Barbell Lying Triceps Extension: Quick Exercise Tutorial

Are you tired of having weak and underdeveloped triceps? Do you struggle to find effective exercises to target this muscle group? Look no further than the barbell lying triceps extension. Many people experience difficulty building their triceps due to limited exercise options or improper form during workouts. However, by incorporating the barbell lying triceps extension into your routine with the correct technique, you can see significant improvement in your triceps strength and size. In this post, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions and tips for mastering the barbell lying triceps extension so you can achieve your triceps goals.

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension Summary

  • Primary Muscles: Triceps Brachii
  • Secondary Muscles: None
  • Equipment: Barbell and Bench
  • Mechanics Type: Isolation
  • Force: Push
  • Utility: Auxiliary
Graphic image of a fit man performing alternate cable triceps extensions.

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension Instructions

  • Begin by lying on a bench, or the ground.
  • Grab the barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Then, bring the barbell up above your chest with your arms straight.
  • Next, lock your upper arm and lower the bar down to in front of your face, by only bending at your elbows.
  • Finally, push the bar back up by straightening your arms and keeping your elbows still
  • Repeat for 8-12 reps to complete a full set.

Video Tutorial

How To Do The Lying Triceps Extension Exercise | Jim Stoppani, Ph.D.

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension Muscles

Target (Agonist)


  • None

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • None


Antagonist Stabilizers

  • None
Image of the skeletal muscular system with the muscles used in the barbell lying triceps extension exercise highlighted in red and the rest in blue.

Benefits of Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

The Barbell Lying Triceps Extension is an effective exercise for targeting the triceps brachii muscle. This exercise helps to increase strength and size of the triceps, while also providing a great source of muscular endurance. Additionally, it is a great way to improve stabilization and balance in the arms and shoulders, as well as to increase the overall range of motion. The Barbell Lying Triceps Extension can help to prevent injury and improve performance in other exercises, such as push-ups and pull-ups. Furthermore, it can help to improve posture by strengthening the back muscles. All of these benefits make the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension an essential part of any strength training or fitness routine.

Tips for Performing Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

As a great way to target your triceps, barbell lying triceps extension is an ideal exercise to add to your fitness routine. To ensure that you are performing this exercise correctly and to get the most out of it, there are some important tips to follow. Read on for more information.

  • Complete Power Sets. Is where you do a set of a couple of totally different exercises back to back. Generally, there are two main ways to perform power sets, primary is to target one muscle. The second is to focus on the opposite muscle.
  • Always Keep A Working Out Journal. You ought to have a journal of every single weight, sets, and repetitions. When you are brilliant you will likely note your rest intervals. Generally, there are a great deal of high-quality apps to use a record, or you may easily utilize a little notebook.
  • Focus On How You Breath. With this and most exercise movements, breathing is very important. You should be breathing out during your target muscle contraction and breathing in when your target muscle group is expanding.

Benefits and Tips Video

Lying Barbell or EZ Bar Triceps Extension

Frequent Mistakes To Avoid

When doing Barbell Lying Triceps Extension, it is important to follow the proper form and technique to get the most out of your exercise. However, it is also important to avoid common mistakes that can lead to injury or ineffective results. Below are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when doing Barbell Lying Triceps Extension.

  • You Must Not Perform The Exact Same Exercises Each Moment. Any time a person execute exactly the same exercise every workout ones muscle tissue is likely to be taught to undertake that individual physical exercise nicely, and you will peak a lot quicker.
  • Stop Trying To Cut A Warm-Up. getting the blood flowing to your Muscle tissue is the Fastest way to prevent personal injury.
  • It Is Best If You Don’t Neglect Your Cooldown. You will have longer recovery time and longer soreness if you skip your cooldown.

Find More Barbell Exercises Here

Variations and Complementary Exercises

For those who want to work their triceps in different ways, or who want to add variety to their workout routine, there are several variations, complementary, and alternative exercises that can be included. These exercises are great for targeting the triceps in different ways, and can help you get the most out of your workout.

Barbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Barbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension.

The Barbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension is an excellent complement to the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. This exercise involves extending the arms with a barbell overhead and lowering it slowly behind the head. This exercise works the triceps from a different angle than the lying triceps extension, and can be used as an alternative exercise for those who are unable to perform the lying triceps extension due to injury or limited range of motion. It also provides an added challenge as you must maintain balance and control as you move the barbell overhead.

Cable Concentration Extensions

Graphic image of Cable Concentration Extensions.

Cable Concentration Extensions are a great complementary or alternative exercise for the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. They provide the same motion, but with greater range of motion and control. This exercise targets the same muscle group, but with the cable providing constant tension throughout the movement, it is a great way to add variety to your workout. It also provides a great way to add resistance to your triceps without having to lift heavier weights. Cable Concentration Extensions can be performed standing or sitting, making them suitable for any fitness level.

