One Arm Band Shoulder Press: A Terrific Compound Shoulder Exercise

Are you tired of feeling limited in your shoulder workouts due to injury or weakness on one side? Are you struggling to find exercises that work both arms evenly, without causing discomfort or pain in your weaker shoulder? Many people experience this issue, often caused by one side being stronger than the other or an injury limiting movement in one arm. But fear not, there is a solution: the one arm band shoulder press. This exercise targets each shoulder independently, allowing for a more even distribution of weight and a safer, more effective workout. Keep reading to learn how to properly execute this exercise and take your shoulder workouts to the next level.

One Arm Band Shoulder Press Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

One Arm Band Shoulder Press Instructions

  • Get started by placing the band under your exercising side foot or at a low anchor point.
  • Raise your excercising hand up with the band handle parallel with your chin.
  • Then press the handle over your head extending your are.
  • After a brief pause, allow the band to pull your arm in a controlled manner back to the staring position.
  • Repeat these presses fro a complete set with one arm, then switch sides.

Video Tutorial

How to PROPERLY Single Arm Shoulder Press For Muscle Gain

One Arm Band Shoulder Press Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers


  • Iliocastalis lumborum
  • Iliocastalis thoracis

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the one arm band shoulder press exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of One Arm Band Shoulder Press

The One Arm Band Shoulder Press is an ideal exercise for strengthening and toning the Deltoid – Anterior muscles. This exercise specifically targets the front of the shoulder and helps to stabilize the shoulder joint. By performing the One Arm Band Shoulder Press regularly, you can expect to increase strength, power, and muscular endurance in the Deltoid – Anterior muscles. This exercise can also help to improve posture and shoulder stability, which can help to reduce the risk of shoulder injuries and improve shoulder mobility.

Tips for Performing One Arm Band Shoulder Press

The one arm band shoulder press is a great exercise for building strength and muscular endurance in the shoulders. It is a simple yet effective exercise that can be done anywhere with minimal equipment. To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips for the best results.

  • The best way to build and maintain symmetry is to do the same effort with both sides.
  • Starting with your weaker side will allow you to develop symmetry.
  • You can control the resistance by how much of the band is on the other side of your foot.

Benefits and Tips Video

The ONLY WAY to do The Banded Shoulder Press

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When performing a one arm band shoulder press, it is important to avoid the following common mistakes. These mistakes can not only limit the effectiveness of the exercise but can also increase your risk of injury. With proper form and technique, you can maximize your gains from this great exercise. Keep reading to learn more about the mistakes to avoid when doing a one arm band shoulder press.

  • Don’t Allow Yourself To Cheat. In almost all, cheating is employing momentum as a substitute for the strength of your agonist (target) muscle tissue. Occasionally, a little bit of cheating on your last rep can be beneficial to overload your muscle, although not for more than a couple of reps.
  • You Don’t Want To Make It Too Easy. Your only way to obtain gains will be to challenge yourself.
  • Try Not To Skip Recovery Times. Overtraining can certainly help make you weakened in lieu of bigger.

Find More Resistance Band Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

In addition to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, there are a few variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that can be used to target the same muscle groups. These exercises are an excellent way to build shoulder strength and stability. Here are a few to consider:

Seated Dumbbell Military Press

Graphic image of Seated Dumbbell Military Press.

The Seated Dumbbell Military Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. It works all the same muscles as the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, but can be done with heavier weights due to being seated. The seated position also helps to keep the back straight and provide more stability when lifting. This exercise is great for targeting the shoulder muscles, while also engaging the core, chest, and triceps muscles. Additionally, this exercise can be used to increase strength and size in the shoulder area.

Seated Dumbbell Parallel Grip Shoulder Press

Graphic image of Seated Dumbbell Parallel Grip Shoulder Press.

The Seated Dumbbell Parallel Grip Shoulder Press is an excellent complement or alternative exercise for the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. This exercise targets the deltoids and the trapezius muscles to strengthen and tone the shoulder area. It is done by sitting on a bench or stability ball and holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing forward. Keeping the arms close to the body, raise the dumbbells up and together in a controlled motion until the arms are parallel to the floor. This exercise can be done in higher repetitions with lighter weights for toning or lower repetitions with heavier weights for strength and power.

Shoulder Press With Bands

Graphic image of Shoulder Press With Bands.

