Resistance Band Upright Rows Easy Pulling Exercise For Your Shoulders

Do you struggle to build upper body strength without the use of heavy weights or expensive gym equipment? Are you tired of feeling limited in your at-home workouts? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many fitness enthusiasts face the same dilemma when it comes to building upper body strength. However, the solution you’ve been searching for may be simpler than you think! Resistance band upright rows are a highly effective exercise that targets the muscles in your shoulders, upper back and arms. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you’ll be on your way to achieving a stronger upper body without the need for heavy weights or expensive gym equipment. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about resistance band upright rows and how to incorporate them into your workout routine.

Resistance Band Upright Rows Summary

Graphic image of a fit woman performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Resistance Band Upright Rows Instructions

  • Setup for upright rows by holding the resistance band handles in both hands and laying the band on the floor. Next step on the band with at least one foot.
  • When standing up straight and your arms extended towards the ground, you want the band tight. You can wrap the band around your foot fro more tension.
  • Now perform the rows by pulling the band handles up to under your chin. To reduce shoulder stress, you can rotate your wrists up.
  • Once you have reached your maximum range of motion, pause.
  • Then slowly lower your arms back your side by allowing the bands to pull them down.
  • Repeat these upright rows for 8-12 reps.

Video Tutorial

Exercise of the Week - Resistance Band Upright Row

Resistance Band Upright Rows Muscles

Target (Agonist)


Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


  • Levator Scapulae
  • Trapezius – Upper

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the resistance band upright rows exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Resistance Band Upright Rows

Performing Resistance Band Upright Rows in a strength training or fitness routine can provide a great workout for the Deltoid – Lateral muscle. This exercise is an effective way to target the shoulder muscles, while also engaging the core and upper back muscles. It helps to strengthen and tone the shoulder muscles, improving overall shoulder stability and posture. Furthermore, it also helps to reduce shoulder pain, as well as improve shoulder mobility. The use of resistance bands allows for a greater range of motion, which helps to increase muscle activation and ultimately leads to better results in terms of muscle growth and strength gains.

Tips for Performing Resistance Band Upright Rows

In order for you to attain the most significant improvements, stick to these straightforward tips. Equally, if you want to reduce the likelihood of injuries, use these tips.

  • Complete The Proper Number Of Sets Along With Rest. Your goal, to begin with, might be to do 3 sets to near failure. Nevertheless, you can build up to 5 sets. If your muscle tissue isn’t fatigued at the conclusion of 3 – 5, something ought to change. Primarily you can increase the resistance to make each repetition tougher. Next, you can cut down on the rest time in between each set.
  • Concentrate On Inhaling And Exhaling. With this and most exercise movements respiration is very important. You have to be breathing out during the target muscle constriction and inhaling when your primary muscles are expanding.
  • Slow Every Repetition Down For Superior Strength Gains. By Raising the time under tension you are engaging your muscles longer and they will respond by developing toned muscles. You can achieve this without raising the resistance by slowing down you reps roughly 4 – 6 seconds constriction and pause then 4 – 6 seconds expanding.

Benefits and Tips Video

Upright Row Using Resistance Bands - Shoulder Exercise Using Exercise Bands

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

You have to keep from making these common mistakes to ensure solid form and reaching your goals. Additionally

  • Don’t have unmatched tension one each band, or you will strengthen both sides unevenly.
  • Don’t relax your abs. Flexing your abs protects your spinal column by maintaining your internal pressure.
  • Stop Yourself From Using Too Little or Too Much Resistance. Not enough, and you will not be adequately fatiguing your primary muscle, too much, and you’ll probably cheat. Be sure you can do between 8-12 reps with good form.

Find More Resistance Band Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

If you’re looking to switch up your routine and add variety to your Resistance Band Upright Rows, there are several variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that can provide a similar workout. Below is a list of exercises that work similar muscles as the Resistance Band Upright Rows.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Graphic image of Dumbbell Lateral Raise.

The dumbbell lateral raise is a great complementary or alternative exercise to the resistance band upright row. This exercise works the same muscles as the upright row and is great for those who want to work their shoulders, upper arms and trapezius muscles. To do the dumbbell lateral raise, hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, with your palms facing in. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells out to the sides and up until your arms are parallel to the floor. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, keeping tension in your shoulder muscles. This exercise helps to strengthen your deltoids and trapezius muscles and can be a great way to add variety to your workout routine.

Resistance Band One Arm Shoulder Press

Graphic image of Resistance Band One Arm Shoulder Press.

The Resistance Band One Arm Shoulder Press is a great complement to the Resistance Band Upright Rows exercise, as it works the same muscles while providing an additional challenge. This exercise is performed by holding a resistance band in one hand and pressing up and away from the body, as if doing a shoulder press. This variation targets the shoulders, triceps, and back muscles and also requires more core stability than the Upright Rows. Doing this exercise is great for improving posture, as it helps strengthen the muscles responsible for good posture. Additionally, this exercise is a great alternative to traditional weight lifting exercises, allowing you to build strength without putting strain on the joints.

