One Arm Bicep Cable Curls: A Profound Way To Train Your Arms

If you’ve ever tried doing one arm bicep cable curls, you know how challenging it can be to maintain proper form and consistently engage your biceps. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with this exercise due to the difficulty of isolating the bicep muscle and preventing momentum from taking over. The good news is, there are effective techniques and tips that can help you overcome these obstacles and achieve the best possible results from this exercise. In this post, we’ll dive into exactly how to perform one arm bicep cable curls correctly and get the most out of this classic bicep exercise.

One Arm Bicep Cable Curls Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

One Arm Bicep Cable Curls Instructions

  • Commence by setting up a single handle on a low cable pulley.
  • Standing facing away from the pulley with your exercising side foot back, arm straight, handle in hand.
  • Now Curl the handle up to your chest, while you maintain you upper arm fixed.
  • Next, you pause briefly while your bicep is contracted and then allow the cable to pull your arm slowly back to the starting position.
  • Complete a full set, then switch sides and do ti again.

Video Tutorial

Exercise Index - One Arm Cable Curl

One Arm Bicep Cable Curls Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the one arm bicep cable curls exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of One Arm Bicep Cable Curls

One Arm Bicep Cable Curls are an excellent exercise to add to your strength training or fitness routine because they target the biceps brachii muscle. These curls involve using a cable machine and one arm at a time to curl the weight up. This exercise is great for isolating and strengthening the biceps brachii, which can help you build lean muscle and develop a stronger upper body. Additionally, since you use one arm at a time, it allows for a greater range of motion and more control, helping to further develop the biceps. Finally, the cable machine offers adjustable resistance, which can be increased or decreased as needed, allowing for a more customized workout.

Tips for Performing One Arm Bicep Cable Curls

You’ve come to the right place if you’re motivated to advance your one arm bicep cable curls execution. Using these suggestions can allow you to take full advantage of this effective exercise. You’ll be able to strengthen your biceps muscles, and minimize your risk of injury. Let’s get started and look at what these tips can do for you.

  • Use Proper Form: Make sure to keep your elbow tucked in to your side and ensure your back is straight throughout the entire movement. This will help you isolate the bicep muscle for a better workout and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Monitor Your Weight: Start with a lighter weight and slowly increase as you progress. This will help you target the correct muscles and avoid straining or injuring yourself.
  • Focus on the Muscle: When doing the one arm bicep cable curls, focus on feeling the contraction in your bicep muscles. This will help you get the most out of the exercise and maximize your results.

Benefits and Tips Video

High Cable Curl | Maximize Bicep Growth!

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When conducting one arm bicep cable curls, keeping away from typical errors can be the difference to getting the most out of the exercise and avoiding pain. Additionally, achieving optimal results from this exercise requires proper form, and avoiding perform typical mistakes can help you to perform the exercise correctly and achieve your desired results. But relax, it’s not quite as difficult as it might appear. By knowing the mistakes to avoid and taking the right actions, you can execute the activity securely and effectively. Then let’s begin on how to avoid those typical mistakes and making this exercise a normal part of your strength training.

  • Not using the correct weight: Using too much or too little weight can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and put the person at risk of injury.
  • Not maintaining proper form: Poor form can lead to injury and also reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. It is important to ensure that the person maintains good posture and keeps their elbows close to their body during the exercise.
  • Not taking rest days: Taking rest days between workouts is important for muscle recovery and avoiding injury. It is important to give the muscles time to rest and recover before engaging in another workout.

Find More Cable Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

Once you have mastered the One Arm Bicep Cable Curls exercise, you can move on to these variations, complementary, or alternative exercises to switch up your workout and challenge yourself.

One Arm Cable Curls

Graphic image of One Arm Cable Curls.

One Arm Cable Curls are a great alternative or complementary exercise for One Arm Bicep Cable Curls. This exercise helps to build strength in the biceps and works the arms from a different angle. It is performed by standing to the side of the cable machine and gripping the handle with one arm. Keeping your elbows close to your body, bend your arm at the elbow and curl the weight up towards your shoulder. Make sure to keep your elbow close to your body as you lift and lower the weight in a slow, controlled motion. Doing this exercise regularly can help to increase muscle size and strength in the biceps.

One Arm Cable High Curl

Graphic image of One Arm Cable High Curl.

