If you’re struggling to build strong and toned glutes, the resistance band single leg bent over hip extensions might just be the exercise you need to add to your routine. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in the struggle to achieve a perky booty. Many people sit for extended periods of time, which can cause weak glutes and hamstring muscles. However, with consistent targeting of these muscles through exercises like the resistance band single leg bent over hip extensions, you can strengthen and tone your glutes for the ultimate peachy shape. In this post, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform this exercise correctly and effectively achieve your booty goals.
Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions Summary
- Primary Muscles: Gluteus Maximus
- Secondary Muscles: Hamstrings
- Equipment: Resistance Band and Door Anchor
- Mechanics Type: Isolation
- Force: Push
- Utility: Auxiliary
Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions Instructions
- Secure each end of the resistance bands to each of your ankles and hook up the center of the band to a door anchor near the lower end of the door.
- Next, while facing toward the door, step back until the bands are taut, and you are bent over towards the door at your hips.
- Your goal is to bend forward at your hips about 45 degrees to elongate your glutes and hamstrings during the exercise. If you aren’t able to get the band tight enough, you can wrap the band around your other leg until it is taut.
- To begin the exercise extend your leg and point your foot towards the bottom of the door.
- Now while only pivoting at your hip push your leg back behind you by contracting your glutes.
- Finally, focus on contracting your glutes at the top, then slowly return your leg back to pointing the door.
- Repeat your bent over hip extensions for 8-12 reps then switch legs.
Video Tutorial
Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions Muscles
Target (Agonist)
Dynamic Stabilizers
- None
- Erector Spinae
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Minimus
- Obliques
- Quadratus Lumborum
Antagonist Stabilizers
Benefits of Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions
Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions are a great way to effectively target the Gluteus Maximus muscle. This exercise can help to develop strength, power, and muscular endurance in the Gluteus Maximus, which is essential for maintaining proper posture and stability when performing various activities. The band adds a great element of resistance that helps to create tension in the glutes while performing the exercise. Additionally, this exercise can help to increase balance and coordination by requiring you to use one leg at a time to perform the movement. Performing this exercise in a strength training or fitness routine can help to significantly improve the strength, power, and muscular endurance of the Gluteus Maximus.
Tips for Performing Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions
If you want to get the right outcomes, use these straightforward tips. Also, if you would like to minimize the chance of injuries, abide by these tips.
- Complete The Right Amount Of Sets Using Rest. Your objective, to begin with, should be to do 3 sets to near fatigue. Although, you can raise to 5 sets. If your muscle tissue isn’t tired at the conclusion of 3 – 5, something ought to change. Initally, you can increase the resistance to make each repetition tougher. Second, you can cut down on the rest time in between your sets.
- Focus On Inhaling And Exhaling. For this and most workouts respiration is important. You need to be exhaling out during the primary muscle flexing and breathing in when your primary muscle group is relaxing.
- Slow Your Exercise Down For Greater Muscle Hypertrophy. By Raising the time under tension you are exercising your muscles more and they will respond by gaining toned muscles. You can do this without raising the resistance by doing slow reps about 4 – 6 seconds constriction and pause then 4 – 6 seconds extending.
Benefits and Tips Video
Frequent Mistakes To Avoid
You must stay clear of these basic mistakes to maintain solid form and muscle growth. Additionally
- Don’t relax your core. Flexing your abs protects your spine by maintaining your internal pressure.
- Avoid Cheating. In most cases, cheating is utilizing momentum as a substitute for the strength of your target muscle tissue. Once in a while, a little bit cheating on your final rep can be good to overload your muscle, although not for more than 1 or 2 reps.
Find More Resistance Band Exercises Here
Variations and Complementary Exercises
If you are looking for other exercises to mix up your routine, or if you’re unable to do Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions for any reason, then consider these alternative exercises. Each exercise works similar muscles as the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions, but with slight variations that might be beneficial for different reasons.
Resistance Band Lunges
Resistance Band Lunges are a complementary or alternative exercise for Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. This exercise helps to target the glutes and quads while also engaging the core and stabilizer muscles. Resistance Band Lunges involve stepping forward with one leg while keeping the back leg in a bent position and lowering the hips until the front leg forms a 90-degree angle. The resistance band is held in both hands and held across the chest while performing the lunge. The resistance band provides an extra challenge to the movement, helping to strengthen and tone the muscles. Resistance Band Lunges can be done as a bodyweight exercise or with extra weight added, making it an effective exercise for all levels of fitness.
