63 Bodyweight Exercises for Men: Target Muscles & Body Parts

Are you looking for a great way to stay in shape without needing to join a gym? Bodyweight exercises for men are a fantastic way to stay active and in shape without spending money on a gym membership. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the different types of bodyweight exercises that are available to men and why they are so beneficial. We’ll also discuss how to get started with bodyweight exercises and what equipment you may need. So, if you’re ready to learn more about bodyweight exercises for men, read on to get started!

Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises for Men

Bodyweight exercises can be a great way to get in shape without spending a lot of money on equipment or a gym membership. These exercises offer a wide range of benefits, including improved flexibility and strength, as well as an increase in overall health and well-being. Not to mention, these exercises are convenient and can be done anytime, anywhere. Here are the top 10 benefits of bodyweight exercises for men:

Top 10 Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises for Men.

  1. Strengthen Muscles: Bodyweight exercises allow you to target specific muscles and build strength in a safe and effective way.
  2. Increase Endurance: With the right bodyweight exercises, you can increase your stamina, improve your cardio and get the most out of your workouts.
  3. Improve Flexibility: Bodyweight exercises are a great way to work on your flexibility. This can help with improved performance and range of motion when you’re doing other activities.
  4. Burn Fat: Bodyweight exercises can be used as part of a fat-burning routine to help you lose weight.
  5. Boost Metabolism: Bodyweight exercises can help to speed up your metabolism, meaning you’ll burn more calories throughout the day.
  6. Increase Core Strength: Core strength is essential for good posture, balance and stability. Bodyweight exercises are a great way to increase your core strength.
  7. Improve Posture: By strengthening your core and improving your posture with bodyweight exercises, you can look more confident and have more energy throughout the day.
  8. Improve Balance: Bodyweight exercises require good balance, which can help you avoid falls or injury during physical activities like sports or running.
  9. Save Time: You don’t need any special equipment or gym membership to do bodyweight exercises, so they’re quick and easy to do anywhere.
  10. Save Money: As mentioned above, you don’t need any special equipment or gym membership to do bodyweight exercises, so they’re cost-effective and affordable for everyone.

Bodyweight Abs Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to stay fit and healthy without the need for any additional equipment. Not only are they convenient and cost effective, but they also provide a great workout for your abs. In this article, we’ll be highlighting some of the best bodyweight abs exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home. Read on to learn more!

