Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions Easy Arm Toning Exercise

Are you experiencing trouble toning and developing your triceps? Are you tired of performing the same old exercises with minimal progress? Fear not, because you’re not alone. Many fitness enthusiasts struggle with achieving their dream arms, despite the countless hours spent in the gym. Luckily, the solution to your problem may be simpler than you think. With the use of resistance band overhead triceps extensions, you can target and engage your triceps from a different angle, leading to more significant gains. In this post, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to perform this exercise correctly and safely. Get ready to say goodbye to flabby arms and hello to toned triceps with resistance band overhead triceps extensions!

Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions Summary

Graphic image of a fit woman performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions Instructions

  • Anchor the resistance bands to a point down near the floor.
  • Stand pointing away from your anchor point with both band handles in your hands.
  • You want to start with your hands behind your head and your palms facing up.
  • Now push the handles directly over your head only bending at your elbows to utilize your triceps.
  • Squeeze and hold at the top for a brief moment.
  • Next return your arm to the starting position.
  • Repeat your tricep extensions for 8-12 reps.

Video Tutorial

Overhead Triceps Extensions with Resistance Bands

Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions Muscles

Target (Agonist)


  • None

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the resistance band overhead triceps extensions exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions

The resistance band overhead triceps extension is an effective exercise for targeting the triceps brachii muscle. This exercise involves extending the arms overhead while holding a resistance band in each hand and then slowly bringing the hands back down to chest level. This exercise is great for developing strength and stability in the triceps muscles, as well as improving overall shoulder and arm mobility. The resistance band overhead triceps extension is also an excellent way to improve posture, as it helps to strengthen the back muscles which support the spine. Additionally, this exercise is ideal for those with limited equipment, as it requires minimal space and can be done virtually anywhere.

Tips for Performing Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions

If you want to attain the best outcomes, implement these basic tips. Also, if you would like to prevent injuries, abide by these tips.

  • Use Multiple Bands To Help to Increase The Workout. When you are easily performing 12 or more reps every exercise, then you should to raise the level of resistance. You can either do this by elongating the band more at the start of the movement or by using more bands. The recommended technique is to add some more bands since it is readily repeatable to have the exact same resistance on each workout.
  • Focus On Your Breathing. For this and most exercises respiration is essential. You should certainly be exhaling out during your target muscle flexing and breathing in when your target muscles are extending.
  • Slow Every Repetition Down For Superior Strength Gains. By increasing the time under tension you are engaging your muscles longer and they will respond by gaining toned muscles. You can do this without raising the resistance by doing slow reps about 4 – 6 seconds flexing and pause then 4 – 6 seconds relaxing.

Benefits and Tips Video

Triceps Extension With Resistance Band – Your Exercise Solution (YES)

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You ought to keep from making these common mistakes to maintain solid form and reaching your goals. At the same time

  • Don’t have unmatched resistance on each side, because you will utilize both sides with an imbalance.
  • Don’t Allow Yourself To Cheat. In nearly all cases, cheating is employing momentum as a substitute for the strength of your agonist (target) muscle tissue. Once in a while, a little cheating on your final rep can be fine to overload your muscle, although not for more than a handful of reps.

Find More Resistance Band Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

If you’re looking for a change of pace or to increase the difficulty of your workout, try these variations, complementary, or alternative exercises. These exercises will still target the same muscle group as the Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions and will add some variety to your routine.

Resistance Band Anchored Tricep Kickbacks

Graphic image of Resistance Band Anchored Tricep Kickbacks.

Resistance Band Anchored Tricep Kickbacks provide a great alternative or complementary exercise to Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. The exercise works by anchoring the resistance band to a stable object such as a door handle or table leg and then looping the band around the back of your upper arm. From here, you can kick your arm back and squeeze your tricep before slowly returning to the starting position. This exercise is great for targeting the triceps and can be used to increase strength and endurance in the arms.

Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks

Graphic image of Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks.

Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks are a great complementary or alternative exercise for Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. The kickbacks work the triceps from a different angle, focusing on the lower triceps muscle. To perform the exercise, start by anchoring one end of the resistance band to a stationary object at chest height. Step back with one leg and hold the band in both hands while keeping your arms close to your sides. Keep your back straight and bend your elbows slightly as you kick your arms back until they are straight. This exercise will help to strengthen and tone the triceps muscles.

