Overhead Cable Curls: A Phenomenal Exercise For Huge Biceps

Are you struggling with finding the right exercise to target your biceps? Have you tried various workouts but still haven’t seen the desired results? Perhaps overhead cable curls might be the missing piece of the puzzle in your workout routine. It’s common to feel frustrated when you’re not seeing the progress you hope for. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to effectively target their biceps, especially if they’re not using the right exercises. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of overhead cable curls and how they can help you achieve those coveted biceps gains. Stick around, and we’ll show you how to properly execute this exercise and get the most out of your workouts.

Overhead Cable Curls Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Overhead Cable Curls Instructions

  • Start by setting up in a cable machine with two pulleys at or slightly above your shoulder height.
  • Grab one handle with each hand and stand in the middle of the pulleys.
  • Curl both handles toward your head.
  • Then allow the cables to pull your arms back straight.
  • Repeat these overhead curls for a complete set.

Video Tutorial

Biceps - Overhead Cable Curl Exercise Guide

Overhead Cable Curls Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the overhead cable curls exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Overhead Cable Curls

Performing overhead cable curls is an effective way to target the biceps brachii muscles and increase their strength and size. By extending the arms overhead, the biceps are placed in a longer line of pull, which increases the tension placed on them during the exercise. This allows for a greater range of motion and also increases time under tension, which is important for muscle growth. Additionally, overhead cable curls allow for constant tension throughout the entire exercise, as opposed to other exercises such as barbell curls which require the arms to be locked out at the bottom of each repetition. This increases the difficulty of the exercise, making it an ideal choice for those looking to maximize their strength gains.

Tips for Performing Overhead Cable Curls

You’ve come at the right location if you desire to forge ahead your ability to perform overhead cable curls. Using these suggestions will allow you to take full advantage of this amazing workout. In addition to strengthening your biceps muscles, increasing mobility, and even a lower possibility of injury can all be accomplished with this exercise. Let’s get started and take a look at how these suggestions will benefit you.

  • Make sure to stand in a stable stance: Ensure your feet are shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent. This will give you the most stability and control when performing the exercise.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in: Doing so will help you to keep the proper form and get the most out of the exercise.
  • Focus on controlled movements: Make sure to take your time when doing each repetition. This will help you to better engage your muscles and prevent any injury.

Benefits and Tips Video

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Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

Staying away from mistakes can be the distinction between a productive training session and a painful injury when executing overhead cable curls. Additionally, achieving optimal results from this exercise requires proper technique, and avoiding perform typical errors can allow you to perform the exercise correctly and obtain optimal results. But relax, it’s not quite as difficult as it might seem. By knowing the errors to avoid and taking the right actions, you may complete the activity safely and effectively. Thus, it is now your turn to optimize the impact of this exercise and enjoy the benefits of a successful workout.

  • Not using proper form: Not using proper form when doing Overhead Cable Curls can lead to an improper muscle activation and risk of injury. It is important to have an expert coach or trainer show the correct technique to ensure that the exercise is performed correctly and safely.
  • Not using enough weight: Not using enough weight when performing Overhead Cable Curls can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, leaving the audience with less than optimal results. It is important to gradually increase the weight in order to ensure that the muscles are being adequately challenged.
  • Not taking sufficient rest between sets: Not taking sufficient rest between sets can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and can lead to fatigue or injury. It is important to take breaks between sets to allow the muscles to recover and avoid over-exerting oneself.

Find More Cable Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

In addition to the Overhead Cable Curls exercise, there are several other variations, complementary, or alternative exercises that can be used to work similar muscles. These exercises are listed below and can be used as part of a comprehensive workout routine.

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Graphic image of Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the Overhead Cable Curl. This exercise works to strengthen the biceps, forearms and other muscles in the upper arm. During this exercise, the user will sit on a bench and hold a pair of dumbbells in front of them with palms facing each other. Then they will curl one weight up towards their shoulder while keeping the other weight stationary. This exercise allows for more isolation of the biceps than the Overhead Cable Curl and can be performed in a higher intensity and with heavier weights. The Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great option for those looking to add an extra challenge to their upper arm workout.

Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl.

Single arm cable concentration curls are a great complementary exercise to overhead cable curls. This exercise focuses on developing the strength and size of your biceps through isolation. By using a single arm and angling your body away from the cable machine, you can put more emphasis on the bicep muscle and reduce the strain on your shoulder muscles. This exercise also allows you to use a slower tempo to increase the time under tension, which increases muscle growth. It is a great alternative to overhead cable curls because it targets the same muscle group, but in a different way.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl.

The Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl is an ideal complementary or alternative exercise to Overhead Cable Curls. This exercise targets the biceps and forearms, while also engaging the core and stabilizer muscles to maintain balance on the stability ball. The concentric portion of this exercise requires a strong pull from the biceps, while the eccentric portion requires a slow and controlled lowering of the weight. This exercise can be performed with light to moderate weight to increase muscular endurance and coordination or with heavier weight for increased strength development.

Check Out These Top Cable Exercises

Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl.

The Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl is an excellent complementary exercise to Overhead Cable Curls. This exercise works the same muscles, but in a different way. With the Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl, you are able to move in more directions and adjust your body position to target different areas. It also allows for a greater range of motion and an opportunity to challenge your balance and stability. This makes it an ideal alternative exercise to Overhead Cable Curls, as it allows you to vary your routine and target the same muscles in a different way.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

The Stability Ball Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Overhead Cable Curl. This exercise involves lying on a stability ball with two dumbbells in each hand, curling the weights up towards the shoulders in an alternating pattern while squeezing the biceps and maintaining form. This exercise targets the biceps muscles differently than the Overhead Cable Curl, as it isolates each arm and increases the range of motion. It also forces you to use your core muscles to maintain balance on the ball, making this a total body workout.

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Graphic image of Alternating Dumbbell Curls.

Alternating Dumbbell Curls are a great complementary or alternative exercise to Overhead Cable Curls. They are a biceps-focused exercise that work the same muscles as Overhead Cable Curls, but with a slightly different angle of attack. Alternating Dumbbell Curls require you to hold the dumbbells in your hands and curl them up one at a time, alternating arms. This exercise helps to improve your grip strength and balance, as well as build stronger, more defined biceps.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To maximize the benefits of the Overhead Cable Curls exercise, it is important to include exercises that target opposing muscle groups. These exercises will help ensure that your muscles remain balanced and that your workout is more effective. Below are a list of exercises that complement the Overhead Cable Curls exercise by working the opposite muscles.

Lying Dumbbell Single Extension

Graphic image of Lying Dumbbell Single Extension.

The lying dumbbell single extension is a great exercise to complement overhead cable curls, as it targets the opposite muscle group. By performing lying dumbbell single extensions, you are working the triceps muscle group, which is the opposite of the biceps muscle group used in overhead cable curls. This exercise requires you to lie on your back with one arm outstretched and a dumbbell in the opposite hand. You then raise the weight until your arm is straight and then lower it back down to the starting position. This exercise helps to strengthen the triceps and make them more balanced with the biceps, helping you to achieve better overall arm strength.

Overhead Rope Tricep Extension

Graphic image of Overhead Rope Tricep Extension.

The Overhead Rope Tricep Extension is the perfect complementary exercise to the Overhead Cable Curl. This exercise works the opposing muscle group of the biceps, the triceps. It is an effective way to strengthen and tone the upper arm and improve overall arm strength. The Overhead Rope Tricep Extension targets the long head of the triceps, which is responsible for extending the elbow joint. To perform this exercise, you will need a rope attachment and a cable machine. Stand in an upright position and hold the rope attachment in both hands behind your head. Bend your elbows to lower the rope towards your head, keeping your arms close to your ears. Then, straighten your arms to extend them above your head, squeezing your triceps at the top of the movement. By performing both the Overhead Cable Curls and the Overhead Rope Tricep Extension, you can build balanced arm strength and definition.

Smith Machine Incline Tricep Extension

Graphic image of Smith Machine Incline Tricep Extension.

The Smith Machine Incline Tricep Extension is a great complement to the exercise Overhead Cable Curls, as it works the opposing muscle group. This exercise involves using the Smith Machine to perform tricep extensions while in an incline position, which helps to target the triceps more effectively. The incline position ensures that the triceps are fully engaged and stretched out during the movement, providing a more intense workout for the muscles. The Overhead Cable Curls target the biceps, so the Smith Machine Incline Tricep Extension helps to round out the arm workout by strengthening the opposing muscle group.

Get Ripped with Overhead Cable Curls

Want to get ripped biceps and shoulders? Overhead cable curls are a great way to achieve that goal. By using a cable machine, you can isolate your biceps and shoulders while keeping your core engaged. This exercise can also help improve your grip strength. Be sure to use proper form and start with a weight that challenges you but allows you to complete all reps with proper form. Add overhead cable curls to your workout routine and watch your upper body strength and definition improve.

References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Arms Cable Exercises

Pin image for overhead cable curls post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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