63 Bodyweight Exercises For Men
  1. Cross Oblique Crunch
  2. Crunch
  3. Decline Twisting Sit Up
  4. Hands Up Crunch
  5. Hanging Leg Raise
  6. Hanging Oblique Knee Raises
  7. Incline Leg Hip Raise
  8. Jack Knife Sit Up
  9. Knee Hug Crunch
  10. Leg Lift Knee Raise
  11. Leg Raise
  12. Leg Raise Crunch
  13. Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch
  14. Lying Knee Raise
  15. Lying Leg Crunch
  16. Lying Leg Lift Hold
  17. Parallel Bar Leg Raise
  18. Reverse Crunches
  19. Side Bridge Hip Abductor
  20. Side Bridge Hip Dip
  21. Side Crunches
  22. Side Plank
  23. Side Plank Hold
  24. Sit Up
  25. Superman Plank
  26. Tuck Crunch
  27. Twisting Crunch
  28. Bodyweight Abs Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  29. Bench Dip
  30. Brachialis Pull Up
  31. Reverse Dip
  32. Bodyweight Arm Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  33. Chin Up
  34. Close Grip Chin Up
  35. Inverted Row Underhand Grip
  36. Inverted Rows
  37. Muscle Up
  38. Narrow Parallel Grip Chin Up
  39. Rear Pull Up
  40. Wide Grip Pull Up
  41. Bodyweight Back Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  42. Jump Rope
  43. Bodyweight Calves Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  44. Chest Dip
  45. Decline Push Up
  46. Diamond Push Up
  47. Incline Push Up
  48. Narrow Push Up
  49. Push Up
  50. Push Up On Grips
  51. Superman Push Up
  52. Wide Grip Chest Dip
  53. Wide Push Up
  54. Bodyweight Chest Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  55. 45 Degree Hyperextensions
  56. Bench Hyperextension
  57. Cross Oblique Crunch
  58. Crunch
  59. Decline Twisting Sit Up
  60. Hands Up Crunch
  61. Hanging Knee Up
  62. Hanging Leg Raise
  63. Hanging Oblique Knee Raises
  64. Hanging Pike
  65. Hollow Hold
  66. Hyperextension
  67. Incline Leg Hip Raise
  68. Jack Knife Sit Up
  69. Knee Hug Crunch
  70. Leg Lift Knee Raise
  71. Leg Raise
  72. Leg Raise Crunch
  73. Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch
  74. Lying Knee Raise
  75. Lying Leg Crunch
  76. Lying Leg Lift Hold
  77. Parallel Bar Leg Raise
  78. Reverse Crunches
  79. Reverse Hyperextension
  80. Reverse Sit Up
  81. Side Bridge Hip Abductor
  82. Side Bridge Hip Dip
  83. Side Crunches
  84. Side Plank
  85. Side Plank Hold
  86. Sit Up
  87. Superman Plank
  88. Tuck Crunch
  89. Twisting Crunch
  90. Bodyweight Core Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  91. Lunge
  92. Rear Lunge
  93. Walking Lunge
  94. Bodyweight Glutes Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  95. Chin Up
  96. Close Grip Chin Up
  97. Muscle Up
  98. Narrow Parallel Grip Chin Up
  99. Rear Pull Up
  100. Wide Grip Pull Up
  101. Bodyweight Lats Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  102. Hanging Knee Up
  103. Hanging Pike
  104. Hollow Hold
  105. Prisoner Squat
  106. Reverse Sit Up
  107. Split Squat
  108. Squat Jump
  109. Bodyweight Legs Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  110. 45 Degree Hyperextensions
  111. Bench Hyperextension
  112. Hyperextension
  113. Reverse Hyperextension
  114. Bodyweight Lower Back Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  115. Inverted Row Underhand Grip
  116. Inverted Rows
  117. Bodyweight Shoulders Exercise Article With Graphics and Description
  118. Bench Dip
  119. Reverse Dip
  120. Bodyweight Triceps Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Cross Oblique Crunch

The Cross Oblique Crunch is a great exercise to target the obliques and core muscles. It engages the abdominal region by combining both a crunch and twist movement to strengthen the sides of the body.


The Crunch is an abdominal exercise that targets the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles. It is a great way to strengthen and tone the core muscles.

Decline Twisting Sit Up

The Decline Twisting Sit Up is a core exercise that engages the rectus abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors. It is a great exercise for strengthening the entire abdominal region.

Hands Up Crunch

Hands Up Crunch is an effective core exercise that engages the abdominals, obliques and lower back. The exercise is performed by lying on the floor and lifting the arms and legs up towards the ceiling while crunching the abs.

Hanging Leg Raise

The Hanging Leg Raise is an effective exercise for strengthening and toning the lower abdominal muscles and hip flexors. It is a great way to engage the core and improve overall stability.

Hanging Oblique Knee Raises

Hanging Oblique Knee Raises are a great way to engage and strengthen your core muscles, specifically the obliques. This exercise also works your abs and lower back muscles as you lift your knees up and across your body.

Incline Leg Hip Raise

The Incline Leg Hip Raise is an effective exercise for strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. It involves lying on an incline bench and raising the hips up into the air while keeping the legs straight.

Jack Knife Sit Up

The Jack Knife Sit Up is an abdominal exercise that engages the core and lower abdominal muscles. It involves sitting up while balancing on the buttocks and touching the toes with the fingertips.

Knee Hug Crunch

The Knee Hug Crunch is an ab exercise that engages the core muscles and obliques. It involves bringing your knees up to your chest and crunching your upper body towards them.