Resistance Band Push Downs

Graphic image of Resistance Band Push Downs.

Resistance Band Push Downs are an excellent alternative or complementary exercise for Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. The push down exercise is performed by holding the band with both hands and pushing it down towards the floor as you extend your elbows. This exercise will strengthen your triceps and work the same muscles as the overhead triceps extensions, but in a slightly different way. Resistance Band Push Downs also allow you to increase or decrease the resistance of the band, making it a great exercise for all levels of fitness.

Check Out These Top Resistance Band Exercises

Close Grip Push Up On Knees

Graphic image of Close Grip Push Up On Knees.

Close Grip Push Up On Knees is a great complementary or alternative exercise for the Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. It focuses on the same muscle group and is a great way to progress to doing full push ups. To perform this exercise, start in a kneeling position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your toes tucked under. Keeping your core tight, lower your chest towards the floor, then press back up and repeat. This exercise is a great way to build strength and stability in the triceps muscles, as well as strengthening the shoulders and chest.

Resistance Band Chest Press

Graphic image of Resistance Band Chest Press.

Resistance Band Chest Press is a great complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. The chest press targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders, while the triceps extensions target just the triceps. This makes the chest press a great way to increase overall upper body strength and muscle mass while still targeting the triceps. Additionally, the chest press can be done with a variety of resistance bands, allowing for a range of weights and levels of difficulty. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to work on their upper body strength.

Close Grip Push Up

Graphic image of Close Grip Push Up.

Close Grip Push Up is an effective complementary or alternative exercise for Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. This exercise targets the triceps muscles in the same way, but from a different angle. It also strengthens the chest and core muscles. To do a Close Grip Push Up, start in a high plank position with your hands placed slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body to the ground while keeping your elbows close to your sides, then push back up to the starting position. This exercise can be made more challenging by adding reps, increasing the speed of the exercise, or elevating your feet on a box or bench.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to achieve the best results and prevent overworking any one muscle group, it is important to include exercises that complement the Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. By incorporating exercises that target opposing muscle groups, you can create a balanced strength training program. Below are some exercises that work the opposite muscles as the Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions.

Cable Straight Bar Curls

Graphic image of Cable Straight Bar Curls.

Cable Straight Bar Curls are an excellent complementary exercise to Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions as they work the opposing muscle group. This exercise targets the biceps and works to improve the strength and definition of the arm muscles. By using a cable machine, this exercise can also be used to increase overall arm stability and balance. This combination of exercises helps to improve the overall strength and muscle definition of the arms, as well as providing an effective full body workout.

Resistance Band Hammer Curls

Graphic image of Resistance Band Hammer Curls.

Resistance Band Hammer Curls are the perfect complement to Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions as they target the opposing muscle group. Resistance Band Hammer Curls focus on strengthening the biceps, while Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions target the triceps. These two exercises together offer a great full-body workout and balance the body’s muscle groups. Resistance Band Hammer Curls are performed by gripping the resistance band with both hands, and then curling the arms up towards the shoulders while keeping the elbows close to the sides. This exercise is effective at increasing upper arm strength and size.

Resistance Band Reverse Grip Curls

Graphic image of Resistance Band Reverse Grip Curls.

Resistance Band Reverse Grip Curls are a great way to complement Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions, as they work the opposing muscle group. This exercise involves gripping the resistance band with an underhand grip and curling it towards the shoulder. This strengthens the biceps and forearms, which is the opposite muscle group of the triceps that are targeted in the Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extensions. By working both the triceps and biceps, you will create balanced strength and flexibility in your arms.

Build Stronger Arms with Resistance Band Triceps Extensions

Resistance band triceps extensions are a great way to build stronger and defined arms. By isolating and targeting your triceps, this exercise helps to tone and sculpt the back of your arms. Additionally, using a resistance band allows for a full range of motion and adds additional resistance as you extend your arms, increasing the overall effectiveness of the exercise. Incorporating resistance band triceps extensions into your arm workout routine can lead to noticeable improvements in strength and muscle definition over time.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Arms Resistance Band Exercises

Pin image for resistance band overhead triceps extensions post. With an image of a woman performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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