Cable Crossover Reverse Flys: An Easy Deltoid Isolation Exercise

Do you ever find yourself struggling to target your rear deltoids during your workouts? Are you tired of feeling like you’re not getting the most out of your cable crossover exercises? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to properly engage their rear delt muscles, especially when it comes to cable crossover exercises. One common cause of this problem can be traced back to incorrect form and not understanding exactly how to effectively execute cable crossover reverse flys. The good news? In this blog post, we’ll be breaking down the proper technique for cable crossover reverse flys, so that you can finally start seeing results in your rear deltoid muscles.

Cable Crossover Reverse Flys Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Cable Crossover Reverse Flys Instructions

  • Start out with setting up to single handed handles on two low cable pulleys across from each other.
  • Now, grab the handles with the opposite hand so the that the cables cross in front of your face, as you bend over at a 90 degrees angle at your hips.
  • Next, with your arms slightly bent and locked pull the cables apart like you are flapping your wings, if your arms were wings.
  • Stop briefly with your arms to the side, then bring your hands back together.
  • Continue your reverse crossovers for 8-12 reps.

Video Tutorial

How To - Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly - Hunter Labrada

Cable Crossover Reverse Flys Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the cable crossover reverse flys exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Cable Crossover Reverse Flys

Cable Crossover Reverse Flys are an excellent exercise for targeting the posterior deltoids. This exercise is great for sculpting and toning the shoulder muscles, and it helps to improve shoulder stability and strength. Additionally, due to the extended range of motion and the use of cables, Cable Crossover Reverse Flys can help to engage the core muscles, making them more effective for strengthening the entire shoulder area. This exercise is also beneficial for building the posterior deltoid muscles, which play an important role in shoulder movement. Strengthening the posterior deltoids can help to reduce shoulder pain and improve overall shoulder mobility.

Tips for Performing Cable Crossover Reverse Flys

Your at the right place if you’re trying to advance your cable crossover reverse flys execution. These tips will help you get the most out of this amazing workout, and help you receive all the benefits it has to offer. You will strengthen your upper back muscles, and even reduce your risk of experiencing an injury. So let’s start right now and see what these tips may accomplish for you.

  • Keep your back straight – This is important to ensure you are engaging the correct muscles and getting the most out of your workout. Keeping your back straight will also help to prevent any potential injuries.
  • Use a light weight – It is important to use a weight that is not too heavy as this exercise is meant to target the muscles in the upper back and shoulders. A lighter weight will help you get the most out of each rep.
  • Maintain good form – Keeping proper form throughout the exercise will help you to get the most out of your workout and maximize results. Make sure to keep your elbows slightly bent and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the end of each rep.

Benefits and Tips Video

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When conducting cable crossover reverse flys, avoiding typical mistakes can be the difference between a productive workout and a debilitating injury. Additionally, achieving optimal results from this exercise requires appropriate form, and making sure you don’t perform common errors can allow you to perform the exercise better and obtain optimal results. But relax, it’s not as challenging as it might appear. By knowing the errors to avoid and taking the appropriate actions, you may complete the activity safely and effectively. So let’s get started on how to avoid those typical errors and making this exercise a normal part of your fitness routine.

  • Not using proper form: Using improper form when doing cable crossover reverse flys can lead to an increased risk of injury, as the wrong form can cause undue strain on the muscles and joints.
  • Not using a light enough weight: Using too heavy of a weight when doing cable crossover reverse flys can lead to incorrect form and can even cause the muscles to fail before they reach the desired range of motion.
  • Not using a full range of motion: Not using a full range of motion while doing cable crossover reverse flys can limit the effectiveness of the exercise, as it will not target all of the muscle fibers and may lead to suboptimal results.

Find More Cable Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

Variations, complementary, or alternative exercises can provide an effective way to work similar muscles as the exercise Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. Below are some exercises to consider if you are looking for a change from the Cable Crossover Reverse Flys.

Cable Rope Rear Delt Rows

Graphic image of Cable Rope Rear Delt Rows.

Cable Rope Rear Delt Rows are a great alternative or complementary exercise to Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. This exercise works the back, shoulders, and arms while helping to strengthen the muscles of the posterior chain. It is a great way to build strength and stability in the shoulders, and it can help improve posture. Cable Rope Rear Delt Rows can also be performed with a single arm to increase the intensity of the exercise. This exercise is an effective way to target the rear delts and build overall upper body strength.

Dumbbell One Arm Row

Graphic image of Dumbbell One Arm Row.

The Dumbbell One Arm Row is a great complementary or alternative exercise to Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. This exercise is great for targeting the muscles in the back and shoulders, as it requires you to use one arm to lift a weight while stabilizing your body with the other. It can be done standing, bent over, or in a half-kneeling position, and it can also be done with both arms at the same time if desired. This exercise is great for building strength, improving posture, and increasing muscular balance and stability.

Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise

Graphic image of Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise.

The Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. It targets the posterior deltoids, middle trapezius and rhomboids, allowing for a complete workout of the back and shoulder muscles. The exercise can be performed with one or two dumbbells at a time, depending on the user’s fitness level. This exercise is ideal for those who are looking to increase their shoulder strength and mobility, as well as improve their posture.

Check Out These Top Cable Exercises

EZ Bar Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

Graphic image of EZ Bar Reverse Grip Bent Over Row.

The EZ Bar Reverse Grip Bent Over Row is a great alternative or complementary exercise to Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. It focuses on the same muscles, such as the lats, rhomboids, and traps, but with a different movement. The reverse grip variation of the bent over row helps to increase activation of the upper back muscles and is especially beneficial for those looking to build strength and size. It is also an excellent exercise for improving posture, as it strengthens the muscles of the upper back and shoulders while also improving scapular stability.

Band Rear Deltoid Row

Graphic image of Band Rear Deltoid Row.

The Band Rear Deltoid Row is a great complementary or alternative exercise to Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. This exercise is effective for targeting the rear deltoids and helps to improve posture and overall shoulder stability. The Band Rear Deltoid Row is performed by standing with the feet hip width apart, holding the band handles in each hand, and pulling the band back towards the body in a rowing motion. This exercise can be done with light to moderate resistance bands, making it accessible to all levels of exercisers. As a result, it is a great exercise for those looking for an additional shoulder exercise that focuses on the rear deltoids.

Barbell Pendlay Row

Graphic image of Barbell Pendlay Row.

Barbell Pendlay Row is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. It is an effective exercise for targeting the back muscles and developing upper body strength. The movement of the Pendlay Row is similar to the Reverse Flys, but it is performed with a barbell instead of cables. This variation allows for greater control over the weight and range of motion, making it a great choice for those looking to increase their back strength. Additionally, because it is a compound exercise, it works multiple muscle groups at the same time, making it a time-efficient exercise for anyone looking to build strength and improve muscle tone.

Find More Back Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To complement the exercise Cable Crossover Reverse Flys, you should also consider working the opposing muscle groups. These exercises will help build muscle and strength in the opposite muscles, allowing for a more well-rounded workout. Below are a few exercises that can be incorporated into your routine:

Smith Machine Bench Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine Bench Press.

The Smith Machine Bench Press is a great way to build strength in the chest and triceps muscles, while providing a secure base to press from. This exercise can be used in conjunction with Cable Crossover Reverse Flys to work the opposing muscles. The Cable Crossover Reverse Flys targets the rear deltoids, lats, and traps, while the Smith Machine Bench Press works the chest and triceps. This pairing of exercises provides a balanced workout for the upper body that will help build strength and stability.

Pec Deck (Machine)

Graphic image of Pec Deck (Machine).

The Pec Deck machine is an excellent complimentary exercise to Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. By targeting the opposing muscle group, the Pec Deck machine helps to balance out the muscles used during the Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. The Pec Deck machine allows you to isolate the chest muscles and work them in a different plane of motion than during the Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. This helps to ensure that you are hitting all of the different angles of the chest muscles, while also providing a great stretching effect on the chest muscles. By using both the Cable Crossover Reverse Flys and the Pec Deck machine, you can effectively target the chest muscles from all angles for a complete workout.

Smith Machine Decline Reverse Close Grip Bench Press

Graphic image of Smith Machine Decline Reverse Close Grip Bench Press.

The Smith Machine Decline Reverse Close Grip Bench Press is an excellent exercise to pair with Cable Crossover Reverse Flys. This combination targets opposing muscle groups in the chest and back. The Smith Machine Decline Reverse Close Grip Bench Press works the chest by having the user lie down with their feet up on a decline bench, while gripping the bar with a close grip. By pushing the barbell away from the body, the chest muscles are engaged and challenged. The Cable Crossover Reverse Flys are then performed on a cable machine. This exercise works the back muscles by having the user stand in between the cables with their arms outstretched and palms facing each other. By pulling the handles together across the body, the back muscles are engaged and strengthened. By pairing these two exercises together, you can effectively target opposing muscle groups for a complete upper body workout.

Fly Towards Stronger Shoulders with Reverse Cable Crossovers!

Strong shoulders not only look impressive but also play a crucial role in maintaining good posture and preventing injuries. The reverse cable crossover exercise can help you target your rear deltoids, upper back, and even your trapezius muscles. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can build stronger shoulders and improve your posture. Start with lighter weights and focus on proper form before increasing the resistance to avoid injuries. It’s important to listen to your body and work within your fitness level while gradually progressing towards your goals.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Back Cable Exercises

Pin image for cable crossover reverse flys post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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