The Shoulder Press with Bands is a great complementary exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. It not only adds an extra level of resistance to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, but also provides an alternative way to work the same muscles. This exercise also allows you to work both arms at the same time and emphasizes the pushing motion rather than the pulling motion. The Shoulder Press with Bands is a great way to target the muscles of the shoulders, chest, and triceps all at once.

Check Out These Top Resistance Band Exercises

Standing Dumbbell Military Press

Graphic image of Standing Dumbbell Military Press.

The Standing Dumbbell Military Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. This exercise requires the use of two dumbbells and can be performed in a standing or seated position. This exercise strengthens the shoulders, triceps, and upper back, while also engaging the core muscles for stability. The dumbbells are pressed straight up above the head and then lowered slowly until they are back in the starting position. This exercise is a great way to target the same muscle groups as the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, but with a greater range of motion and more stability for the body.

Alternate Shoulder Press With Bands

Graphic image of Alternate Shoulder Press With Bands.

Alternate Shoulder Press With Bands is an excellent alternative to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. It is done using a resistance band with handles on either end and requires the user to press the handles away from their body alternately, one arm at a time. This exercise targets the same muscles as the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, but challenges them in a different way. It builds strength and stability in the shoulders and arms, while also helping to improve balance and coordination. It is a great complementary exercise for anyone looking to build strength and stability in their shoulders and arms.

Alternating Dumbbell Overhead Press

Graphic image of Alternating Dumbbell Overhead Press.

The Alternating Dumbbell Overhead Press is a great complementary exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, as it works similar muscles in a slightly different way. This exercise requires you to hold a dumbbell in each hand and press one arm overhead at a time. This helps to build stability and power in the shoulder muscles and increases muscular endurance. This exercise also requires core strength, as the body must remain stable throughout the exercise. It is an ideal alternative or complementary exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, as it challenges the same muscle groups but in a different way.

Find More Shoulders Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To complement the exercise One Arm Band Shoulder Press, it is important to work the opposing muscle groups as well. This will ensure that you are properly balancing your strength and creating a symmetrical physique. The following exercises are designed to do just that.

V Bar Lateral Pulldown

Graphic image of V Bar Lateral Pulldown.

The V Bar Lateral Pulldown is an excellent complementary exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. This exercise targets the back and lat muscles, which are the opposing muscle group to the deltoids used in the shoulder press. By training both the front and back of the shoulder complex, you can ensure that your shoulders stay balanced and healthy. The V Bar Lateral Pulldown also helps to improve posture by strengthening your upper back, which helps to keep your shoulders back and your chest up. This exercise is an essential part of any shoulder workout program and will help you achieve optimal results.

Weighted Pull Up

Graphic image of Weighted Pull Up.

Weighted Pull Up is an exercise that works the opposite muscle group of the One Arm Band Shoulder Press. It is a compound exercise that works the back, biceps, and core muscles. By performing this exercise in addition to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press, it helps to create a balanced upper body workout. Weighted Pull Up is beneficial for targeting the muscles of the back and shoulders, as well as helping to improve overall grip strength. With this exercise, lifters can increase their strength and build muscle. Furthermore, it can help to improve posture by targeting the back muscles and by engaging the core muscles. As a result, this exercise helps to complement the One Arm Band Shoulder Press by targeting opposing muscle groups and creating a balanced upper body workout.

Wide Grip Pull Up

Graphic image of Wide Grip Pull Up.

The Wide Grip Pull Up is a great complimentary exercise to the One Arm Band Shoulder Press as it targets the opposing muscle group. This exercise focuses on strengthening the lats, rear deltoids, and biceps while the One Arm Band Shoulder Press targets the anterior deltoids, triceps and traps. By incorporating both of these exercises in one’s workout routine, they can help build strength and stability in their upper body. Both exercises also require proper form and technique to get the most out of them. Practicing proper form and technique with both exercises will help ensure that one is targeting the correct muscles and working them in the most effective way.

Build Strong and Balanced Shoulders with One Arm Band Press.

One of the most important aspects of shoulder exercises is building strength and maintaining balance. This is where the one arm band press comes in. By utilizing a resistance band, you can work each shoulder independently while also engaging your core for stability. Plus, the one arm variation allows for greater range of motion and better isolation of the shoulder muscle. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can help prevent shoulder injuries and improve overall shoulder strength.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Shoulders Resistance Band Exercises

Pin image for one arm band shoulder press post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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