Leg Lift Knee Raise

The Leg Lift Knee Raise is an abdominal exercise that engages the core muscles, specifically the lower abs. By lying on the back and lifting the legs and knees, this exercise helps to strengthen and tone the midsection.

Leg Raise

The Leg Raise exercise engages the core and hip flexor muscles to lift the legs up in a straight line and back down again. It is a great exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving balance.

Leg Raise Crunch

The Leg Raise Crunch is a great core exercise that engages the lower abdominal muscles. It requires the user to lift both legs and upper body off the ground while crunching the torso up, helping to strengthen and define the abdominal muscles.

Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch

The Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch is a core strengthening exercise that engages the abdominal, hip, and glute muscles. It is an effective exercise for targeting the core and improving overall stability.

Lying Knee Raise

The Lying Knee Raise is an ab exercise that engages the core muscles and helps to strengthen and tone the abdominal area. It works the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques.

Lying Leg Crunch

The Lying Leg Crunch is an ab exercise that engages the core muscles. It involves crunching the legs up towards the chest while lying flat on the ground.

Lying Leg Lift Hold

The Lying Leg Lift Hold is a great core exercise that engages the rectus abdominis and obliques muscles. It requires you to hold your legs in the air and keep your torso still for a set period of time.

Parallel Bar Leg Raise

The Parallel Bar Leg Raise is a strength exercise that engages the core and lower body muscles, particularly the hip flexors, quadriceps and abdominals.

Reverse Crunches

Reverse Crunches are a great core exercise that targets the lower abdominal muscles. It is an effective way to strengthen and tone your core muscles for improved stability and posture.

Side Bridge Hip Abductor

The Side Bridge Hip Abductor is an effective exercise for targeting the glutes, abductors and core muscles. It involves lying on one side and using your core to lift your hips off the ground while your legs remain in the same position.

Side Bridge Hip Dip

The Side Bridge Hip Dip is a core exercise that engages the glutes, hips, and core muscles. It strengthens the hips and lower body while also helping to improve balance and stability.

Side Crunches

Side crunches are a great ab exercise to target the obliques and abdominal muscles. They engage the core muscles and help to strengthen the entire abdominal region.

Side Plank

Side Plank is a great core exercise that engages the obliques and lower abdominals. It also strengthens the glutes, hips, and shoulders.

Side Plank Hold

The Side Plank Hold is an effective core exercise that engages the muscles of the obliques, glutes, and shoulders. It is an isometric exercise, meaning the muscles are held in a contracted position for a period of time.

Sit Up

The Sit Up is an exercise that engages your core muscles, including the abdominals, hip flexors, and lower back. It is an effective way to strengthen and tone these muscle groups.

Superman Plank

The Superman Plank is an isometric core exercise that engages the abdominals, lower back and glutes. It is a great exercise for strengthening the core and improving posture.

Tuck Crunch

The Tuck Crunch is an ab exercise that engages the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis and obliques. This exercise is great for strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles.

Twisting Crunch

The Twisting Crunch is a great core exercise that engages the obliques and abdominal muscles. It involves twisting your upper body while performing a crunch to work both the left and right sides of your core.

Bodyweight Abs Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Arm Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get fit and strong without the need for expensive gym equipment. They are also incredibly versatile, allowing you to work your entire body with just your own bodyweight. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best arm exercises you can do using just your bodyweight. Read on to find out more!

Bench Dip

The Bench Dip is a great exercise to target the triceps, chest, and shoulders. It involves lowering your body between two benches while keeping your legs extended in front of you.

Brachialis Pull Up

The Brachialis Pull Up is an upper-body exercise that targets the brachialis muscle in the upper arm. It is a great way to strengthen and tone the arms.

Reverse Dip

Reverse Dip is an upper body exercise that targets the triceps, deltoids and chest muscles. It involves dipping down from a stable surface and pushing back up to the starting position.

