Lever Military Press “Machine”: Your Helpful How-To Tutorial

Do you struggle with shoulder pain during the lever military press? You are not alone! Many fitness enthusiasts experience discomfort and even injury from this exercise. The good news is that this issue is often caused by improper form or too much weight, which can be easily corrected with some guidance and practice. In this post, we will provide you with tips and techniques to help you perfect your lever military press and enjoy the benefits of this challenging exercise without the pain.

Lever Military Press (Machine) Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Lever Military Press (Machine) Instructions

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Hold a barbell in front of your chest, with palms facing forward.
  • Press the barbell up, straightening your arms as you do so.
  • Once your arms are extended, lower the barbell back to your chest.
  • Repeat for desired number of repetitions.

Video Tutorial

How to PROPERLY Shoulder Machine Press (LEARN FAST)

Lever Military Press (Machine) Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the lever military press exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Lever Military Press (Machine)

The Lever Military Press (Machine) exercise is an excellent choice for targeting the Anterior Deltoid. This muscle is responsible for shoulder flexion and abduction, making it an important part of any strength training or fitness routine. When performing this exercise, the lifter is able to focus on the Anterior Deltoid, as well as the other muscles involved in shoulder movement. The Lever Military Press (Machine) also offers a safe and effective way to build strength and size in the Anterior Deltoid, as the machine provides stability and control throughout the movement. Additionally, this exercise helps improve balance and coordination, making it beneficial for all levels of fitness.

Tips for Performing Lever Military Press (Machine)

The Lever Military Press is a great exercise to strengthen your shoulders and core. When performed correctly, it can help build functional strength and improve posture. If you want to get the most out of this exercise, follow these tips to help maximize your results.

  • Maintain proper form: It is important to keep your core and glutes tight, your back straight, and your chest up throughout the exercise to ensure maximum effectiveness and avoid injury.
  • Use a full range of motion: To gain maximum benefit from the exercise, you should take the barbell all the way down to your chest on the lowering phase and press it up until your arms are fully extended above your head on the pressing phase.
  • Use a spotter: A spotter can help to ensure correct form and safety when performing this exercise, especially when using heavy weights. They can also help you to push through plateaus and reach new levels of strength.

Benefits and Tips Video

Benefits of Shoulder Press Exercises : Weightlifting for Men

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

It’s important to recognize the common mistakes that can be made when performing a Lever Military Press. This exercise is a great way to increase strength and build muscle, but if it’s done incorrectly, you may risk injury or reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Below is a list of the most common mistakes to avoid when performing the Lever Military Press.

  • Not using proper form: One of the most common mistakes with the Lever Military Press is using improper form. This can include incorrect posture and incorrect positioning of the arms. This can lead to injury and make the exercise less effective.
  • Poor grip: Another mistake to avoid when performing the Lever Military Press is having a poor grip. It is important to have a secure grip on the barbell to ensure that it does not slip or move during the exercise.
  • Not controlling the movement: Lastly, it is important to avoid not controlling the movement of the barbell throughout the entire exercise. This can lead to swinging or jerking the weight which can put stress on the shoulders and cause injury.

Find More Machine Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

There are a few other exercises that can be used to supplement and/or replace the Lever Military Press (Machine). These exercises work similar muscles as the Lever Military Press (Machine) but may vary slightly in the way they target specific muscles. Below is a list of variations, complementary, or alternative exercises for the Lever Military Press (Machine).

Smith Machine Behind Head Military Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine Behind Head Military Press.

The Smith Machine Behind Head Military Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Lever Military Press (Machine). It is a great way to build shoulder strength and stability while still providing the same range of motion and stability as the Lever Military Press. The Smith Machine allows for more control and stability while performing the exercise, which can help improve technique and form. Additionally, the Behind Head Military Press allows for a greater range of motion and increased shoulder activation compared to the Lever Military Press. This makes it an ideal exercise for those looking to increase their shoulder strength and stability.

Smith Machine Behind Neck Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine Behind Neck Press.

The Smith Machine Behind Neck Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise for the Lever Military Press (Machine). This exercise works the same muscles as the Lever Military Press, but from a different angle. The Behind Neck Press also allows you to use heavier weights since the bar is stabilized in the Smith Machine. It is important to use proper form when performing this exercise, as incorrect form can lead to shoulder and neck injuries. This exercise targets your shoulder muscles, but also works your triceps, traps, and upper back muscles. Doing this exercise in addition to the Lever Military Press will help you gain strength and size in your shoulders more quickly.

Smith Machine Military Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine  Military Press.

