One Arm Cable High Curl: A How-To Guide For This Profound Exercise

Do you struggle to perform the one-arm cable high curl with proper form? Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, this exercise can be tricky to execute correctly. That’s because it requires a combination of strength, stability, and mind-muscle connection. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this struggle. Many people experience the same issue, especially if they have weak or imbalanced bicep muscles. But fear not, as there are several tips and tricks you can use to improve your performance and get the most out of this exercise. In this post, we’ll dive deep into the proper form, target muscles, and variations of the one-arm cable high curl, helping you to master it once and for all!

One Arm Cable High Curl Summary

Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

One Arm Cable High Curl Instructions

  • Get started with a cable pulley that is the same height as your shoulder, with a single handed handle.
  • Grab the handle with your arm straight out shoulder height.
  • Next, pull the handle toward your face by curling with your bicep.
  • Then allow the cable to pull your arm back straight.
  • You should continue until you have complete a full set, then switch sides.

Video Tutorial

High Cable Curl | Maximize Bicep Growth!

One Arm Cable High Curl Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the one arm cable high curl exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of One Arm Cable High Curl

The One Arm Cable High Curl is an excellent exercise for isolating and strengthening the biceps brachii. This exercise can be performed with a cable machine, which provides resistance throughout the entire range of motion. This helps to ensure that all parts of the muscle are being effectively worked. Additionally, the ability to use one arm at a time allows for unilateral training, which can help to identify and correct any imbalances in strength between arms. The One Arm Cable High Curl is a great way to effectively target the biceps brachii and build strength and size.

Tips for Performing One Arm Cable High Curl

You’ve landed at the right location if you desire to forge ahead your ability to perform one arm cable high curl. These tips can enable you to benefit fully from this first-class workout and make the best of its results. Concurrently with building your biceps muscles, improving mobility, and also a lower chance of injury can all be accomplished with this exercise. So let’s begin now and see what these tips may accomplish for you.

  • Use Proper Form: Make sure to keep your elbow close to your torso and curl up to the shoulder, keeping your core engaged throughout the exercise. This will help you get the most out of the exercise and prevent injury.
  • Increase Resistance: Gradually increasing the weight resistance will help you get stronger and more toned faster.
  • Utilize Variety: Incorporate different hand grips, tempos, and angles into your routine to keep your body challenged and help you get the most out of your workout. This will help you reach your fitness goals quicker and more effectively.

Benefits and Tips Video

Exercise Index - One Arm Cable Curl

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When executing one arm cable high curl, avoiding typical errors is usually the difference between a productive workout and a debilitating injury. From bad form to not engaging your core, these errors can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and can even put you at risk for injury. But relax, it’s not as challenging as it might appear. By knowing the errors to avoid and taking the appropriate actions, you may complete the activity securely and effectively. Thus, it is now your turn to maximize your results from this exercise and experience the benefits of a successful workout.

  • Not engaging the abdominal muscles: Not engaging the abdominal muscles can cause an incorrect posture and increase the risk of injury, so it is important to keep them engaged during the exercise.
  • Using too much weight: Using too much weight can cause improper form and lead to potential injuries, so it is important to use the right amount of weight that allows you to complete the exercise with proper form.
  • Not using a full range of motion: Not using a full range of motion can limit the effectiveness of the exercise and make it less effective in achieving desired results, so it is important to use a full range of motion.

Find More Cable Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

There are a few variations and complementary exercises you can use to work the same muscles as the One Arm Cable High Curl. These exercises can be used as alternatives or in addition to the One Arm Cable High Curl to help you achieve your desired fitness goals. Here are some of the variations, complementary, or alternative exercises:

Overhead Cable Curls

Graphic image of Overhead Cable Curls.

Overhead Cable Curls is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise for One Arm Cable High Curl. It is a great way to work the biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles. This exercise can be performed with either a single arm or both arms. In the single arm variation, you will use a cable attachment and hold the handle in one hand while standing upright and keeping your elbow close to your body. You then curl the weight up towards your shoulder and then slowly lower it back down. With the double arm variation, you will use a double-handled cable attachment and stand upright while holding the handles at shoulder level. You will then curl the weight up towards your shoulders and lower it back down. Both variations are effective for working the biceps, triceps and shoulders, making this exercise an ideal choice for those looking for an alternative or complementary exercise for One Arm Cable High Curl.