Bodyweight Arm Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Back Exercises

Whether you are new to fitness or are a seasoned pro, bodyweight back exercises can help you build strength and endurance without having to purchase any special equipment. These exercises are great for anyone who is looking to get fit, improve their posture, or just add a bit of variety to their fitness routine. Below are some of the best bodyweight exercises for your back that you can do at home.

Chin Up

Chin Up is an effective upper body exercise that engages the muscles in the arms, shoulders and back. It is a great way to strengthen and tone those muscle groups.

Close Grip Chin Up

The Close Grip Chin Up is an upper body exercise that targets the muscles of the back, shoulders, biceps, and core. It is a great way to build strength and stability throughout the entire upper body.

Inverted Row Underhand Grip

The Inverted Row Underhand Grip is a great exercise for targeting the upper back muscles, such as the lats, rhomboids and traps. It also works the biceps and core muscles.

Inverted Rows

The Inverted Row is an effective exercise for strengthening the back muscles, specifically the upper and mid-back. It also engages the core, shoulders, arms, and glutes.

Muscle Up

The Muscle Up is a challenging bodyweight exercise that works the upper body, engaging the chest, arms and shoulders. It requires strength, coordination and balance.

Narrow Parallel Grip Chin Up

The Narrow Parallel Grip Chin Up is an effective exercise to target the upper body muscles, specifically the lats, traps, biceps, and core. This exercise requires a strong grip and a strong pull to lift your body up to the bar.

Rear Pull Up

Rear Pull Up is an upper body exercise that primarily targets the back muscles, while also engaging the biceps and shoulders. It is a great way to build strength in your upper body.

Wide Grip Pull Up

The Wide Grip Pull Up is a great exercise for engaging and strengthening the back muscles, specifically the lats. It involves gripping a bar wider than shoulder width apart, and pulling your chest to the bar.

Bodyweight Back Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Calves Exercises

Many people are looking for a way to increase their strength and fitness without having to go to the gym or buy expensive equipment. Bodyweight exercises are an excellent option as they can be done anywhere and require no equipment. This article will focus on bodyweight calves exercises and how to incorporate them into your workout routine. Read on to find out more!

Jump Rope

Jump rope is an excellent exercise for engaging the whole body. It engages the lower body, including the calves, quads, and glutes, as well as the upper body, such as the shoulders and arms.

Bodyweight Calves Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Chest Exercises

If you’re looking to get a great chest workout without any equipment, bodyweight exercises are a great option! They can be done anywhere and require no additional tools or equipment. Here’s a list of some of the best bodyweight chest exercises that you can do to build strength and definition in your upper body.

Chest Dip

The Chest Dip exercise is a great way to engage the chest muscles. It involves holding onto a dip bar or other sturdy object and lowering yourself down while keeping your elbows close to your body. This exercise works the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Decline Push Up

The Decline Push Up is an excellent exercise for strengthening the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. It involves performing a push up while elevated on a platform, such as a step or bench.

Diamond Push Up

The Diamond Push Up is an exercise that engages the chest muscles, working to strengthen and tone the chest region. It is performed by assuming a push up position with the hands forming a diamond shape and lowering the body until the chest touches the hands.

Incline Push Up

The Incline Push Up is an effective upper body exercise that engages the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It is performed by placing the hands on an elevated surface and pushing the body away from the surface.

Narrow Push Up

The Narrow Push Up is a great exercise to target the chest, triceps and shoulder muscles. It involves placing the hands closer than shoulder-width apart and performing a standard push up motion.

Push Up

Push-ups are a full body exercise that engage the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. They are a great way to build upper body strength and endurance.

Push Up On Grips

The Push Up On Grips is a great exercise to build upper body strength and engage the chest, shoulders and triceps muscles. It’s a challenging yet effective exercise that can be done at home with minimal equipment.

Superman Push Up

The Superman Push Up is a great exercise for engaging the upper body muscles, specifically the chest and back. It’s a challenging full body exercise that also works the glutes, core and shoulder muscles.