The Smith Machine Military Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Lever Military Press (Machine). The Smith Machine allows for the same movement as the Lever Military Press, but with the added stability of a Smith Machine. The Smith Machine also allows for a greater range of motion and allows for heavier weights to be lifted. It also offers better control and stability, which can be beneficial for those who are just starting out or those who are looking to increase their overall strength. The Smith Machine Military Press can help to build muscle mass and improve strength while also providing an effective cardio workout.

Check Out These Top Machine Exercises

Smith Machine Shoulder Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine Shoulder Press.

The Smith Machine Shoulder Press is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise to the Lever Military Press (Machine). This exercise works the same muscles as the Lever Military Press (Machine), but requires a different movement. By using the Smith Machine, you are able to lift the weight in a more upright position, allowing for more shoulder stability and control. The Smith Machine Shoulder Press also allows for more range of motion which helps to engage more of the shoulder muscles than a standard Lever Military Press. This exercise is great for anyone looking to gain more shoulder strength and stability.

Smith Machine Wide Shoulder Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine Wide Shoulder Press.

The Smith Machine Wide Shoulder Press is an effective alternative or complementary exercise to the Lever Military Press (Machine). This exercise works the same muscle groups as the Lever Military Press, but with a different form of resistance. The Smith Machine allows for a greater range of motion and more stability, making it ideal for those looking for an extra challenge. The wide shoulder press also increases the amount of weight that can be used, which is great for developing strength and mass. The wide shoulder press is a great addition to any workout routine and can help improve overall strength, balance, and stability.

Barbell Standing Bradford Press

Graphic image of Barbell Standing Bradford Press.

Barbell Standing Bradford Press is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise to the Lever Military Press (Machine). This exercise targets the same muscles as the Lever Military Press (Machine) but requires more core stability and balance. It works the shoulders, triceps, and upper back muscles while also engaging the abdominals and lower back muscles. The Barbell Standing Bradford Press is performed by standing upright with feet shoulder-width apart, gripping a barbell with palms facing forward and elbows slightly bent. The bar is then pressed up above the head and slowly lowered back down to the shoulders. This exercise should be done with good form and control, making sure that the lower back stays in a neutral position throughout the entire movement.

Find More Shoulders Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To help balance your upper body workout, it is important to target the opposing muscle groups with additional exercises. These exercises will help promote symmetry and prevent muscular imbalances. The following exercises can be used to complement the Lever Military Press (Machine) and target the opposing muscle groups.

Assisted Close Grip Underhand Chin Up

Graphic image of Assisted Close Grip Underhand Chin Up.

The Assisted Close Grip Underhand Chin Up is an ideal complement to the Lever Military Press (Machine), as it works the opposing muscle group. By performing this exercise, you will be targeting the back muscles of the arms, shoulders and upper back, while the Lever Military Press (Machine) targets the chest, front shoulders and triceps. This combination of exercises will help to build strength and muscle definition in both the upper body and lower body simultaneously. By focusing on the opposing muscle groups, you can ensure that your workout is balanced and effective.

Assisted Pull Up

Graphic image of Assisted Pull Up.

The assisted pull up is an excellent complementary exercise to the Lever Military Press (Machine) as it works the opposing muscle groups. It is a great way to build upper body strength and increase upper body stability. By using an assisted pull up machine, you are able to focus on the muscles in your back and arms that are used during a Lever Military Press (Machine). The assisted pull up will help you develop the strength and control necessary to perform the Lever Military Press (Machine) properly. As the opposing muscle groups are worked, you will be able to increase your overall strength and power.

Barbell Decline Bent Arm Pullover

Graphic image of Barbell Decline Bent Arm Pullover.

The Barbell Decline Bent Arm Pullover is a great exercise to complement the Lever Military Press (Machine) by using the opposing muscle group. This exercise works the lower and middle pectorals, as well as the triceps and lats. This exercise can help to improve chest and upper back strength, as well as balance out the development of muscles in the shoulder area. The Lever Military Press (Machine) targets the anterior deltoids, triceps, and upper chest, so by incorporating the Barbell Decline Bent Arm Pullover into your routine you can make sure that you are developing all of the muscles involved in shoulder movement.

Take Your Shoulder Strength to New Heights with the Lever Military Press

If you want to improve your shoulder strength, the lever military press is a great exercise to add to your routine. This exercise involves using a lever to increase resistance as you lift, which helps to build strength and size in your shoulders. By adding this exercise to your workout, you can take your shoulder strength to new heights and achieve your fitness goals. Remember to use proper form and start with light weights until you feel comfortable with the movement.

References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Shoulders Machine Exercises

Pin image for lever military press post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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