Resistance Band Single Leg Curls Your Simple Hamstring Exercise

Are you tired of struggling with weak glutes and hamstrings during your workouts? Do traditional leg curls feel uncomfortable or overwhelming? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience difficulty with strengthening their lower body muscles using traditional gym equipment. But fear not, there is a solution: resistance band single leg curls. By using resistance bands instead of a machine or free weights, you can target and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings effectively and with less strain on your body. In this blog post, we will dive into the benefits of using resistance band single leg curls, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform this exercise correctly and safely.

Resistance Band Single Leg Curls Summary

  • Primary Muscles: Hamstrings
  • Secondary Muscles: Gastrocnemius, Gracilis, Popliteus, and Sartorius
  • Equipment: Resistance Band and Door Anchor
  • Mechanics Type: Isolation
  • Force: Pull
  • Utility: Auxiliary
Graphic image of a fit woman performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Resistance Band Single Leg Curls Instructions

  • Connect each end of the resistance bands to each one of your ankles and secure the center of the band to a door anchor around the lower end of the door.
  • Then continue to face the door and move away until the band is tight.
  • You want to be close enough you can lean on the door or wall for balance with your hands out. If you can’t get the band tight enough you can move farther away and use a chair for balance, or you can wrap the band around your other leg until it is tight.
  • Now you want to keep you exercising side knee as stable as possible, so that it is the only joint that is moving.
  • Next bend at your knee pulling on the band, squeeze at the end of your range of motion.
  • Slowly straighten your knee to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 8-12 reps and then switch legs.

Video Tutorial

How to do Standing Single Leg Leg Curls with Resistance Bands!

Resistance Band Single Leg Curls Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


  • No Significant Stabilizers

Antagonist Stabilizers

Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the resistance band single leg curls exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Resistance Band Single Leg Curls

Resistance Band Single Leg Curls are a great exercise for those looking to add strength training to their fitness routine. This exercise helps to target the hamstrings, which are a group of muscles located on the back of the thigh that play an important role in controlling knee flexion and hip extension. Resistance Band Single Leg Curls help to strengthen the hamstrings, improve knee stability, and reduce the risk of injury. Additionally, this exercise can also help to enhance balance and coordination, as well as increase muscular endurance.

Tips for Performing Resistance Band Single Leg Curls

When you need to get the optimum outcomes, follow these simple and easy tips. Furthermore, if you desire to minimize the chance of injuries, follow these tips.

  • Add More Bands To Increase The Workout. If you find yourself easily doing 12 or more reps every exercise, then you need to add to the level of resistance. You can either do this by stretching the band further at the start of the move or by attaching more bands. The recommended approach is to add some more bands due to the fact it is readily repeatable to get the exact same resistance on each set.
  • Perform The Correct Number Of Sets Using Rest. Your objective initially should be to do 3 sets to near fatigue. However, you can build up to 5 sets. If your muscles aren’t tired at the end of 3 – 5, something should change. Primarily you can increase the resistance to make each rep tougher. Second, you can cut down on the rest time between each set.

Benefits and Tips Video

How to do a Leg Curl: Health e-University

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You must keep from making these typical mistakes to have nice form and muscle firming. Moreover

  • Don’t Cheat. Most of the time, cheating is utilizing momentum as a substitute for the strain of your target muscle. Once in a while, some cheating on your final rep can be good to overload your muscle, although not for more than a small number of reps.
  • Don’t use To Little or Too Much Tension. Not enough, and you will not be sufficiently employing your primary muscle, excessive, and you’ll probably cheat. Make sure you can perform between 8-12 reps with good technique.

Find More Resistance Band Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

The Resistance Band Single Leg Curls are a great exercise to strengthen your legs and glutes, but there are many other variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that can also help you reach your fitness goals. Below are some of the best exercises that can be used as alternatives or in addition to the Resistance Band Single Leg Curls.

Resistance Band Leg Curls

Graphic image of Resistance Band Leg Curls.

Resistance Band Leg Curls are a great complementary or alternative exercise for Resistance Band Single Leg Curls. The exercise targets the same muscle groups as Single Leg Curls, namely the hamstrings and glutes, but allows for an increased range of motion. The additional range of motion allows for a greater challenge to the muscles and a more effective workout. The exercise can also be done with both legs at the same time, which is great for athletes who need to work on strengthening both legs together. Resistance Band Leg Curls are a great way to improve balance and stability, as well as build strength in the lower body.

Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift

Graphic image of Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift.

The Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift is a great exercise to complement or substitute for the Resistance Band Single Leg Curl. It works the same muscles, but adds a vertical component to the exercise. This vertical component engages the core and helps to increase overall stability and balance. It also requires that you use both legs to lift and lower the weight, which increases the intensity of the exercise and works more muscles than just one leg. Additionally, because it uses a Smith Machine, you can control the range of motion, making it a great alternative exercise if you find that Resistance Band Single Leg Curls are too difficult or too easy.

Smith Machine Hip Thrust

Graphic image of Smith Machine Hip Thrust.

The Smith Machine Hip Thrust is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise for Resistance Band Single Leg Curls. It is a great way to target the glutes, hamstrings, and quads while providing an extra challenge. The hip thrust is a unilateral exercise that forces each leg to work independently and can be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or a Smith Machine. This exercise allows you to move the weight in an up-and-down motion which helps to increase hip stability and strength. It is also very effective in improving balance and coordination.

Check Out These Top Resistance Band Exercises

Cable Glute Kickbacks

Graphic image of Cable Glute Kickbacks.

Cable Glute Kickbacks are a great complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Curls. This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings and core muscles, helping to build strength in these areas. It also helps to improve balance and stability as the user has to control their movements while keeping the lower body stable throughout the exercise. Cable Glute Kickbacks are great for those who have trouble with Resistance Band Single Leg Curls, as they are easier to perform and require less coordination. Additionally, they can help to further develop the muscles of the legs and glutes.

Rear Lunge

Graphic image of Rear Lunge.

Rear Lunge is an effective alternative or complementary exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Curls. This exercise works the glutes, hamstrings, and quads, as well as engages the core muscles to maintain stability. To perform the Rear Lunge, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and hands on your hips. Step your right foot back and bend both knees to lower your body into a lunge. Make sure your knee doesn’t extend beyond your toes. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. This exercise is great for improving balance, strength, and mobility in the lower body.

Goblet Sumo Squat

Graphic image of Goblet Sumo Squat.

Goblet Sumo Squats is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Curls. It is a dynamic, compound exercise that utilizes your entire lower body and requires coordination and balance. The movement involves squatting down to the floor, keeping your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, then pressing up through your heels and squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. The additional benefit of this exercise is that it helps to build strong core muscles by forcing you to maintain balance and stability during the movement. This helps to prevent injury and improve overall performance.

Find More Legs Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

It is important to also strengthen the opposing muscle groups to ensure proper balance and prevent injury. To complement this exercise, try the following exercises that work the opposite muscle groups:

Bulgarian Split Squat

Graphic image of Bulgarian Split Squat.

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a great complementary exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Curls. It is an effective lower body exercise that works the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. By performing the Bulgarian Split Squat, you can target the opposing muscle group of the Resistance Band Single Leg Curls, which primarily targets the hamstrings and glutes. This will help balance the muscles in the lower body and help you to build strength and stability. Additionally, it will help to reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall athletic performance.

Dumbbell Split Squat

Graphic image of Dumbbell Split Squat.

The Dumbbell Split Squat is a great exercise for targeting the quads, glutes and hamstrings. It is a unilateral exercise that requires you to take a split stance, holding a dumbbell in each hand. By performing the Dumbbell Split Squat, you will be targeting the muscles on the front of the leg, which is the opposing muscle group from the Resistance Band Single Leg Curl. Doing both exercises together can help to create balance and symmetry in your lower body muscles. Additionally, they are both low impact exercises that can be done anywhere with minimal equipment.

Dumbbell Side Lunge

Graphic image of Dumbbell Side Lunge.

The Dumbbell Side Lunge is a great complement to the Resistance Band Single Leg Curls as it works the opposing muscle group. This exercise works the muscles in the lower body, specifically the glutes and quads, by having you lunge sideways with a dumbbell in each hand. This move helps to build strength and stability in the lower body, making it an excellent addition to any workout routine. It is especially helpful when paired with the Resistance Band Single Leg Curls as it targets the same muscle groups but from different angles, providing a more balanced and complete workout.

Level Up Your Leg Day with Resistance Band Single Leg Curls

One of the best ways to level up your leg day routine is to add in resistance band single leg curls. This exercise targets your hamstrings and glutes, helping to improve your overall lower body strength and stability. Plus, using a resistance band can help to increase the effectiveness of the exercise, making it a great addition to any leg day workout. So if you want to take your leg day routine to the next level, be sure to incorporate resistance band single leg curls into your next gym session.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Legs Resistance Band Exercises

Pin image for resistance band single leg curls post. With an image of a woman performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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