Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls Simple Exercise For Fit Arms

Are you struggling to effectively target your biceps during your workouts? Are traditional bicep curls with dumbbells becoming too easy and not pushing you to your limits? Fear not, because you’re not alone. Many people have found themselves in this exact same situation. Perhaps you’ve been using weights that are too light, or you simply need to switch up your routine. Luckily, the solution is right at your fingertips: resistance band one arm bicep curls. In this post, we’ll dive into the benefits of incorporating resistance bands into your bicep routine and show you how to properly perform the one arm bicep curl with this simple yet effective tool.

Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls Summary

Graphic image of a fit woman performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls Instructions

  • Secure the resistance bands to your anchor point down at the floor.
  • While facing away from the anchor point grab the handles with both hands.
  • The arm you are training should be extended to your side, and the other arm should pull the band tight.
  • Now with you palm facing forward pull with your bicep to curl your arm.
  • Squeeze at the top and hold for a brief moment.
  • After then return your arm to the starting point.
  • Repeat for this arm 8-12 reps and then switch.

Video Tutorial

HOW TO DO Standing Biceps Curl with Resistance Bands

Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls Muscles

Target (Agonist)


  • Brachialis
  • Brachioradialis

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


  • DeltoidAnterior
  • Levator Scapulae
  • Trapezius – Middle
  • Trapezius – Upper
  • Wrist Flexors

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the resistance band one arm bicep curls exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls

Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls are a great exercise for targeting the biceps brachii, one of the main muscles in the arm. This exercise strengthens the biceps brachii by using resistance bands to provide extra resistance during the curl. The resistance bands make the exercise more challenging and can help to increase strength, muscle size, and tone. Additionally, because the movement is unilateral (one arm at a time), it helps to even out any imbalances between both arms. Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls are a great way to add variety to your strength training routine and help build strong, toned biceps.

Tips for Performing Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls

When you wish to attain the most beneficial results, adhere to these basic tips. Similarly, if you desire to reduce the likelihood of injuries, abide by these tips.

  • Use Multiple Bands To Help to Increase The Challenge. When you are easily performing 12 or more reps every exercise, then you need to raise the resistance. You can either do this by stretching the band further at the beginning of the movement or by using more bands. The recommended method is to add more bands given that it is easily repeatable to have a similar resistance on each workout.
  • Use A Mirror To Check Your Technique. You could think you are a little vain looking in a mirror while you are exercising, but you are not admiring yourself, you are insuring your technique is solid.
  • Slow Every Repetition Down For Improved Strength Gains. By Raising the time under tension you are exercising your muscles more and they will respond by developing stronger muscles. You can accomplish this without raising the weight by doing slow reps about 4 – 6 seconds flexing and pause then 4 – 6 seconds relaxing.

Benefits and Tips Video

The ONLY WAY You Should Be Doing Banded Bicep Curls

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You ought to keep away from these typical mistakes to have ideal form and improved tonning. Furthermore

  • Don’t Allow Yourself To Cheat. In the majority of the time, cheating is applying momentum rather than the strain of your target muscle tissue. Once in a while, a little cheating on your last rep can be great to overload your muscle, although not for more than a handful of reps.
  • Stop Yourself From Using Too Little or Too Much Tension. Not enough, and you will not be sufficiently employing your target muscle, excess, and you’ll probably cheat. Ensure that you can conduct between 8-12 reps with correct technique.

Find More Resistance Band Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

If you’re looking to vary up your routine or add more intensity, there are several other exercises you can incorporate in place of or in addition to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. Below are some variations, complementary exercises, and alternative exercises that can help you switch things up while still targeting your biceps.

Concentration Curl

Graphic image of Concentration Curl.

The Concentration Curl is a great alternative or complementary exercise to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. It is an isolation exercise that specifically targets the bicep muscle, making it great for building strength and size. The exercise involves sitting on a bench with one arm resting on the inner thigh and the weight in the other hand. As you curl the weight up towards your shoulder, be sure to keep your upper arm still and keep your elbow tucked in. This will help you to really target the bicep muscle and ensure that you are getting the most out of this exercise.

Reverse Grip Cable Curls

Graphic image of Reverse Grip Cable Curls.

Reverse grip cable curls are an excellent alternative or complementary exercise to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. This exercise involves holding a cable with an overhand grip and curling the weight up towards the shoulder. The use of the cable allows for continuous tension on the biceps, providing an effective way to build strength and muscle mass. The reverse grip increases the level of difficulty as it requires more control and stability of the muscles. This exercise can be adjusted to target different parts of the biceps, depending on the position of your hands. Reverse grip cable curls are a great way to add variety to your bicep workouts and help you reach your fitness goals faster.