The One Arm Cable High Curl is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the One Arm Bicep Cable Curl. It works the same muscles as the bicep curl, but with a different motion. This exercise is performed by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your torso facing away from the cable machine. Then, grab the handle of the cable with one hand and curl it up towards your shoulder, squeezing your bicep and keeping your elbow tucked in. This exercise is great for developing the upper portion of the bicep and can help you target the area more precisely than the regular bicep curl.

Overhead Cable Curls

Graphic image of Overhead Cable Curls.

Overhead Cable Curls are an effective alternative or complementary exercise to One Arm Bicep Cable Curls. This exercise uses a cable pulley machine with a straight bar attachment, and the lifter stands with the bar in front of their body, gripping it with both hands. Keeping their elbows tucked in, the lifter then curls the bar up and over their head until their elbows are fully bent. This exercise is great for targeting the upper arm muscles and strengthening the biceps. It is also an excellent way to develop balance and coordination while providing an intense workout.

Check Out These Top Cable Exercises

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Graphic image of Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to One Arm Bicep Cable Curls. This exercise is a great way to work both arms at the same time and provide an extra challenge for your biceps. It also helps to increase strength and stability in the shoulder joint as well as the elbow joint. By using two dumbbells in the seated position, you are able to really focus on each arm individually and target the biceps more effectively. This is a great exercise to add to your bicep workout routine to mix up your exercises and continue to make progress.

Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl.

The Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the One Arm Bicep Cable Curl. It puts emphasis on the bicep peak by utilizing a cable and one arm to curl the weight. The Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl can also target the outer bicep head to develop more complete size and shape to your arms. This is achieved by keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body as you curl up with the weight. This exercise can be done with both arms simultaneously or alternating arms for an even more intense workout.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curls are a great complementary or alternative exercise to One Arm Bicep Cable Curls. This exercise not only works the biceps, but also the core and shoulder muscles. The use of the stability ball adds an element of instability to the exercise, which increases activation of the core muscles and helps to develop balance and coordination. The concentration curl is a great exercise for building strength in the biceps and it can be modified to increase or decrease intensity by changing the weight of the dumbbell. This exercise is a great addition to any bicep workout routine.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In addition to One Arm Bicep Cable Curls, it is important to also include exercises that work opposing muscle groups. This will help ensure balanced development in the bicep and forearm muscles. Below are a few exercises that work the opposite muscles and are great complements to One Arm Bicep Cable Curls.

Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extension.

The incline dumbbell triceps extension is a great way to complement one arm bicep cable curls by working the opposing muscle group. This exercise involves laying back on an incline bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand. The arms are then extended up toward the ceiling and then lowered behind the head until the elbows are at a 90 degree angle. This exercise will work the triceps, which are the opposing muscle group to the biceps used in one arm bicep cable curls. As a result, performing both exercises will help create balance in the upper body and create a more toned look.

Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension.

The Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension is a great complementary exercise to the One Arm Bicep Cable Curls. This exercise works the opposing muscle group and helps to create an even balance of strength in the arms. To perform this exercise, kneel on one knee with the other leg extended in front of you. With the cable attached to the triceps, use an overhand grip and extend your arm until it is fully straight. Make sure to keep your elbow close to your body as you extend and flex your triceps. This exercise helps to target the triceps and can be used in combination with One Arm Bicep Cable Curls to create an effective workout for both muscle groups.

Lying Dumbbell Single Extension

Graphic image of Lying Dumbbell Single Extension.

The Lying Dumbbell Single Extension is the perfect complement to the One Arm Bicep Cable Curl. This exercise works the opposite muscle group, the triceps, and helps to create a balanced workout. It works the triceps in a slightly different way than the cable curl and helps to ensure that both sides of the arm are equally strong. The lying dumbbell single extension involves lying on your back and extending your arms over your head with a dumbbell in each hand. You then slowly lower one dumbbell towards your chest while keeping your arm straight. This exercise is a great way to target the triceps and ensure balanced muscle development.

Sculpt Stronger Arms with One Arm Bicep Cable Curls

One effective way to build stronger and more defined arms is through the use of one arm bicep cable curls. This exercise is great for targeting the biceps and can be adjusted to suit different fitness levels. By keeping good form and engaging your muscles, you’ll be able to see improvement over time. Incorporating one arm bicep cable curls into your routine will help you achieve the toned arms you’ve been striving for.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Arms Cable Exercises

Pin image for one arm bicep cable curls post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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