Lunge Push Up: Fabulous Exercise To Work Flexibility And Strength

Are you tired of your same old push up routine? Do you struggle to find variations that target different muscle groups? Well, look no further because the lunge push up is here to change up your workout routine and challenge your muscles in a new way! It’s common to hit a plateau in your fitness journey, where the same exercises no longer provide the same benefits. This is where the lunge push up comes in, providing a unique variation that engages your chest, triceps, and glutes. In this post, we’ll dive into the benefits of this exercise and how to properly execute it for maximum results.

Lunge Push Up Summary

Graphic image of a fit woman performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Lunge Push Up Instructions

  • Get down in an arms-extended pushup position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Bring one foot up next to your hand.
  • Lower your body to the floor by bending your arms and raised leg.
  • Push your body up until your arms are extended.
  • Now you have a choice to alternate which leg is up or conduct a complete set with one leg and then switch.
  • Repeat the Lunge Push Up for 8-12 reps per side.

Video Tutorial

How to Squat, Lunge, Push-up & Plank Correctly (Dos & Don'ts!) | Joanna Soh

Lunge Push Up Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers


Antagonist Stabilizers

Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the lunge push up exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Lunge Push Up

The Lunge Push Up is a great exercise for building strength in the pectoralis major – sternal muscle. This muscle is responsible for connecting the sternum to the humerus, so it is important to keep it strong and flexible. Doing Lunge Push Ups will help to increase the strength of the pectoralis major – sternal muscle, enabling you to perform more challenging exercises and activities. It will also help to improve your posture, balance, and coordination. Additionally, Lunge Push Ups are an effective way to engage multiple muscles groups at once, helping you build overall strength and power.

Tips for Performing Lunge Push Up

If you’re seeking to take your lunge push up to a new level, then you’re at the right place. Using these suggestions will allow you to take full advantage of this amazing workout. Concurrently with shaping your chest muscles, improving mobility, and even a lower possibility of injury can all be accomplished with this exercise. It is time to begin and take a look at how these suggestions will benefit you.

  • Master proper form: Before attempting the lunge push up, make sure to practice proper form. This will ensure you are getting the most out of your workout and avoiding any injuries.
  • Increase reps gradually: When performing the lunge push up, start with a smaller number of reps and gradually increase them over time. This will allow your body to adjust and increase your strength and endurance over time.
  • Activate core muscles: Make sure to engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to get the most out of each rep. This will help you build a strong core and improve stability during the exercise.

Benefits and Tips Video

Do Lunges Hurt Your Knees? Do These Exercises Instead | Fit Tips

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to executing lunge push up, avoiding typical errors is usually the difference between an effective workout and a debilitating injury. From bad form to not engaging your core, these errors can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and may even increase your risk for injury. Not only can avoiding these errors increase your strength, but also can assist in you feeling more assured and inspired when at in the gym. Thus, it is now your turn to maximize your results from this exercise and enjoy the advantages of a successful workout.

  • Not using proper form: Incorrectly performing the lunge push up can result in injury or inadequate results, so it is important to ensure that the exercise is performed correctly with proper form and technique.
  • Not engaging the core: Engaging the core while performing the lunge push up helps to increase balance and stability, which can help to get better results and improve overall performance.
  • Taking too long of a break between sets: Taking too much time between sets can cause you to lose your focus and energy, leading to decreased intensity and ultimately, lower results. It’s important to keep your rest times short in order to maximize your results.

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Variations and Complementary Exercises

The exercise Lunge Push Up is a great full-body move to incorporate into your workout routine. It engages multiple muscles while helping to increase strength and balance. However, if you’re looking for additional exercises that work similar muscles, then the following variations, complementary, or alternative exercises are perfect for you.

Feet Elevated Push Up

Graphic image of Feet Elevated Push Up.

Feet Elevated Push Up is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Lunge Push Up. This exercise requires you to place your feet on an elevated surface, such as a bench or chair. You then lower your body until your chest touches the ground and then push back up. This exercise works the muscles in your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core while also increasing balance and stability. It is an excellent way to increase strength in the same muscles that are used in the Lunge Push Up, but with a slightly different emphasis.

Close Grip Push Up On Knees

Graphic image of Close Grip Push Up On Knees.