Rope Cable Hammer Curl

Graphic image of Rope Cable Hammer Curl.

The Rope Cable Hammer Curl is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curl. It is an isolation exercise that works the biceps and forearms, as well as the shoulder muscles. The exercise involves gripping a rope handle attached to a cable pulley and curling it up towards the shoulder. It requires more control than the Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curl and targets the biceps from a different angle. It also allows for more resistance than the band exercise, which increases the intensity of the workout.

Check Out These Top Resistance Band Exercises

Cable Straight Bar Curls

Graphic image of Cable Straight Bar Curls.

Cable Straight Bar Curls are a great complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. This exercise is done with a cable machine, which provides a consistent amount of resistance throughout the full range of motion, making it ideal for targeting the biceps. Additionally, the cable bar allows you to use both arms at once, which increases the intensity of the exercise. Furthermore, this exercise encourages you to use proper form and can help strengthen your wrists and forearms in addition to your biceps.

Resistance Band Hammer Curls

Graphic image of Resistance Band Hammer Curls.

Resistance Band Hammer Curls are an excellent alternative or complementary exercise to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. This exercise is performed by holding the band in both hands and curling your arms at the same time. This exercise targets the biceps, forearms, and shoulders, allowing you to get a full body workout. It is an effective exercise for building strength and size in the arms and upper body. The resistance bands also provide extra resistance to help you challenge your muscles even further. Resistance Band Hammer Curls are a great way to mix up your routine and add variety to your workouts.

Resistance Band Reverse Grip Curls

Graphic image of Resistance Band Reverse Grip Curls.

Resistance Band Reverse Grip Curls is a great complementary exercise to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. It works the same muscles but in a slightly different way. This exercise targets the biceps, the forearms, and the shoulder muscles. To perform this exercise, place the resistance band under both feet and hold onto the handles with an overhand grip. Keep your elbows close to your body as you curl up and down, making sure to keep your shoulders and arms relaxed. This exercise can be used as an alternative to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls or as a way to increase intensity when combined with it.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

To maximize the effectiveness of your workout, it is important to include exercises that work opposing muscle groups. Complementing the exercise Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls with exercises that target the opposite muscles can help create balance in your body and prevent injury. Below are a few exercises that are great for targeting the opposing muscle groups of the Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls:

Resistance Band Anchored Tricep Kickbacks

Graphic image of Resistance Band Anchored Tricep Kickbacks.

Resistance Band Anchored Tricep Kickbacks are a great exercise to complement Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. This exercise works the opposing muscle group of the biceps, the triceps, by targeting the back of the upper arm. The tricep kickback is a great way to complete your upper arm workout since it works the opposing muscle group while helping to increase strength and definition in your arms. By completing both exercises, you will be able to get a full workout for your upper arms in a short amount of time.

Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks

Graphic image of Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks.

Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks are a great way to work the opposing muscle group to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls. This exercise specifically targets the triceps, working them to their full potential. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a resistance band in one hand. Bend forward slightly at the hips and engage your core. Keeping your elbow bent, extend your arm behind you until it is parallel with the ground. Then, slowly return your arm back to the starting position. This exercise is a great way to strengthen and tone your triceps, making it the perfect complement to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls.

Resistance Band Push Downs

Graphic image of Resistance Band Push Downs.

Resistance Band Push Downs are the perfect complement to Resistance Band One Arm Bicep Curls as they focus on the opposing muscle group. Resistance Band Push Downs work the triceps and help to create strength and definition in the back of the upper arm. To perform this exercise, stand with both feet on the resistance band and grasp it with both hands. Keeping your elbows close to your body, push down and slowly return to the starting position. This exercise will help to create balance between the biceps and triceps and give you a more toned upper arm.

Master Your Biceps With One Arm Resistance Band Curls!

One way to get the most out of your resistance band bicep curls is to focus on your form. Make sure to keep your elbow tucked in to your side and your wrist straight as you curl the band up towards your shoulder. Also, try doing one arm curls at a time to really isolate and work your biceps. Using a resistance band can provide a challenging workout and help you build stronger, toned arms. Don’t be afraid to switch up your routine and try different variations of the exercise to keep things interesting and avoid hitting a plateau.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Arms Resistance Band Exercises

Pin image for resistance band one arm bicep curls post. With an image of a woman performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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