Cable Overhead Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Cable Overhead Triceps Extension.

Cable Overhead Triceps Extension is a great complementary or alternative exercise for Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. This exercise is done with a cable machine, and it allows you to have more control over the weight and range of motion. You stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp a cable handle in both hands. You then extend your arms up over your head and slowly lower the handle behind your head. This exercise works your triceps from a different angle than the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension, which works them from the front. Doing both exercises will give you a well-rounded workout for your triceps.

Check Out These Top Barbell Exercises

Dumbbell One Arm Extension

Graphic image of Dumbbell One Arm Extension.

The Dumbbell One Arm Extension is an effective exercise for targeting the triceps. It is a complementary or alternative exercise for the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. The Dumbbell One Arm Extension is performed by standing with a dumbbell in one hand and slowly extending the arm up and out until the arm is fully extended. This exercise can be done with both arms at the same time, or alternating arms. It helps to target the triceps muscle more effectively than the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension as it allows for better range of motion and more control of the weight.

Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Graphic image of Dumbbell Triceps Extension.

The Dumbbell Triceps Extension is an excellent complementary or alternative exercise for the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. It targets the triceps muscles in a similar way, but the increased range of motion allows for a greater stretch and contraction of the muscle. The unilateral nature of the exercise also works each arm independently, allowing for greater focus on each side and the ability to address any strength imbalances. This makes it an ideal option for those looking to achieve maximum triceps development.

EZ Bar Decline Triceps Extension

Graphic image of EZ Bar Decline Triceps Extension.

The EZ Bar Decline Triceps Extension is a great alternative or complementary exercise to the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. This exercise specifically targets the triceps, while also involving the chest, shoulders, and core muscles. To perform the exercise, you will need an EZ bar and a decline bench. Begin by lying on the decline bench with your head lower than your feet and your arms extended above your head. Slowly lower the bar towards your forehead, allowing your elbows to flare out to the sides. Pause at the bottom before slowly pushing the bar back up and to its starting position. This exercise requires more balance and control than a standard Barbell Lying Triceps Extension, making it a great choice for those looking for a challenging variation.

Find More Arms Exercises Here

Opposing Complementary Exercises

The following exercises are designed to help strengthen the opposing muscles to those used in the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. Doing these exercises will help you to build a balanced physique while still getting the full benefits of the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. Additionally, you will be able to maximize your strength gains and improve your overall muscular endurance.

Barbell Drag Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Drag Curl.

The Barbell Drag Curl is an excellent complement to the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. It focuses on strengthening and building the bicep muscles, which are the opposing muscle group of the triceps. This exercise requires you to use a wide grip on the barbell and drag it up your body as you curl it up. Your elbows should stay close to your body throughout the exercise and your back should remain straight. This exercise will help you build strength and size in your biceps, which are essential for improving your triceps strength as well.

Barbell Preacher Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Preacher Curl.

The Barbell Preacher Curl is a great exercise to complement the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. By targeting the bicep muscles, the Barbell Preacher Curl is a great way to work the opposing muscle group to the triceps that are being worked in the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension. This exercise increases strength and size in the bicep muscles and also improves joint stability. It also helps to improve balance and posture, as it works both arms in unison. By combining the two exercises, an effective full-arm workout can be achieved.

Barbell Standing Close Grip Curl

Graphic image of Barbell Standing Close Grip Curl.

The Barbell Standing Close Grip Curl is a great exercise for targeting the biceps muscles. It is a perfect complement to the Barbell Lying Triceps Extension, as it targets the opposing muscle group. The curl works the biceps by using a close grip on the barbell and lifting it up to the chest. This exercise helps to build strength in the biceps, as well as increase muscular size. The Barbell Lying Triceps Extension works the triceps muscles in the back of the arm by extending the arms straight up using a barbell. Working these two opposing muscle groups together helps to improve overall arm strength and muscle tone.

Transform Your Triceps With Barbell Extensions

Transform your triceps with barbell extensions! They are a great addition to any triceps workout routine. Make sure to use proper form and start with a lighter weight before progressing to heavier ones. This exercise is perfect for targeting the back of your upper arms, which is often a difficult area to work. Plus, it can help increase your overall arm strength and give you that toned, muscular look you’re after. So next time you’re at the gym, give the barbell lying triceps extension a try and see the results for yourself!

References: Wikipedia | | | Comprehensive List of Arms Barbell Exercises

Pin image for barbell lying triceps extension post. With an image of a man performing the exercise on Top and a graphic of the exercise on the Bottom.

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