seated leg raise, this move provides an extra challenge to your core stability and control. Ready to give it a try? Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this exercise.

References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Abs Machine Exercises

Pin image for lever seated leg raise crunch post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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