Wide Grip Chest Dip

The Wide Grip Chest Dip is an effective exercise for targeting the chest muscles. It involves gripping a pair of parallel bars and lowering the body until the elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle and then pushing back up.

Wide Push Up

The Wide Push Up is a great exercise to engage the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It requires you to spread your arms wider than shoulder width while in the push up position to strengthen and tone these muscle groups.

Bodyweight Chest Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Core Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to incorporate core strength and stability into your fitness routine. Not only are bodyweight exercises accessible for all fitness levels, but they are also incredibly convenient since you can do them anywhere, anytime. Below is a list of bodyweight core exercises and their descriptions to help you build a strong and stable core.

45 Degree Hyperextensions

45 Degree Hyperextensions are a great exercise to strengthen and build the lower back muscles. They target the glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and core muscles.

Bench Hyperextension

The Bench Hyperextension is an exercise targeting the lower back and glute muscles. It involves lying on your stomach and raising your upper body off the bench with your hips fully extended.

Cross Oblique Crunch

The Cross Oblique Crunch is an exercise that engages the abdominal muscles by crunching to the side. It is a great core exercise for developing strength and stability in the obliques, hips, and lower back.


The crunch is a core exercise that engages the abdominal muscles. It is a basic movement that can be performed with or without additional weight to strengthen and tone the core.

Decline Twisting Sit Up

The Decline Twisting Sit Up is a great core exercise that engages the obliques and rectus abdominis muscles. It involves lying on a decline bench and twisting your torso while performing a sit up.

Hands Up Crunch

Hands Up Crunch is a core-strengthening exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. It involves lying on the floor, lifting your legs off the ground and crunching your upper body up while reaching your hands towards your toes.

Hanging Knee Up

The Hanging Knee Up is an abdominal exercise that engages the core muscles to lift the legs up to the bar. It is a great way to build strength and stability in the lower abdominal region.

Hanging Leg Raise

The Hanging Leg Raise is an effective abdominal exercise that engages the rectus abdominis and hip flexors. By hanging from a bar and lifting your legs up towards the bar, this exercise will help strengthen your core muscles.

Hanging Oblique Knee Raises

Hanging Oblique Knee Raises target the core and obliques, engaging muscles in the abdomen, hips, and lower back. They are a great way to improve your core strength and stability.

Hanging Pike

Hanging Pike is an abdominal exercise that engages your core muscles. It involves hanging from a bar and raising your legs up to a 90-degree angle while keeping your torso upright. This targets the obliques, rectus abdominis, and hip flexors.

Hollow Hold

The Hollow Hold exercise engages the core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back, by having the athlete lay on the ground with legs and arms extended, then raising them slightly off the ground and holding that position.


The Hyperextension is an effective exercise to strengthen the lower back and glute muscles. It is performed by lying face down on a hyperextension bench and raising the upper body until it is in line with the lower body.

Incline Leg Hip Raise

The Incline Leg Hip Raise is a great exercise for engaging the glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. It can be performed on an incline bench for an extra challenge.

Jack Knife Sit Up

The Jack Knife Sit Up is an exercise that engages the abdominal muscles. It involves lying on your back and bringing your arms and legs up together to form a ‘V’ shape before returning to the starting position.

Knee Hug Crunch

The Knee Hug Crunch is an abdominal exercise that targets the rectus abdominis muscle. This exercise requires you to hug your knees to your chest while in a crunching position, engaging the core and working the abs.

Leg Lift Knee Raise

The Leg Lift Knee Raise is an effective exercise for strengthening the core and glutes. It engages the lower abdominal muscles, hips, and glutes for a full body workout.

Leg Raise

The Leg Raise is a great exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles. It engages the core, hip flexors, and quads as you lift your legs off the floor and hold them in the air.

Leg Raise Crunch

The Leg Raise Crunch is a core strengthening exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. It is performed by lying on your back, raising your legs and crunching up your upper body to meet them.

Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch

The Leg Raise Hip Lift Crunch is an effective exercise that works the abdominal muscles and lower back. It engages the rectus abdominis, obliques, glutes, and hip flexors.

Lying Knee Raise

The Lying Knee Raise is an abdominal exercise that engages the core muscles. It involves lying flat on the floor and lifting the legs up towards the chest in a controlled manner.

Lying Leg Crunch

The Lying Leg Crunch is an abdominal exercise that targets the rectus abdominis and obliques. It involves lying on the floor and crunching the legs up to the chest while keeping the lower back pressed into the floor.

Lying Leg Lift Hold

The Lying Leg Lift Hold is a great core exercise that engages your lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back and lift both legs up at a 90 degree angle, hold the position for 10-20 seconds, and then slowly lower your legs back down.

Parallel Bar Leg Raise

The Parallel Bar Leg Raise is a great exercise for targeting the lower abdominal muscles. It is performed by holding onto parallel bars with straight arms and raising both legs together as far as possible before lowering them back to the starting position.

Reverse Crunches

Reverse Crunches are an abdominal exercise that engages the lower and upper abdominal muscles. They involve lying on your back and crunching your hips towards your chest while keeping your legs straight.

Reverse Hyperextension

The Reverse Hyperextension is an exercise that primarily targets the lower back muscles as well as the hamstrings, glutes and core. It is an excellent exercise for strengthening the posterior chain muscles.

Reverse Sit Up

The Reverse Sit Up is an effective exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles. It engages the rectus abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors to help improve core strength and stability.

Side Bridge Hip Abductor

The Side Bridge Hip Abductor is an excellent exercise for strengthening the glutes, core, and outer thighs. It works by engaging the hips and abductors to lift the body off the ground, creating a bridge with your side.

Side Bridge Hip Dip

The Side Bridge Hip Dip is an effective exercise that works the gluteal and core muscles. It involves lying on one side, raising the hips off the ground and dipping them down to one side.

Side Crunches

Side crunches are a great exercise to target the obliques and lateral abdominals. They engage the core muscles while also challenging balance and stability.

Side Plank

The Side Plank is a great core exercise that engages the obliques, glutes, and quads. It is a great way to strengthen the entire core and stabilize the spine.

Side Plank Hold

The Side Plank Hold is a core exercise that engages the obliques, transverse abdominals, and other core muscles. It involves supporting your body on one side while keeping your legs, hips, and torso in a straight line.

Sit Up

Sit Ups are a great exercise for engaging the core muscles. They target the abdominal, oblique, and hip flexor muscles, making them a great choice for strengthening the mid-section.

Superman Plank

The Superman Plank is an exercise that engages the core and lower back muscles. It involves lying face down with arms and legs extended, then lifting the chest and legs off the ground for a set duration.

Tuck Crunch

The Tuck Crunch is an abdominal exercise that engages the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. It involves crunching your upper body while tucking your knees in towards your chest.

Twisting Crunch

Twisting Crunch is an abdominal exercise that engages the core muscles while also targeting the obliques. It is an effective way to strengthen the entire midsection.

Bodyweight Core Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Glutes Exercises

Working out your glutes doesn’t have to be complicated. There are a variety of bodyweight exercises that you can do at home to strengthen and tone your glutes. Here are some of the best bodyweight glutes exercises you can do to give your butt a boost.


The lunge is a great lower body exercise that targets the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. It helps build strength and stability in the hips, legs, and core.

Rear Lunge

Rear Lunges target the glutes and quads, engaging the muscles in the lower body. This exercise requires stepping back with one leg while keeping your torso upright and then pushing back up to the starting position.

Walking Lunge

Walking Lunge is an exercise that targets the quads, glutes and hamstrings. It involves stepping forward into a lunge position and then pushing off with the back leg to move the body forward.

Bodyweight Glutes Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Lats Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to work out the lats, or latissimus dorsi. These exercises don’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere. To help you get started, here is a list of bodyweight lat exercises with descriptions of how to do them.