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Graphic image of Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the One Arm Cable High Curl. This exercise is beneficial for targeting the brachioradialis muscle, which is the primary muscle used in One Arm Cable High Curl. The seated position adds more stability while performing the exercise and allows for a better contraction in the bicep and forearm muscles. The hammer grip also helps to increase strength and muscle mass in the forearms and biceps. Additionally, the alternating arm pattern of this exercise helps to provide balance and symmetry in the arms.

Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl.

The Single Arm Cable Concentration Curl is an excellent complementary exercise to the One Arm Cable High Curl. It works the same muscles in a slightly different way, targeting the inner biceps, the forearm and the shoulder. This exercise requires one arm and a single cable machine, and is done by sitting on a bench, feet firmly planted on the ground and arm extended to the side with a handle attached to the cable machine. You then curl the weight up to your shoulder, hold for a second and then lower it back down to starting position. This exercise is great for developing strength, as well as building muscle mass.

Check Out These Top Cable Exercises

Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl.

The Stability Ball Dumbbell Concentration Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the One Arm Cable High Curl. It works the same muscle groups as the One Arm Cable High Curl but with a different emphasis. This exercise allows you to focus on one arm at a time and really target the biceps. By using a stability ball, you are able to work the muscles in a way that adds stability and balance to your overall workout. This exercise can be done with heavier weights than the One Arm Cable High Curl, allowing you to really build strength in your biceps.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Curl is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise to the One Arm Cable High Curl. This exercise targets the same muscles, but with a different angle and range of motion. It is performed in a similar manner to the cable high curl, with a dumbbell held in one hand while seated on a stability ball, but with the elbow tucked into the body as you curl the weight up. This exercise also engages the core muscles to help keep the body stable during the motion. The stability ball dumbbell curl adds variety to your biceps routine and helps create a balanced physique.

Stability Ball Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Graphic image of Stability Ball Dumbbell Hammer Curl.

The Stability Ball Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the One Arm Cable High Curl. This exercise targets the biceps and the brachialis muscles, while also providing an additional challenge of stability. It requires you to curl the dumbbells up in a hammering motion while maintaining balance on the stability ball. This exercise provides a more dynamic movement pattern than the One Arm Cable High Curl, while still working the same muscles.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To increase the effectiveness of the One Arm Cable High Curl, it is important to work opposing muscle groups. By doing so, it helps to create a balanced physique and improve overall strength. Here are a few exercises that target the opposing muscle groups to the One Arm Cable High Curl:

Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension.

The kneeling cable triceps extension is an excellent complement to the one arm cable high curl. This exercise works the opposing muscle group, the triceps, and helps to balance out the arms. The kneeling cable triceps extension works the triceps by extending the arm against resistance, while the one arm cable high curl works the biceps by curling the arm against resistance. Working both muscle groups helps to build strength and stability throughout the arms and shoulders.

Lying Dumbbell Single Extension

Graphic image of Lying Dumbbell Single Extension.

The lying dumbbell single extension is an excellent complement to the one arm cable high curl exercise. This exercise works the opposite muscle group of the one arm cable high curl, targeting the triceps rather than the biceps. It isolates the triceps muscle and can be performed with one arm at a time. This exercise helps to strengthen the triceps in order to better support and balance out the biceps when performing the one arm cable high curl. Additionally, this exercise helps to increase muscle size and strength while maintaining an even level of muscular development on both sides of the body.

Overhead Rope Tricep Extension

Graphic image of Overhead Rope Tricep Extension.

The Overhead Rope Tricep Extension is a great complement to the One Arm Cable High Curl, as it works the opposing muscle group – the triceps. This exercise helps to build strength and size in the triceps, while also helping to balance out the muscles in the arm for better overall performance. By performing the Overhead Rope Tricep Extension along with the One Arm Cable High Curl, you can build a stronger, more balanced upper body.

Master the One Arm Cable High Curl and Transform Your Arms

If you’re looking for an exercise to really pump up those biceps, the one arm cable high curl may be just what you need. This move targets the brachialis muscle, which sits beneath your biceps and when developed can give your arms a more defined and appealing shape. By mastering this exercise, you’ll be able to transform your arms and take your sleeve game to the next level. Remember to start with a weight that challenges you, but is still manageable with proper form. Slow and controlled movements are key to getting the most out of this exercise.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Arms Cable Exercises

Pin image for one arm cable high curl post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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