Resistance Band Kickbacks
Resistance Band Kickbacks are a great way to complement or serve as an alternative to Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. This exercise is performed by standing with one foot on the center of the band and the other leg extended back behind you, then kicking the extended leg back while keeping the band tight and your hips square. The resistance of the band will work your glutes, hamstrings, and calves as you kick back and forth. Resistance Band Kickbacks can provide a great balance to Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions, helping to build strength and stability in the glutes and hamstrings while also providing a great cardiovascular workout.
Resistance Band Deadlifts
Resistance Band Deadlifts are a great complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. This exercise works the same muscle groups, but with a different focus and motion. With Resistance Band Deadlifts, the band is placed around the feet, and you slowly lower your body to the ground before slowly returning to the starting position. This helps to build strength in the legs, glutes, and core, while also providing an effective balance challenge. As an alternative exercise, Resistance Band Deadlifts can help to provide a slightly different stimulus and challenge to the muscles worked in Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions.
Check Out These Top Resistance Band Exercises
Resistance Band Single Leg Hip Extensions
Resistance Band Single Leg Hip Extensions are a great complementary exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. This exercise works the same muscles and focuses on hip stability and strength, but with a slightly different angle. The single leg hip extension is done standing and targets the glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors. By doing this exercise in addition to the bent over hip extension, you are able to work on all aspects of hip strength and stability while also working the core. Additionally, this exercise can be done as an alternative to the bent over hip extension if there is any discomfort or difficulty in performing the bent over version.
Curtsey Lunge
The Curtsey Lunge is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extension. It is an effective lower body exercise that targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. The movement requires you to step one leg behind you while bending both knees and lowering your hips. This exercise will challenge your balance and core strength as you lunge back and forth between legs. It is important to keep the core tight and back flat throughout the movement to ensure proper form. The Curtsey Lunge is a great way to add variety to a lower body workout and can be used as a warm-up or finisher exercise.
Stationary Lunges
Stationary Lunges are a complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. Stationary Lunges involve stepping forward with one leg and lowering the body until the back knee almost touches the ground. This exercise targets the muscles of the lower body, such as the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps, while Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions target the muscles of the hips and lower back. Both exercises are effective in strengthening the lower body and improving balance.
Find More Glutes Exercises Here
Opposing Complementary Exercises
These additional exercises are designed to create a balanced workout and help strengthen your muscles by working the opposing muscle groups of the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. Working opposing muscle groups helps to ensure that your body is in balance and reduce the risk of injury.
Plyo Side Lunge
The Plyo Side Lunge is a great complement to the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions. This exercise targets the quads and glutes and works to strengthen the entire lower body. The Plyo Side Lunge works the opposite muscle group by engaging the adductors and abductors, helping to balance out the strength in the lower body. Additionally, this exercise helps to improve dynamic stability and balance, which is important for overall performance.
Half Squat
The Half Squat is a great exercise to complement Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions as it works the opposing muscle group. The Half Squat is an effective lower body exercise that focuses on the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It involves standing with feet shoulder-width apart, bending the knees and lowering the hips until the thighs are parallel to the ground. On the other hand, Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extensions target the glutes, hamstrings, and core. This exercise requires you to stand with one leg bent and the other extended behind you with a resistance band looped around your ankle. By incorporating both exercises into your workout routine, you can effectively target both the front and back of the legs while also improving core strength.
Bulgarian Split Squat
The Bulgarian Split Squat is an excellent lower body exercise to complement the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extension. This exercise works the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. The Bulgarian Split Squat helps strengthen the opposing muscles to the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extension, allowing for a more balanced workout. It is important to be mindful of posture and form when performing this exercise as it can be hard on the knees if done incorrectly. Doing the Bulgarian Split Squat in combination with the Resistance Band Single Leg Bent Over Hip Extension ensures that all of the muscles in the lower body are strengthened and balanced.
Level Up Your Lower Body Workouts with Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are an excellent tool for anyone looking to take their lower body workouts to the next level. By adding resistance to your movements, you can target your glutes, hamstrings, and quads more effectively, resulting in better muscle activation and growth. Single leg bent over hip extensions are particularly effective when performed with a resistance band, as they work your glutes and hamstrings in a way that’s difficult to replicate with bodyweight alone. If you’re looking to improve your lower body strength and tone, incorporating resistance bands into your workouts is a simple and effective way to do so.
References: Wikipedia | ExRx.net | PubMed.gov | Comprehensive List of Glutes Resistance Band Exercises