Close Grip Push Up On Knees is a great alternative to Lunge Push Up, allowing you to work your core, chest and triceps. This exercise can be done on the knees, making it more accessible for those with weaker upper body strength. To perform the exercise, start in a tabletop position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your feet together. Lower your body towards the floor, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push back up to the starting position and repeat. This exercise helps build strength and stability in the core, chest, and triceps muscles, making it a great complementary exercise for Lunge Push Up.

Close Grip Push Up

Graphic image of Close Grip Push Up.

The Close Grip Push Up is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Lunge Push Up. It targets the same muscles in the upper body, such as the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core, while also engaging the lower body muscles like the glutes and quads. It requires a person to assume the push-up position with their hands placed close together, then lower and lift their body by bending their elbows. This exercise is great for those looking to build upper body strength and improve core stability.

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Lever Pec Deck Fly (Machine)

Graphic image of Lever Pec Deck Fly (Machine).

The Lever Pec Deck Fly (Machine) is an ideal complementary or alternative exercise for the Lunge Push Up. This machine allows users to move their arms in a semi-circular motion, targeting the pectoral muscles and helping to build strength. It is also useful for those with limited mobility, as the user remains seated in an upright position while performing the exercise. This machine can be used in place of or in addition to the Lunge Push Up, as it provides an excellent workout for the chest and upper body muscles.

Standing Cable Chest Press

Graphic image of Standing Cable Chest Press.

The Standing Cable Chest Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Lunge Push Up. It works the same muscles, but with different equipment. The Standing Cable Chest Press is a compound exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It can also be used to strengthen the core as well. To perform this exercise, you will need a cable machine and an adjustable pulley. Begin by standing in front of the machine with a handle attached to the cable. With your feet shoulder width apart, press the handle out in front of you while keeping your elbows close to your body. This exercise is great for those who do not have access to a lot of equipment, as it can be done at home or at a gym.

Push Ups

Graphic image of Push Ups.

Push Ups are an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to the Lunge Push Up. They are a great way to increase upper body strength and can be done anywhere, making them ideal for people with limited space or equipment. Push Ups also work the core muscles, as well as the arms and chest, which can help to improve stability and balance. Unlike the Lunge Push Up, they do not require a lot of space and can be easily modified to make them easier or harder depending on the person’s fitness level.

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Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to maximize the benefit of the lunge push up exercise, it is important to supplement it with exercises that work the opposing muscle groups. Below is a list of exercises that can help target the opposite muscles and ensure a balanced workout.

Resistance Band Bent Over Shoulder Rows

Graphic image of Resistance Band Bent Over Shoulder Rows.

Resistance Band Bent Over Shoulder Rows help to strengthen the muscles in the upper back and shoulders, which are the opposite muscle group to the ones used in the Lunge Push Up. This makes it an ideal complementary exercise to the Lunge Push Up as it helps to balance out the strength of the opposing muscle groups. When performed together, these two exercises can help to increase overall upper body strength and stability while also providing a great cardiovascular workout.

Resistance Band Bent Over Rows

Graphic image of Resistance Band Bent Over Rows.

Resistance Band Bent Over Rows are an excellent complementary exercise to Lunge Push Ups. The bent over row targets the opposing muscle group in the back, specifically the lats, rhomboids, and traps. By focusing on these muscles, you can create a balanced workout that helps build strength and stability throughout the entire body. Additionally, the bent over row allows for a greater range of motion than the lunge push up, which helps to increase muscular endurance.

Resistance Band Bent Over Rear Lateral Raises

Graphic image of Resistance Band Bent Over Rear Lateral Raises.

Resistance Band Bent Over Rear Lateral Raises are a great way to complement the Lunge Push Up exercise. This exercise targets the posterior deltoids, or back of the shoulder muscles, which are the opposing muscle group to the chest and triceps used in the Lunge Push Up. By performing Resistance Band Bent Over Rear Lateral Raises as part of your routine, you can ensure that your back muscles are getting a good workout and stay balanced with the chest and triceps. This will help you build a balanced and strong body.

Take Your Fitness to New Heights with the Lunge Push Up

If you’re ready to challenge your balance, coordination, and strength all at once, then you need to try the lunge push up. This exercise combines two already demanding movements, making it a great total body workout. Not only does it target your upper body and core, but it also engages your legs and glutes. Plus, it’s a move that can be easily modified to fit your fitness level. So, whether you’re a beginner or advanced, try adding the lunge push up to your workout routine and take your fitness to new heights.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Chest Bodyweight Exercises

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