Your Ultimate Bodybuilding Exercise Database

Guides / Instructions / Demos / Tips / Mistakes and Videos

Welcome to the ultimate resource for bodybuilding exercises! Here you will find comprehensive databases of exercises targeted to specific equipment, specific muscle regions and primary target muscle. With a wide variety of exercises to choose from, you’ll be sure to find the perfect routine to help you achieve your fitness goals. So whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro, you’ll find the right exercises here to get you on your way to bodybuilding success!

Fit man and woman bodybuilders

Table of Contents

Benefits of Strength Training with Bodybuilding Exercises

    • 1. Improved Muscle Tone: Bodybuilding exercise can help improve the tone of your muscles, giving you a leaner, more defined look.

    • 2. Increased Strength: Bodybuilding exercise can help you become stronger and more powerful.

    • 3. Enhanced Flexibility: Bodybuilding exercises can help improve flexibility, which can make everyday activities easier.

    • 4. Improved Balance: Bodybuilding exercises can help you develop better balance, which can help prevent falls and injuries.

    • 5. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Bodybuilding exercises can help increase your cardiovascular endurance and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

    • 6. Improved Mental Health: Regular bodybuilding exercise can help reduce stress and improve your mental health.

    • 7. Boosted Self-Confidence: Regular bodybuilding exercise can give you a sense of accomplishment and increased self-confidence.

Exercises By Equipment

Exercises By Target Area








Skeletal Muscle Diagram

Graphic with all major skeletal muscles labeled on a muscular man.

Exercises By Primary Muscle

Band Front Raise: A Simple Exercise To Do Anywhere For Deltoids

Looking to tone your shoulders? The band front raise is a great exercise to add to your routine! This move targets the front of your shoulders and can easily be done at home or at the gym. Check out my blog post for a step-by-step guide and some pro tips. Let’s get those shoulders burning! #bandfrontraise #shoulderworkout #fitnessmotivation. Click here for the full post!

Band Front Raise: A Simple Exercise To Do Anywhere For Deltoids Read More »

Man Performing Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl: Great Form and Tips

Looking for a killer exercise to target your biceps? Look no further than the alternating dumbbell hammer preacher curl! This exercise isolates the biceps and forearms, giving them a serious burn. Check out my latest blog post for step-by-step instructions and proper form. Your biceps will thank you! #bicepsworkout #alternatingdumbbellhammerpreachercurl #fitnessblog Read More Now!

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl: Great Form and Tips Read More »

Alternate Shoulder Press With Bands: Great On The Go Exercise

Looking to switch up your shoulder workout routine? Try the alternate shoulder press with bands! This exercise targets your shoulders and improves stability. Check out my latest blog post for a step-by-step guide on how to do it and why it’s beneficial. Take your workout to the next level and give it a try! #shoulderworkout #fitness #alternateshoulderpresswithbands

Alternate Shoulder Press With Bands: Great On The Go Exercise Read More »

Graphic image of a fit woman performing 45 Degree One Leg Hyperextension.

45-Degree One Leg Hyperextension: Your Guide To An Advanced Exercise

Looking to strengthen your glutes and hammies? Try the 45 degree one leg hyperextension! This exercise is great for targeting those specific muscle groups to help improve overall lower body strength. Check out our blog post for a step-by-step guide on how to properly perform this exercise and incorporate it into your workout routine. Get ready to feel the burn! #hyperextension #lowerbodyworkout #gluteexercises

45-Degree One Leg Hyperextension: Your Guide To An Advanced Exercise Read More »

Goblet Sumo Squat: Develop Those Legs That You Can Show Off

Goblet Sumo Squat is the perfect exercise to help you get fit and feel fabulous. If you’ve been looking for a way to target your lower body and build muscle, then look no further. This exercise requires no equipment and is easy to learn, so even if you’re a beginner, you can do it. In this article, we’ll walk you through the instructions, benefits, muscles used, tips, and mistakes to avoid. So read on to find out how to master the Goblet sumo squat.

Goblet Sumo Squat: Develop Those Legs That You Can Show Off Read More »

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