Chin Up

Chin-ups are an upper body exercise that target the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms. They are a great way to build strength and tone the upper body.

Close Grip Chin Up

The Close Grip Chin Up is an effective exercise to target the upper back muscles. It engages the lats, traps, and other upper body muscles.

Muscle Up

Muscle Up is a bodyweight exercise that engages the arms, shoulders, and core muscles. It involves pulling yourself up from a hanging position onto a bar, and then lowering yourself back down.

Narrow Parallel Grip Chin Up

The Narrow Parallel Grip Chin Up is an upper body exercise that works the back, biceps, and shoulders. It involves gripping a bar with the hands close together and pulling the body up towards the bar.

Rear Pull Up

The Rear Pull Up is a great exercise for engaging the upper back muscles, specifically the lats and rhomboids. It is an effective way to build strength and improve posture.

Wide Grip Pull Up

Wide Grip Pull Ups are an upper body exercise that target the back muscles, specifically the lats and biceps. They are a great way to increase strength and muscle size in the upper body.

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Bodyweight Legs Exercises

Exercising your legs with bodyweight exercises is an easy and effective way to build strength and improve mobility. If you’re looking for an easy and convenient way to get a great leg workout without the need for gym equipment, you’ve come to the right place! Below is a list of some of the best bodyweight leg exercises that you can do anywhere.

Hanging Knee Up

The Hanging Knee Up exercise is a great way to engage and strengthen your core muscles. It involves hanging from a bar and bringing your knees up towards your chest in a controlled manner. It primarily works the abs, obliques and hip flexors.

Hanging Pike

Hanging Pike is an abdominal exercise that engages the entire core region. It involves hanging from a bar and slowly raising your legs in a pike position until your toes reach the bar.

Hollow Hold

The Hollow Hold is an effective core exercise that engages the abdominal, hip flexor, and lower back muscles. It is a challenging exercise that increases strength and stability in the core.

Prisoner Squat

Prisoner Squats are a full-body exercise that work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It is performed by standing with feet shoulder-width apart, arms behind the head, and squatting down until the thighs are parallel to the ground.

Reverse Sit Up

The Reverse Sit Up is an effective core exercise which engages the abdominal muscles. It involves lying flat on the floor and then raising your shoulders off the ground while keeping your lower body still.

Split Squat

The Split Squat is a great lower body exercise that engages the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core. It is a variation of a traditional squat and works to build strength and stability in the legs.

Squat Jump

Squat Jump is a dynamic exercise that targets the lower body muscles, including the quadriceps, glutes, and calves. It is an effective plyometric exercise that helps to increase power, agility, and explosiveness.

Bodyweight Legs Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Lower Back Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to strengthen and tone your body without the need for any equipment. In this article, we’ll be focusing on bodyweight exercises specifically targeting the lower back muscles. The following list of exercises will help you build strength in your lower back and core muscles.

45 Degree Hyperextensions

45 Degree Hyperextensions are a great exercise for targeting the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise engages these muscles as you extend your body over a 45 degree angled bench.

Bench Hyperextension

The Bench Hyperextension exercise is a great way to engage the lower back muscles and glutes. It involves lying on a flat bench and lifting your legs up to a full hyperextended position.


Hyperextensions are a great exercise to target the lower back muscles, including the erector spinae and glutes. They involve bending forward at the hips to perform a back extension and engaging the core for stability.

Reverse Hyperextension

The Reverse Hyperextension is an excellent exercise for strengthening the glutes and hamstrings in the lower body. It also works the lower back and core muscles.

Bodyweight Lower Back Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are an excellent and accessible way to start your fitness journey. You don’t need any extra equipment – just yourself and your bodyweight! Shoulder exercises in particular are fantastic for strengthening your upper body and improving posture. Below is a list of bodyweight shoulder exercises along with descriptions of how to do each one correctly.

Inverted Row Underhand Grip

The Inverted Row Underhand Grip is an upper body exercise that targets the back, shoulders, and arms. It engages the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, and biceps muscles.