Resistance Band Shoulder Press

Graphic image of Resistance Band Shoulder Press.

The Resistance Band Shoulder Press is a great complementary exercise to Resistance Band Upright Rows. It is a compound exercise that works the same muscles in the shoulders and upper back as the upright rows, while also targeting the core and chest muscles. The resistance band shoulder press can be done with one or two bands and is great for improving posture, shoulder stability, and balance. Additionally, it can be done anywhere without the need for weights or other equipment. This makes it a great alternative exercise for those looking to change up their routine or take their workouts outdoors.

Check Out These Top Resistance Band Exercises

Reverse Grip Bent Over Dumbbell Row

Graphic image of Reverse Grip Bent Over Dumbbell Row.

Reverse Grip Bent Over Dumbbell Row is an excellent alternative or complementary exercise for Resistance Band Upright Rows. This exercise targets the back muscles, specifically the lats and rhomboids, and is a great way to improve posture and upper body strength. To perform this exercise, begin by bending over with your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing towards you. Pull the dumbbells up towards your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body. Return to the starting position and repeat. This exercise will help build strength and stability in the back muscles, which is important for maintaining proper posture and overall upper body strength.

Resistance Band Lateral Raises

Graphic image of Resistance Band Lateral Raises.

Resistance Band Lateral Raises is a great complementary or alternative exercise to Resistance Band Upright Rows. This exercise works the same muscles as Upright Rows, but in a slightly different way. In Lateral Raises, you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a resistance band in each hand with your palms facing downwards. With your arms straight, lift the bands out to the side until they are level with your shoulders. Keeping your arms straight, slowly lower the bands back to the starting position. This exercise can help to build shoulder strength and stability and is an excellent way to strengthen the muscles used in Upright Rows.

Resistance Band Upright Rows

Graphic image of Resistance Band Upright Rows.

Resistance Band Upright Rows are a great exercise to target the shoulder muscles. It is a complementary or an alternative exercise to traditional barbell or dumbbell upright rows, as the resistance band allows for a greater range of motion and more dynamic movement. It works the same muscles as the traditional upright rows, but the use of the resistance band increases the challenge by forcing the user to resist the band’s elasticity. This makes it a great exercise for those looking for an extra challenge in their workouts. Additionally, this exercise is a great way to add variety to your workout routine.

Find More Shoulders Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

In order to maximize the benefits of the exercise Resistance Band Upright Rows, it is important to engage opposing muscle groups with complementary exercises. The following list of exercises will provide an effective balance and should be incorporated into your workout routine.

Resistance Band Chest Press

Graphic image of Resistance Band Chest Press.

The Resistance Band Chest Press is a great complement to the Resistance Band Upright Rows because it works the opposing muscle group. The Chest Press works your chest, triceps and shoulder muscles, while the Upright Rows work your back and biceps muscles. This type of superset helps to target all muscle groups in your upper body and is a great way to build strength and tone. Additionally, the use of resistance bands as opposed to weights allows for a more dynamic workout, as the bands add an extra challenge by providing resistance in different directions.

Resistance Band Push Ups

Graphic image of Resistance Band Push Ups.

Resistance Band Push Ups are a great complementary exercise to Resistance Band Upright Rows. Push Ups work the opposing muscle group of the chest and triceps which have been worked during the Upright Rows. Resistance Band Push Ups will strengthen and build the muscles of the back and shoulders, as well as providing an effective cardiovascular workout. This helps to ensure a full body workout and helps to prevent muscle imbalances.

Resistance Band Low Chest Flys

Graphic image of Resistance Band Low Chest Flys.

Resistance Band Low Chest Flys are the perfect complementary exercise to Resistance Band Upright Rows. This exercise targets the chest muscles in an opposing manner to Upright Rows, which focuses on the shoulder and upper arm muscles. By performing both exercises, the user can target both muscle groups in a balanced way, ensuring that the entire upper body is strengthened. The user should perform a set of Resistance Band Upright Rows followed by a set of Resistance Band Low Chest Flys to target each muscle group properly.

Level Up Your Upper Body Workout with Resistance Band Upright Rows

Resistance band upright rows are a great addition to any upper body workout. They are especially effective for targeting the shoulders, upper back, and arms. By incorporating resistance bands into your workout routine, you can increase the level of resistance and challenge your muscles in new ways. Upright rows also help to improve posture and overall upper body strength. It’s important to maintain proper form and control throughout the exercise to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness. Consider adding resistance band upright rows to your next upper body workout for a challenging and effective exercise.

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Shoulders Resistance Band Exercises

Pin image for resistance band upright rows post. With an image of a woman performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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