Inverted Rows

Inverted Rows are an excellent exercise to strengthen the back muscles, engaging the lats, rhomboids, and trapezius.

Bodyweight Shoulders Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Triceps Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to build strength and muscle without the need for any special equipment. They are easy to learn, can be done anywhere, and don’t require a large investment of time or money. In this article, we’ll look at triceps exercises specifically, outlining some of the best bodyweight moves that you can do to target the triceps muscles.

Bench Dip

The Bench Dip is an effective exercise for strengthening the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It involves lowering your body between two benches or chairs while using your arms to support your weight.

Reverse Dip

Reverse Dip is an upper body exercise that works the triceps and the shoulders, engaging multiple muscle regions. It involves lowering the body towards the ground by bending at the elbows, then pushing back up to the starting position.

Bodyweight Triceps Exercise Article With Graphics and Description

Bodyweight Exercises For Men Video Tutorial

8 Bodyweight Exercises EVERYONE Should Do! (Hit Every Muscle)

Great Workout With Bodyweight Exercises For Men

Are you tired of spending too much time and money on a gym membership? Well, don’t worry, because you can still build an impressive physique with just your bodyweight. Bodyweight exercises are some of the most effective exercises you can do! In fact, some of the best exercises for men are the ones that require no weights at all. Check out this table of bodyweight exercises that can challenge you no matter what your fitness level is! These exercises target multiple muscle groups and will give you a full-body workout. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of these exercises – they can be just as challenging, if not more, than lifting weights. Try this workout and watch your fitness levels soar!

ExercisePrimary Muscle Group(s)
Barbell SquatQuadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core
DeadliftHamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, Core
Bench PressChest, Triceps, Shoulders
Pull-upsBack, Biceps
Push-upsChest, Triceps, Shoulders, Core

Why You Should Do Bodyweight Exercises For Men?

There are plenty of reasons why men should incorporate bodyweight exercises into their fitness regimen. Firstly, bodyweight exercises require no special equipment or gym membership, making them easily accessible for everyone. Secondly, they allow for greater flexibility in terms of where and when you can do them. Thirdly, bodyweight exercises are versatile and can be modified to suit your personal fitness level and goals. Additionally, they can improve strength, flexibility, balance and overall physique, making them a great option for anyone looking to improve their physical health. Overall, bodyweight exercises offer a convenient, effective and customizable workout option for men looking to get fit.

Why Bodyweight Exercises For Men Actual Work?

Bodyweight exercises are a great option for men who want to get fit without using weights or machines. But do they actually work? The answer is yes, they can be just as effective as traditional weightlifting and can even offer some unique benefits. Bodyweight exercises can improve endurance, agility, and overall athleticism. They also require less equipment and can be done almost anywhere, making them a convenient option for busy men. However, like with any workout, the effectiveness of bodyweight exercises depends on proper form and technique.

Tips For Bodyweight Exercises For Men

When it comes to bodyweight exercises, men have many options to choose from. The key to success with bodyweight exercises is consistency. Start with a routine that is manageable for your current fitness level and gradually increase the difficulty over time. Don’t forget to warm up before exercising and stretch after. Incorporating variations of exercises and adding reps or sets can go a long way to keep challenging your body and preventing plateaus. Remember, proper form is important to prevent injury and maximize results.

Unleash Your Inner Strength: Get Fit with Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way for men to build strength and improve their fitness without needing any equipment. By using your own body weight as resistance, you can target multiple muscle groups and get a full-body workout. One of the biggest benefits of bodyweight exercises is that they can be done anywhere, making it easy to incorporate them into your daily routine. Whether you’re at home, at the park, or traveling, there’s no excuse not to get in some exercise. With a little creativity and a lot of determination, your bodyweight can be your new gym.

References: The Ultimate Guide to Calisthenics for Men | The Benefits of Bodyweight Training | A Complete Guide to Bodyweight Exercises | The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Men | Bodyweight Exercises: The Ultimate Guide

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